
    Anti He-Man Origins – The Dark And Terrifying He Man’s Evil Counterpart Had Almost Conquered Eternia

    Hello and thank you for watching another magnificent video from Marvelous! We hope everything is going great for you and that you have been doing fantastic! Today, we will discuss one such figure who is not only genuinely evil but also He-opposite Man’s and one of his most formidable adversaries ever! Yes, we are discussing the one and only *drumroll* Anti-He-Man.

    Grab a cup of tea and some cookies, and make sure you stick around until the finish because today we will be learning everything there is to know about this figure.

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    Who is Anti He-Man? Everything you need to know

    Who is Anti He-Man Everything you need to know

    Since most of us were not even born, He-Man has been a reasonably well-known example of justice and might. He belonged to the DC Comics, which published a number of stories about him. His origin story is one of the most well-known in the DC Comics universe as a whole. Did you know that despite numerous first appearances and cameos in various comics, he also has a bad twin? Yes! We were even surprised to learn of such a character! He goes by the name Anti-He-Man. Well, I suppose I am glad that he exists at all to compete with He-Man.

    Although Anti-He-Man has a variety of origin tales, in general he is a black and red version of He-Man, who is nothing but pure evil and suffering. His persona has extremely dark skin that practically does not reflect light, red hair, and a few red accessories that look purely demonic. Anti-He-Man has been every one of them, from a sinister variation of He-Man to an entirely distinct monster.

    Anti-He-Man was a Master of the universe character. He was the master of Anti-Eternia. For those who do not know, Eternia is a planet located at the center of the Master of the Universe franchise, and He-Man is the master of the planet.

    Anti-Eternia was a hellish world located in the Universe of Darkness. Anti-He-Man, the ruler of this world, was absolutely undefeated in combat. He had the power just simply to raise his sword high up in the sky, and he could call upon the power of the Hell Grayskull. When Skeletor, the main antagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise, built a world converter and used it to open an interdimensional gate between the two realities, Anti-He-Man saw this opportunity and entered Eternia.

    Now you would think, “Oh my god, two villains doing the same thing with the same motives? They must have teamed up!” Well, this was not the case here, at the very least. As we mentioned earlier, Anti-He-Man was the embodiment of evil, and he worked with no one inferior to him; and according to him, no life form was worth his rivalry, with the exception of He-Man, of course. That is why Anti He-Man threw Skeletor out of Snake Mountain, instead of teaming up with him.

    Oh my god! Honestly, He-Man is a chad, but Anti He-Man is a Giga chad. Not only does he not accept help from someone who literally has the same motives as him, he even throws him off a freaking mountain, just because he can!

    Well, jokes aside, after this sudden betrayal, Anti He-Man soon came face to face with our very own He-Man! Both attacked the same way, had equal combat skills, and even talked in the same way! As we both know, both He-Man and Anti-He-Man were equally matched at first, but soon, Anti He-Man gained the upper hand.

    He had started beating up He-Man, throwing him into walls, and just as he was about to land his final strike, he suddenly vanished. He-Man, beaten up and confused, did not understand what happened, but then it was revealed that when Man-At-Arms and Skeletor destroyed the World Converter, the destruction of the machine sucked back everything which had passed through, including Anti He-Man.

    Fun Fact: Throughout Volume 2 of the Masters of the Universe comics, Anti-He-Man has been mentioned numerous times by the evil extradimensional Man-At-Arms, who had replaced the true one and taken over this place.

    Masters of the Universe, Anti He-Man parallel origins

    Masters of the Universe, Anti He-Man parallel origins

    As we all know, He-Man has an alter ego known as Prince Adam.

    In this storyline, the story is not much different. When Prince Adam dared to find the Power of Hell Grayskull and interacted with it, he was totally corrupted by the enormous power and was turned into his evil self, known as Anti He-Man. He used his newfound strength to overthrow his home world into Anti-Eternia.

    He-Man, we all know you have a lot of pride and ego, but come on, man. Are you happy now that you yourself are being used to destroy things you used to love? COME ON!

    After Anti He-Man went through the World Converter and, well… threw Skeletor off the mountain, he challenged He-Man to another battle and as expected, the battle went the exact same way. Anti-He-Man seemed to easily over power He-Man in battle, but was sucked back when Skeletor and Man-At-Arms destroyed the World Converter.

    After this, Anti He-Man was resentful of his inability to kill He-Man before, so he jumped at his next opportunity. He soon returned during the King He-Man’s reign and yet bravely challenged his parallel version to a battle to the death.

    During the ongoing battle, with both the participants equally challenged, a recently activated Faker attacked both of them. Agitated and feeling overpowered by his foes, Anti-He-Man pulled Faker through the Vortex and traveled back to Anti-Eternia. This three-way battle devastated the battleground, and the aftershocks devastated the swaths of the countryside.

    He seriously just never gets to go one-on-one with the one he wants to battle. So sad. Do not worry, the evil, darker version of He-Man, who just wants to take over the entire world, probably to reign terror. You will get your chance soon… hopefully.

    After Faker tried pulling a fast one on Anti He-Man, the latter showed him his place and forced a resentful Faker to only work for him and under his commands. Faker started posing as this world’s He-Man, and after he was accepted as an ally by Anti Keldor and his band of heroic rebels, he presented “He-Man,” aka Faker, with an enchanted battle Armour as a token of good will.

    Well, you see, Faker was originally created for the sole purpose of destroying every version of He-Man and only obeying Skeletor’s orders above all others, and because of this, Faker’s computer brain struggled to process the strange inverse world of Anti-Eternia and started to think that Anti-Keldor was none other than his true master, Skeletor. He obeyed everything Anti-Keldor said and promised to work under him till death. Thus, much to Anti He-Man’s surprise and outrage, Faker’s loyalties unexpectedly shifted when he used his Battle Armour to shield Anti-Keldor from a sneak attack by Anti Man-At-Arms and Anti Orko.

    Later on, when Faker received an interdimensional signal from Eternia, the heroic scientific genius known as Anti-Beast Man helped him return to his own world. After returning, all his senses returned back to normal, and he soon started serving under Skeletor once again; and even though he was working for Skeletor with full loyalty, he kept Anti-Keldor’s armor as a mark of respect. While all this went down, Anti-Keldor was told the true identity of Faker, and this shocked him to the core, because he never expected Faker to be an evil android made to kill He-Man, instead of being the legendary He-Man himself.

    This chapter really shows the contrast between evil and truly evil. Even though Faker was evil, he was working for good, while Anti He-Man was just pure evil, trying to destroy everything and take over the whole Universe.

    Masters of the Multiverse, DC Comics Series

    Masters of the Multiverse, DC Comics Series

    During the Masters of the Multiverse, DC Comics Series, Anti He-Man had gone completely crazy in the lust for power. He found a way to travel to different universes, and as he knew he was one of the strongest, he started going to different universes where he would challenge different variants of He-Man. He was so powerful that he would sometimes beat them in one blow, and this feat was easily one of the biggest ever accomplished in the comics! He started collecting each universe’s He-Man’s Power Sword and claiming the power of Grayskull from each universe for himself.

    He really went crazy, sheesh…

    Because of all this lust for power that kept on corrupting him more and more and more, Prince Adam literally became the darkness. He was unbeatable, and with many opponents going against him, the more power he stole, the stronger he got. He was soon confronted and countered by Adam of the 1987 film and the Tapper of Grayskull He-Man, who recruited the heroic Anti-Eternia prince Keldor to assist them in the pursuit of stopping Anti He-Man once and for all.

    Exploring the full comic book series Masters of the Multiverse by DC Comics

    Exploring the full comic book series Masters of the Multiverse by DC Comics

    It is finally the time for the comic book discussion! Till now, we were just talking about the basic storyline and plot, but now we get to the real fun part. Masters of the Multiverse is a 6-issue comic book that has been deemed as one of the best He-Man comic books ever! We will be going through the full issue 1 and telling you everything in minute details, so SPOILER WARNING! Let’s get right into issue 1 to Issue 1!

    Begging of the whole story

    Issue 1

    Issue 1

    The opening started off by showing He-Man’s number one enemy and the main antagonist of the comic universe, Skeletor! He was shown knocking at the door of Castle Grayskull. From inside the castle, Prince Adam and the other sorceress looked down upon Skeletor as he went warning them that if he got his hands on the power of Grayskull, he would end up embodying all knowledge in the universe and all of its energy.

    He demanded that if the sorceress did not open the jaw-bridge, he would unleash his moon of Cataclysm and, in turn, destroy the city of Eternos as it is! The ultimatum had been presented, either give Skeletor the power of Grayskull or watch King Randor and the rest of the kingdom burn down to the ground.

    The sorceress pleaded with prince Adam not to call upon He-Man to keep the secret of the sword safe, but Adam saw no other option than to call upon his alter ego in a time of need.

    He-Man wasted no time in confronting his arch enemy and told Skeletor that after all those years, all those artifacts and schemes and struggles of control, it all came down to this battle.

    Just as he was about to start the battle, someone very familiar appeared in the shadows. We soon were shown that he seemed to be some kind of a clone of He-man, who was pitch black with red hair. The imposter claimed that the energies which flew through He-Man would now be his forever.

    As He-Man got closer, he recognized the mysterious clone and exclaimed, “Hey, you are me!”

    The dark version of He-Man agreed with him and said, “all say that,” meaning that he had beaten different He-Man alternates in different universes. Man, that is full-on horror, especially for someone like He-Man, who is supposedly the strongest man in the universe!!

    He-Man attempted to spoil the imposter’s devious actions, but was too late, as the Sorceress inside the castle felt her powers weaken, because of the power of Grayskull leaving.

    In the background, the castle looked crumbling, and Skeletor’s body lay lifeless as the imposter stood tall and proud with two Power Swords.

    In the distance of space, Eternia, the heart of the universe, seemed to be in grave danger.

    Soon, the scene cuts to Prince Keldor, who was shown drawing graffiti for Beast man and Evil-Lyn. After a small quarrel, Keldor told Evil-Lyn that he was simply painting a picture of who he believed to be the real villain for the city.

    Soon a loud screech is heard outside, and everyone is shaken to their cores. At the palace, we were shown a zombified version of Teela being held back with chains by Triclops and TrapJaw. Triclops told King Randor about how they found her and that she had already eaten three of the villages. Prince Keldor, Evil-Lyn, Beastman, and Panthor had arrived.

    Soon the King and the Prince started quarreling, and Keldor ordered Teela’s release. This was a really smart move as this would end up helping in saving their Eternia!

    He wanted to save others from the same fate that the King’s family had faced. Soon the prince ordered Triclops and TrapJaw to drop Teela off somewhere Far away, but the evil version of Teela was in no hurry, as she yelled at the prince that she had been to the bowels of Hellskull and peered into the infinite universe and that in every single universe, it was Keldor who was ultimately the ultimate evil lord of destruction!

    She continued on with that the prince would soon be tested, and laughed it up as she finally said, “And all who know you will know the face of death.”

    With the Prince feeling restless and confused, Evil-Lyn tried consoling him by saying that the evil version of Teela was absolutely bonkers and had no idea what she was saying.

    Keldor got up and looked at himself in the mirror and soon started to blame the Evil He-Man for destroying his family and kingdom.

    Soon Keldor was ambushed by a pint-sized He-Man. This He-Man stood over the Prince and told him not to make a move and warned him that he might have already lost his thunder punch, but he still had his easter special. I really get why this comic was so loved now… Not only did they introduce different He-Men, but they are all a tad bit different from each other as well!

    Now, in the Classic He-Man stories, which we grew up with, things were weird already, but this sure takes the cake!

    Soon the Movie version of He-Man, YES, THAT IS RIGHT, the movie version of He-Man, showed up with the Cosmic Key. Perplexed by what was going on, Keldor demanded that one of these He-Men explain exactly what the hell was going on.

    Once the 1987 movie He-Man fired up the Cosmic Key and let the magical device tell the story.

    We soon learned that even though Eternia might have been the center of this universe, there were thousands of millions of universes, and Prince Keldor’s enemy He-Man had found a way to travel through these universes and attacked other He-Man variants, stealing their powers and the powers of these castles, which mostly left all the other He-Men dead. His main objective was to capture the power prime, the source that fed the power to all of Grayskull in the multiverse.

    Honestly, this story is kind of on par with the recent Marvel movie, which I am not going to call out, but this sure has more madness than that movie… And honestly, it has definitely been a long time since we saw He-Man in a comic as well, so why not release a new chapter about him sometime soon…?

    After this revelation, Movie He-Man then explained to Prince Keldor that in all other universes, He-man was the champion of good, but for some reason, the He-Man in Prince Keldor’s universe was the only one known for being evil and was labeled as the Anti-He-Man.

    Easter bunny He-Man told Prince Keldor that he had come for him, because he was the only one strong enough to go up against Anti He-Man, but Keldor shrugged it off, saying his magic was so weak that it was barely usable for pranks and that he could never beat Anti He-Man. Movie He-Man fired up the key once again, making Gwildor appear!

    Now, for those of you who do not know this, Prince Keldor, in a lot of He-Man mythology, actually ends up becoming Skeletor, and that is what Gwildor’s idea was here. We know He-Man can take care of Skeletor with no problem, but he figured that Prince Keldor could become Skeletor and beat Anti He-Man. Soon, in the hologram, Anti He-Man attacked Gwildor, and the Prince told Movie He-Man that he would go with them through the universe.

    Soon, they traveled through the universe and were attacked by mutants! However, here on the last page, we were shown a battle going on in outer space, and it looked like in issue 2, the battle was set to take place on the starship Eternia!

    Anti He-Man, and what makes him so deadly?

    Anti He-Man, and what makes him so deadly

    As we all saw that Anti He-Man is seriously the definition of Over Powered, as he is literally He-Man… but did you know he has other powers as well?

    Not only does he have multiplied strength, but he also does not seem to age, nor does he seem to get tired as easily as any of his other variants. Plus, he also has the superhuman powers of He-Man and multiple Power Swords, which he can use whenever he needs to. Plus, he also has multiplied powers of Grayskull, which literally makes him one of the strongest beings to ever exist.

    Like, just try and imagine, he beat the first He-Man he faced with minimal power, and now he has defeated millions of them and absorbed ALL OF THEIR POWERS. My dude’s strong as hell!

    Anti He-Man is the perfect representation of what would happen if the heroes decided to become villains, and it is honestly one of the scariest takes ever!



    Anti-He-Man is clearly the strongest foe of He-Man and honestly is super underrated. We understand that if they kept on bringing him back over and over again, the character’s depth would be lost, but we think it is time to give him a new comic series and MAYBE A live-action… just Maybe??? Whatever happens, all we can say is that we should be glad that He-man and Skeletor are still there, or else there’s basically no one strong enough to beat Anti He-Man, and that is just facts!

    If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and comment on your favorite character from this series. We will see you again in the next video. Till then, “I HAVE GOT THE POWER.”*in He-Man’s voice*

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