This horror franchise blends horror, dark fantasy, sci-fi, and comedy into a perfectly entertaining set of 5 movies. It is about a group of small flurry carnivorous aliens called Krites. Krites have the ability to roll into a ball and travel across landscapes causing massive destruction.<\/p>\n
The first two movies deal with bounty hunters that come from outer space to hunt these monsters on Earth. The following two films were based in a city and in a space station, respectively, but the crux of the matter remained more or less the same.<\/p>\n
Director Stephen Herek post the film\u2019s release in 1986 was plagued by allegations of it being a rip-off of the Gremlin which was denied by the director citing that the script for Critters was written prior Gremlins going in for production.<\/p>\n
The low-budget but rib-tickling sci-fi horror grabbed the attention of the fans leaving them wanting more. The blend of the cheesiness of the 80s horror, with some decent effects, and intimidating-looking aliens in their own rights was a winning combo. The cast comprising the likes of M. Emmet Walsh, Billy Zane, and Dee Wallace put up an expectedly good performance.<\/p>\n
It was also hilarious that the nasty creatures even had their own language, and this film shows some of their bizarre sides to the audience. The first four movies came within four years of each other, but the last one, titled Critters Attack released recently in 2020.<\/p>\n
The original is obviously the best one, but the others were also decent efforts and often had something new to offer. In Critters 3, Leonardo Di Caprio worked in his first-ever film role, and throughout the franchise, the Critters remain the same crazy hungry monsters! <\/p>\n