
    Darren Lynn Bousman Oaths To Create New Leprechaun Film With Warwick Davis

    Darren Lynn Bousman wants to remake Leprechaun. Bousman says he desires to see Warwick Davis back in the role and bring him back to the old west.

    What did Darren Lynn Bousman say?

    Darren Lynn Bousman explained what he loves about the Leprechaun franchise. According to him, they are ludicrous, they’re amusing. They’re ferocious. It’s a flawless popcorn horror film, it’s not annoying to be uber-serious. It’s not trying to be uber-frightening. It is just an entertaining time. He thinks that he misses those types of films that are just fun. He loves the Midsommars and the Hereditary, The Witch. Those are his favorite types of films. They’re not entertaining. He wants those films like Final Destinations, where people are high-fiving in the theatre, they are laughing. He thinks Leprechaun kind of symbolizes that, the more they went on, they became more absurd. Written and directed by Mark Jones, the film is rated R for horror ferocity, and language. Jennifer Aniston stars in it with Warwick Davis as the title rogue.

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    Dan O’Grady snips 100 gold coins from Warwick Davis while on holiday in Ireland. Davis trails him home, but Dan locks the fatal midget in a banger, held at bay by a four-leaf clover. After ten years, J.D. Redding and his daughter, Tory rental O’Grady’s possessions for the summer. When their new neighbours unintentionally release Davis, he serves on a lethal riot to regain his gold.

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