It is a well-known truth that Predators, also known as Yautjas, are one of the most vicious and deadly fictional hunters that cinema has to offer. What began as a 1987 film has now extended to include comic books, video games, novels, and more. Yautjas, also known as Predators, are apex hunters from the planet Yautja Prime, which is located in the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
These hunters hunt to live and live to hunt. The more the honor, the deadlier the prey. Naturally, they would not attack unarmed or unworthy prey because doing so would transform them into Bad Blood Predators, who are regarded as a disgrace to their society. In this video, we will look at the 99 most terrifying Predators from movies, video games, and comic books.
We will cover the majority of them from practically all sources, but we will leave a couple out. This is going to be a fascinating video that all fans of the franchise should watch. Let us get started without further ado.
Predators Featured in Movies
Predator (1987)
Jungle Hunter
The Jungle Hunter arrived on Earth a few years before 1987 to hunt for worthy prey in the Guatemalan jungles. He would especially arrive on Earth during hot summer months and make trophies out of men; it earned him the title of El Diablo. He is most notable for stalking and killing several personnel of the American military and also the members of an elite mercenary group led by Dutch Schaefer. Eventually, the jungle hunter came face to face with Dutch. The Jungle Hunter was an honorable Yautja who played by the rules. Upon noticing that Dutch was a brave and ingenuine fighter, the Predator threw away his weapons and engaged in close-quarters combat with Dutch. But even without the weapons that the Predator was using, Dutch proved to be far less than a match for the Predator, a solid and colossal master hunter. But Dutch used his military knowledge to set traps for the Predator, and in the end, it was one of these traps that mortally wounded the alien. However, even when he remained pinned and crushed, the Predator took one last chance to kill his conquerer by activating the self-destruct device. It was because of Dutch’s remarkable fighting skills that humanity was seen as a more formidable and respectable prey by the Yautja society, and subsequently, this newfound respect made the City Hunter arrive on Earth.
Predator 2 (1990)
City Hunter
The City Hunter arrived in the sweltering summer to Los Angeles and started to massacre the trigger happy criminals of the city, and was dubbed the psycho vigilante by the people. He took a keen interest in one Detective Harrigan from the beginning as he witnessed Harrigan use his wits to outsmart and kill several of the gun-slinging criminals. The Jungle Hunter took down several Jamaican gang members and later killed others like Detective Danny, King Willie, Jerry Lambert, Peter Keyes, and most of his team. In the end, the Predator found itself fighting a heavily armed Harrigan.
The fighting and struggle soon reached the roof of a building. The City Hunter attempted to use his self-destruct device to end Harrigan once and for all, but the cop used one of Predator’s weapons to slice the wrist gauntlet, effectively disabling the device and severing the City Hunter’s arm. The City Hunter then fell into a nearby apartment, where it administered itself with emergency first aid using the Medicomp and then continued the chase in the underground tunnels.
In the climax, the two of them met in the City Hunter’s mothership, where hand-to-hand combat took place between them. After almost losing his life to the Predator, Harrigan managed to slice open the City Hunter’s stomach. After this, the City Hunter’s clan members came to collect his body and gave Harrigan a flintlock pistol as a mark of respect and honor. It was interesting to see that Harrigan used the Predator’s own weapons against him, which was in stark contrast to the first film.
Now, let us take a look at the Predators who had come to retrieve the City Hunter’s corpse.
Scout was born on a harsh and isolated island in the Yautja homeworld, also called Yautja Prime. Scout was also named the Lost Hunter, and he was among the many Predators who had come to take their fallen warrior, the City Hunter. Measuring more than 7 feet in height, he had blue eyes and black hair. Scout comes from an extremely rare subspecies of Yautjas, and his island is famous for breeding many long-range hunters and experienced poachers. His island’s climate makes him a hardy Yautja.
Like other members of the City Hunter’s Clan, Borg was also absent from most of the action of the second Predator film but later came to take his comrade’s corpse. At some point in life and after the events that unfolded in Los Angeles, two Bad Blood Predators named Lasershot and Spiked Tail tricked him into carrying out a heist. They stole pieces of high-end technology that allowed a Mother Ship to travel farther distances across the length and breadth of the galaxy.
For this action, Borg was charged with theft and held as an accomplice of the Bad Bloods. Naturally, the High Council dispatched Enforcer Predators to apprehend Borg and the others. Borg realized that the only way he could survive and continue to hunt was by remaining with the Rogue Space Tribe, so he reluctantly joined hands with them and fought and stole alongside them, killing multitudes of inorganic beings in the process. Although he had no trust in his new clanmates, this was the only reasonable choice that he had.
Boar also comes from a rare subspecies of the Yautja and was born on a remote island on Yautja Prime. When Boar was just a juvenile, his entire Clan was wiped out by a rival clan. It was only Boar and his brother who survived the attack, and they resorted to stealing in order to survive. At one point in time, they attempted to steal from Greyback, the Elder Predator. This could have been the end of Boar and his brother, but instead of punishing them, he adopted the two young Predators and made them become a part of his Clan.
Greyback or the Golden Predator was an Elder Predator who came to Earth twice, first as a hunter and then as an Elder overseeing the Los Angeles Hunting party and especially the City Hunter Predator. At the end of Predator 2, Greyback gives Harrigan a flintlock pistol with the engraving ‘Raphael Adolini 1715.’ As a young Yautja, Greyback had come to Earth in 1718 to hunt humans. In 1718, a pirate captain named Raphael Adolini would lead his men into plundering ships and boats, but he lived by a strong code of not looting the church property.
But Adolini and his men came into a conflict when the latter expressed their wish to steal gold that belonged to the church. Adolini was a pirate, but an honorable one at that. To save his honor, he fought against his own men. Greyback saw all this from a distance and, impressed by Adolini’s courage, fought alongside Adolini. Together they eliminated the entire crew, and when it was time to fight each other, one of the pirates killed Adolini.
The ultimate fight for honor could not take place, and while breathing his last, Adolini gave his pistol to Greyback and said the words ‘take it.’ In turn, Greyback Adolini took his pistol and repeated the same words. When Greyback met Harrigan, he found a man who truly deserved to have the pistol.
Stalker, Guardian, Warrior, Shaman, Snake
Apart from the Predators mentioned above, these five Predators were also present in the Mother Ship that came to receive the City Hunter Predator. Not much is known about the backstories of these Predators, but we have some exciting trivia here for you.
If you’ll notice, Stalker’s bio helmet is very similar to that of Boars, and this earned him the title of Baby Boar. The bio-helmet that Guardian wears was actually the one originally designed for the Jungle Hunter Predator, but the design was rejected back then, and it was reused for Guardian. Also, Guardian’s Plasmacaster is placed on his right shoulder, while the other Predators have it on their left shoulders. Predators are known to have reptilian skin, much like that of crocs. However, Warrior’s skin has some interesting light blue patterns.
Borg is one of the few Predators who doesn’t wield a bio-helmet in his first appearance. The snake was the elder brother of a vicious Yautja named Viper, who was also the leader of the Serpent Clan. Did you know that several players from Los Angeles Lakers played the parts of the hunting party? It was getting really difficult to get hold of tall people to play the several Predators, so when the need arose, Danny Glover asked players from his favorite team, Los Angeles Lakers, to do the honors, and they happily agreed.
Alien vs. Predator (2004)
The scar appeared in the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator and is also called the Alien Hunter. He was a Young Blood Predator who came to Earth with his brothers Chopper and Celtic to participate in a blooding ritual in an ancient pyramid buried under ice on Bouvet Island. For those of you who don’t know, a blooding ritual or an initiation hunt is a hunt where young Predators are to slay a Xenomorph and mark their heads with the acidic blood of the Xenomorphs. This is more of a coming of age ceremony, and the Predators who succeed are considered adults from that point. While Scar was the youngest of his brothers Celtic and Chopper, he was also the smartest among them. In the film, he was the only one who successfully killed a Xenomorph and got Blooded.
In fact, he killed many Xenomorphs, including the Queen Xenomorph, with the help of Lex Woods. But in the end, however, Scar was mortally wounded by the Queen, and he died soon after. But before that, he was impregnated by a Face Hugger and became the host to a Predalien that would go on to terrorize the town of Gunnison in Colorado. As a Predator, Scar fought differently than his brothers; instead of relying on his size, he used smartness and tactics when in battle. Like most Predators, Scar strictly abided by the Yautja Code of Honor, but he also displayed a sense of humor.
Chopper was the middle one of the three Predator Brothers who had come to Bouvet Island. The three Predators entered the pyramid to start their rite of passage hunt but soon discovered that their Plasma Casters had been stolen from them by the members of the Weyland Industries expedition. After this, they split up to recover their weapons. Chopper got very close to killing Lex Woods, but he didn’t notice that Grid, the Xenomorph was behind him.
Grid ambushed him and impaled Chopper with the tail before lifting him up in the air. Chopper’s life ended when Grid used its Headbite on him. Interestingly enough, this made Chopper the first Predator to be killed on-screen and also the first Headbite victim. His name comes from his arm-mounted Scimitars that are longer than the Wristblades of Celtic and Scar. In one of the scenes, we notice that Chopper had human skulls in his possession; this indicates that he had been to Earth even before the events of the film. Despite being the most careless of the three brothers, his expertise and skills with his Scimitars were unmatchable. He was inherently fascinated by humans and their highly destructive nature.
After splitting up to find their stolen weapons, Celtic caught up with several survivors and attacked them. He trapped Stafford using his net gun and then impaled the man with his Combistick. When Sebastian de Rosa tried to attack Celtic, the unfortunate human faced the same fate as Stafford. But then Celtic saw his younger brother being attacked by the Xenomorph Drone Grid, he charged at it. In a bloody and gruesomely long battle, Celtic managed to subdue the alien for a moment with his net gun and also slashed the Xenomorph’s tail blade, but Grid managed to free itself out of it just when Celtic was about to finish off Grid with his dagger. Celtic died an honorable death when Grid finished him off with a Headbite.
Elder Predator
The Elder Predator was the overseer of the hunt that Scar, Chopper, and Celtic were a part of at the Razorback Point Whaling Station in the Antarctic, and also Predator commanded the mother ship that brought the young blood Yautjas to Earth. It was customary for the elder Predators only to watch the hunt from a distance and wait for the outcome and the victorious in the Yautja ship. Now, we mentioned in an earlier entry that Scar had defeated the Xenomorph Queen with the help of Lex, but he ultimately succumbed to the injuries that he received from the Queen. The Elder Predator came with other Predators to collect Scar’s body. The Elder Predator gave Scar’s combi stick to Lex because of the courage and dedication that the human had shown; after this, he left in his ship.
Aliens Vs. Predator – Requiem (2007)
Bull was one of the Predators of the ship that was carrying Scar’s body. Unbeknownst to him, a Predalien Chest Buster was growing inside Scar. The grotesque figure came out of Scar as a Predalien and soon matured. Bull was busy observing the holographic image of another planet when he heard his fellow Yautja’s cries. Bull attempted to slay the Predalien with his plasma caster but missed the mark and created a hole in the ship, making it crash-land on Earth in Gunnison. Although the Earth Predalien killed Bull, it was not before Bull sent out a distress signal. Wolf then picked up the distress signal and came to Earth to stop the Predalien and the Xenomorph infestation.
Wolf (Earth)
When the Yautja society has to take out one of their own rogue ones or abominations like Predaliens, they send Elite Yautjas like Wolf. A mark of his expertise and accomplishment was the burnt upper mandible of his right side. When the Predalien came out of Scar’s body and started wreaking havoc along with other Xenomorphs, Wolf was the one who came from Yautja Prime to Earth to take care of the situation. Wolf discovered that it was all the doing of a Predalien and went after it. Due to his experience as a Yautja, he had a wide variety of weapons at his disposal.
His objective on Earth was two-fold, first, to destroy all Yautja tech, and second, to slay the abomination and the Xenomorphs. After chasing his enemies throughout the town of Gunnison, Wolf finally managed to overpower the Predalien, but the Predalien injured Wolf, leading to a standoff. In the end, the US government sent a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor loaded with a nuke, which was the end of two of nature’s prime hunters.
Predators (2010)
Also called Super Black or Mr. Black, Berserker was a Super Predator and the leader of the Super Predator Clan. As the name suggests, Super Predators are considerably larger, stronger, and possess better weaponry than the regular Predators. Also, the Super Predators have an ancient rivalry with the Jungle Hunter Clan. Along with Berserker, other Super Predators would abduct several organisms from various planets, including humans, and kept them as Game in the Game Preserve Planet.
As a young Predator, Berserker was a prodigy of sorts and was the youngest Yautja to become a Young Blood and slay a Xenomorph. He quickly rose in ranks and soon left the Clan he belonged to so that he could start his own Clan. Berserker’s Clan included other Super Predators like Falconer and Tracker. Berserker was a fairly intelligent Predator and used several tactics to get his prey. However, one of the abductees named Royce decapitated Berserker with a bone ax. He also appeared in a video game named Predators, which was released close to the release of the 2010 film of the same name.
Crucified Predator
The Crucified Predator was also found on the Game Preserve Planet along with other abductees. He was captured by the Super Predators and tied to a totem-like structure. Later the humans from the game park came across him while he was in a painful state. The humans initially thought that the Crucified Predator was at least dying, if not already dead. However, he was soon awakened and let out a roar that shocked and scared the humans. When the Super Predators started attacking the humans, Royce decided to strike a deal with the Crucified Predator—freedom in exchange for helping him and the other humans to return home.
“My guess, it’d do just about anything to get free. Enemy of my enemy…”
“That doesn’t make it a friend.”
―Royce and Isabelle, regarding the Crucified Predator
The humans tried to make it out of there with the Crucified Predator at their side, but Berserker appeared at the scene, and a fierce battle between Crucified Predator and Berserker ensued. In the end, Berserker came out victorious and alive, and that was the end of the Crucified Predator.
Tracker was an unsociable loner who liked to spend most of his time training his hell hounds. He would use his hounds to track and flush out the prey. Tracker and his clanmates had captured various humans for the season’s game. He located the humans at a particular corner of the planet and ordered his beasts to attack them to learn how what their reaction was going to be. After the humans came inside the hunting camp, they found the Crucified Predator and Tracker who, along with Berserker, opened fire on the humans. In the end, he came into confrontation with a man named Nikolai, whom he shot with his Plasma Cannon. The tracker then went on to impale Nikolai in the chest, but Nikolai pulled out two claymore mines and set the charge, killing himself and the Super Predator.
Falconer was another Super Predator from the Game Preserve Planet who had an aptitude and love for engineering and technology. It is evident that all Predators use gadgets, but their appearance looks somewhat tribal, like spears and sticks. However, Falconer did not believe in these primordial-looking and traditional pieces of technology and rather in his own creations and innovations. He had built himself a falcon-like device and used it to stalk and hunt his prey. After losing his clanmate Tracker to the humans, he lost his cool and remained in hot pursuit of the rest of the humans. In the end, a man named Hanzo decided to fight with honor and stopped fleeing from Falconer. In an interesting duel, it was Hanzo and his Katana against Falconer and his wrist blades. Although Hanzo fatally wounded Falconer, he himself sustained quite a few injuries and ultimately succumbed to them.
The Predator (2018)
Fugitive Predator
The Fugitive Predator had come to Earth to provide humans with a weapon called the Yautja Killer. It is unknown as to why exactly he did so because it is forbidden in the Yautja society to provide anyone with their tech. He was a hybrid between a human and a Yautja and was captured as a part of Project Stargazer. Upon capture, Quinn McKenna stole much of his technology. He was temporarily captured and was taken to be studied, but he managed to escape by killing many scientists and armed personnel on his way out and then went on to hunt his missing pieces of technology. Possibly because of his hybridization, he could use human technology and weapons.
After retrieving part of his weaponry, he started his journey to find McKenna’s son Rory, who had the rest of his stuff. When he finally managed to pin down Rory and his father, he was met by the Upgrade Predator, who was another hulking, hybrid monstrosity and the Fugitive Predator’s archenemy. In the end, the Upgrade Predator kills the Fugitive.
Upgrade Predator
When the Fugitive Predator came to Earth to provide humans with elite technology, the Upgrade Predator came to stop the Fugitive. He was a genetically modified Yautja and also the archenemy of the Fugitive. Naturally, his only goal was to take down the Fugitive before it was too late. In the end, however, Quinn McKenna managed to kill the uber-powerful Upgrade Predator by shooting the Upgrade’s leg with a wrist gauntlet and finally ending his time on Earth by firing several shots to the head.
So as we said earlier, the Upgrade Predator was a result of splicing the DNA of several powerful creatures from around the world; this gave him heightened and newer abilities and powers. However, the base DNA remained that of a Yautja’s. He was more than 11 feet in height and could throw around regular Predators like rag dolls. Furthermore, he could manipulate the structure of his body to transform it into tough armor. He didn’t even need a bio-helmet to use his thermal vision. It is possible that the Yautja community gave birth to this hybridized monstrosity to create a super-hunter for rogues like the Fugitive Predator.
Predators featured in Games
The Predators featured in the games are both novel and grotesque; they continue to retain the ferocity that the Predators in the films had.
Aliens versus Predator 2 (2001)
Prince was introduced as the Predator Protagonist in the 2001 game. It seems that he was a high-ranking Predator because other Predators in the game knelt before him. Prince arrived on LV 1201 along with his clanmates after they received a signal from an Ancient Predator. Prince was majorly after a former colonial marine named Vassili Rykov. He had once chased and injured Rykov in 2211, but Rykov had survived. Nineteen years later, in 2230, Prince faced Rykov once again but initially got captured and lost his weapons Rykov. Nevertheless, Prince managed to escape and killed Rykov in a one-on-one fight. Prince is one of the most successful Yautjas in creation because he not only killed Rykov in his Exosuit but also killed a Queen, three Praetorians, and two Predaliens.
Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt (2002)
Ancient Predator (LV-1201)
The Ancient Predator had come to LV 1201 in 1730 to hunt down his prey. Here he and his Clan encountered several vicious organisms, but soon enough, they discovered Xenomorphs on LV 1201. He followed the Xenomorphs to their hive and found an ancient artifact developed by the Engineers that had the power to repel Xenomorphs. One day, however, the artifact got powered down, and Xenomorphs ravaged the place.
Despite fixing the Xenomorph repeller and restoring its power, he got attacked by a face-hugger, but before the Predalien chest buster could eject out of his body, he and the facehugger got caught in a stasis field that was keeping the Xenomorph eggs from hatching. He awakens from his slumber because of humans and manages to send a distress signal to other Predators. But in the end, the Predalien chest buster that was inside him burst out from his chest, rupturing his ribs.
Aliens versus Predator: Extinction (2003)
Disc Master
The Disc Master appeared in Aliens versus Predator: Extinction and AVP: Evolution, and he specializes in disc combat. A Disc Master looks like a regular Yautja with an armored body but possesses Smart Discs and skulls stuck on sticks that emerge from its back. As far as its power and abilities are concerned, the disc master uses his smart disks to defend and attack enemies. As the Disc Master Predator gets upgraded, he starts to get more discs at his disposal, and these discs cause more damage than others because they stay inside the enemy’s body for a while, ripping it from the inside.
Ancient Nuke Carrier
The Ancient Nuke Carrier was a member of the Council of Ancients that had settled on LV 742 so that they could conduct trials to get successors. The Council of Ancients discovered that one Dr. Samuel Kadinsky had created the ultimate abomination in the form of a Predalien Queen. They concluded that this ultimate offense needed to be eliminated at once, and the hive shall be destroyed and purified. In the face of this new challenge, the Ancient Nuke Carrier was tasked with performing the Purification Ritual by detonating a nuke at the center of the hive. He successfully achieved his objective but lost his life in the process.
The Blazer Predator appeared in Aliens versus Predator: Extinction and AVP: The Hunt Begins. The Blazer wore an armor called the Military Supremacy Armor, which was almost immune to fire, acid, and most forms of ammunition. The Blazer also had a specialized Plasmacaster on its back which was used for burning enemies alive. The Blazer was called in to capture an escaped Xenomorph Queen, and its re-capture was seeming impossible. The Blazer Predator gets his name from the weapon it carries, which is also called a Blazer.
The Brawler is essentially a title and rank that few members of the Yautja society hold. Brawlers have great speed, strength, and stamina and can serve both as vicious front-line fighters and tireless scouts. These skills have earned the brawlers great respect, and they can take down almost any enemy at close range. Enough training allows the Brawlers the ability to throw a relentless stream of cleaving blows on the opponent. A Brawler’s reflexes are fast enough to strike away a leaping face-hugger mid-flight. Skilled and experienced Brawlers can launch a glory strike attack, and it causes massive damage to the enemy.
Spear Master
Predators gain the title of a Spear Master only when they achieve enough skills with the use of a Combistaff. They are known for their superior mental focus, combat agility, and dedication to their tasks. They can keep enemies at bay for indefinite periods because the Combistaff gives them enough room and kill radius. A whirlwind maneuver can knock several enemies down simultaneously, but then this attack doesn’t deal enough damage when used against bigger enemies like Predaliens or Praetorians. With training, a Spear Master can enhance his attack style, just like a Brawler.
Hunter (Title)
A Hunter was a title and rank, just like Spear Master or Brawler. Hunters can attack the prey from long distances, which makes them lone rangers of sorts. However, they can also lead to an attack from the front lines. In this capacity, they provide huge fire support. Their vision mode comes in handy when they have to attack targets that are beyond the field of vision.
Predator: Concrete Jungle (2005)
Scarface was also called the New Way Devil and was a Predator from the Dark Blade Clan. He came to the New Way City in the year 1930 and began his massacre. Although Scarface was an excellent and experienced warrior, his hunt was mostly a failure and resulted in his technology falling into the hands of a few humans. Naturally, he was banished from his Clan because he brought disgrace to the Yautja community. But Scarface couldn’t live with this shame, and he struck the New Way City, now called Neonopolis, once again a century later so that he could retrieve his stolen technology, regain his honor, and redeem himself. Scarface massacred several members of street gangs who had used the advanced Yautja technology to create several weapons. In the end, he took his revenge by slaughtering those who were responsible for the misuse of his weapons, chiefly Hunter Borgia. Scarface was tasked with destroying the Borgia dynasty by an Elder Predator, but that’s about all the work he had in the game.
Swift Knife, Stone Heart, Long Spear
Swift Knife was a smaller Predator than Scarface, he didn’t wear any armor, and even his dreadlocks had been sheared off. Swift Knife also belonged to the Dark Blade Clan and was brainwashed by Borgia’s people, who turned him into a cyborg. Hunter Borgia and the Monster Squad attacked Swift Knife and his clanmates Stone Heart and Long Spear when they had come to Neonopolis to hunt prey.
All three of them were incapacitated and cornered by Borgia’s people. Later at Borgia Industries, they were provided with cybernetic parts before being tortured. The torture and the augmentation of the mechanical parts led the three of them to lose their higher brain functions.
After the process was finished, it turned out that Swift Knife was the fastest Yautja amongst the three of them and was later put into stasis. When Scarface arrived for the second time in the city, he was captured and experimented upon by the captured hunters. In the end, however, Scarface killed all the three brothers.
Aliens vs. Predator (2010)
Dark belonged to the Elite Clan and was sent by the Elders of the Clan to BG 386 along with a Predator named Wolf and one more Predator. The objective of their mission was to investigate a distress signal received from the Young Blood Pack. Later, he found himself in the midst of a large Xenomorph infestation on planet BG 386 and later came into conflict with the personnel from the United States Colonial Marine Corps. During the time that Dark spent on BG 386, he had slain several Colonial Marines as well as Xenomorphs. Furthermore, he took down a hulking Praetorian, a feat that only a few Yautjas have managed to achieve. But his most notable job was relentless dedication towards hunting a Predalien on the planet, which Dark managed to kill in a Yautja Pyramid. In the end, he became the only Predator to leave the planet alive.
Claw came to BG 386 with other members of the Young Blood Pack to participate in the Xenomorph hunt and get the blooded status after the initiation hunt. But when things soon went out of control, they could only hope to join the Elite Clan and Dark in their endeavors. During the sequence of events, several members of the Young Blood Pack, including Claw, lost their lives. In the end, Dark, the Predator, activated Claw’s self-destruct device to destroy his body and ensure that Predator technology didn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Hunter was an Elite Yautja whose primary function was to oversee the Young Bloods during their initiation hunt. He was present with other Predators like Spartan and Wolf when Dark took his final test to become a part of the Elite Clan. In appearance, Hunter looks similar to Celtic from Alien Vs. Predator.
Wolf BG 386
Wolf was an Elite who often saw over the blooding ritual that Young Blood Predators performed to become a part of the Elite Clan. As discussed earlier, Wolf had come to the planet BG 386 to investigate a distress signal that the Young Blood Pack had sent. Once these Predators arrived, they first destroyed USS Marlow, the Unites States Colonial Marine ship that was orbiting the planet. After reaching the surface, Wolf tracked down two of the Young Blood Predators who were fighting a horde of Xenomorphs in a Predator combat arena.
Although he couldn’t save them, he did jump into the battle to avenge his fallen juniors. Wolf was a skilled and prolific fighter, but his ego got the better of him. He was battling a Xenomorph named Specimen 6 and almost killed the Xenomorph, but Wolf taunted it instead of finishing it off. At first, the Xenomorph drone impaled the Predator with its tail and then allowed a facehugger to latch onto Wolf’s face, later giving rise to a Predalien, who later gets killed by Dark.
Spartan was the Predator who oversaw the initial ritual of Dark. During the early twenty-third century, Spartan and a few of his clanmates gathered to test Dark because he wished to join the Elite Clan. As Dark lept into the area, he found Spartan along with Wolf and Hunter in the arena. After Dark defeated the Xenomorphs that Spartan had unleashed, Spartan gave Dark a Plasmacaster. Once Dark gained mastery over the Plasma Caster’s use, Spartan unleashed another horde of Xenomorphs for Dark to battle. He repelled all of them and took one’s head as a trophy. Spartan then included Dark into the Elite Clan.
Unnamed Elite Predator (BG-386)
After Dark finished his blooding ritual, he was sent to the planet BG 386 along with Wolf and an unnamed elite Predator. This one didn’t have many actions to perform as he was soon found dead by Dark, who activated his self-destruct device before fleeing from the spot.
Alien Head Predator
Although not much is known about this Predator, some believe he’s over a thousand years old, he is considered to be the most successful and prolific Xenomorph killer by his mates. Despite his age, he’s in the best shape possible, and his experience has made him a weapons master and a skilled tracker. In fact, he sometimes mimics his prey’s movements to hunt them down. As the name suggests, he wears a Xenomorph head on his head.
Lord is the first Predator to have ever claimed victory over Xenomorph Serpents. Naturally, the others started to respect him beyond measure, and he became a sort of a legend in the Yautja community. He was so revered that even after thousands of years, other Predators continue to remember his exemplary actions and heroics. After his death, they buried Lord in a massive Yautja Pyramid that was built on the planet BG 386. He rested near the body of the first Xenomorph Queen that the Predators ever captured. Probably as a mark of respect, his weapons and bio-helmet were scattered all around the temple grounds. Interestingly enough, the valiant Predator Dark was a descendant of Lord.
Unnamed Young Blood Predator (BG 386)
This one traveled with the Young Blood Pack to BG 386 to participate in his initiation hunt. But that couldn’t come to fruition because the entire region was infested with large hordes of Xenomorphs. The Unnamed Young Blood Predator killed several Colonial Marines and ultimately ran into a combat technician named Rookie and was quick enough to decide that killing Rookie would be his ultimate and most worthy prey. The Unnamed did stalk Rookie for quite a while, and they finally met in the combat arena, but the battle-hardened marine proved to be more than a match for this Young Blood Predator.
Mortal Kombat X (2015)
Predator (Mortal Kombat X)
The Predator appearing in Mortal Kombat X is only known as Predator, but his appearance tells that he might be from the Jungle Hunter Clan. However, it is unknown if this Predator is the Jungle Hunter himself. He had three variants in the game, namely, Hunter, Warrior, and Hish Qu Ten. Predator defeated the final boss named Shinnok and then sought to learn sorcery. After mastering this new ability, something that was unknown to all Yautjas, Predator went on to wreak havoc on several realms and earned the title of Apex Predator.
Predator: Hunting Grounds (2020)
Not much is known about this elegant yet deadly female Yautja, but she decimated the entire team of our very favorite Dutch and almost slaughtered him as well. When Dutch and his team went to investigate strange events in a small village of Laos, they learned of Cleopatra’s presence there. In the end, when Dutch challenged her to fight, she subdued him and disappeared into the jungles, but not before giving him a scar to remember her. It is unknown why she spared him and killed the rest, but it is possible that she spared him out of respect and professional courtesy.
The Yautjas originated from an ancient race called the Hish Qu Ten. The Hish planet was invaded by a parasitic, insectoid race called the Amengi. The Amengi enslaved and ruled the Hish for thousands of years. Furthermore, they’d be used as food by the Amengi. But the Amengi was most pleased with the Hish because they used the Hish as a game for hunting. Initially, the Amengi sought out the larger and more powerful of the Hish, but to make the competition more dangerous and exciting, the Amengi started to change the genetic structure of the Hish to make them stronger and more formidable.
However, once there emerged as the largest and fiercest of Hish, it was not only feared by its own kind but also respected by the Amengi themselves. Kaail forged an alliance with the other powerful Hish and started to lead an insurrection against the Amengi in secrecy. After killing one of the powerful Amengi, Kaail took its face and wore it as a trophy; the others followed suit, and the Hish eventually evolved into Yautjas.
Predators featured in comics
Fire and Stone –
Prior to becoming a Yautja Elite, Ahab gained skill and experience in hunting by traveling to several different worlds and making trophies out of the most ferocious denizens of those worlds. After becoming an elder, he became obsessed with finding the race of Engineers. To track them, he befriended a human named Galgo. Interestingly enough, Ahab had a sense of humor, a trait shared by only a few Yautjas. Ahab was inspired by the character of Captain Ahab from the novel Moby Dick that Herman Melville wrote in 1851. Much like Ahab hunts Engineers, Captain Ahab used to hunt whales. Furthermore, both of them have facial scars.
Mutated Yautja
The Mutated Yautja initially appeared as a regular Yautja but soon got exposed to the black liquid and suffered heavy mutations due to it. The Mutated Yautja was considerably taller than a typical male Yautja; he possessed ten mandibles instead of four, pitch-black eyes, similar to Engineers, and an extra arm that protruded from his left shoulder. His mutations were so extreme and violent that he only vaguely resembled a Predator anymore. The mutation has transformed his psyche as well, and he has now developed cannibalistic tendencies, as revealed in one of the sequences when he eats the corpse of a Yautja he killed. He became tremendously stronger after the exposure to the black liquid, so much so that he could break a Yautja skull with his mandibles.
Life and Death
Clan Leader (LV-797)
The Clan Leader led the Tartarus Clan when they arrived on planet LV 797, where an Engineer Juggernaut was discovered. The Yautjas began protecting the ship from intruders in the hopes of uncovering the secrets of the ship only for themselves. Soon, the Clan Leader asked his Yautjas to kill the United States Colonial Marines members who had arrived to investigate the planet on the combat ship named Hasdrubal.
The Clan later boarded Hasdrubal, where the Clan Leader chased and killed a Weyland Yutani representative named Lorimer. They landed on LV 223 and tracked the Marines down, who were hiding in an Engineer temple. Here, the Clan Leader confronted Ahab, a former member of the Tartarus Clan, who had now sided with humans. Instead of fighting Ahab himself, the Clan Leader sent another Yautja named Hornhead as the Clan’s representative. Ahab came out victorious, but further confrontation was averted because they noticed a horde of Xenomorphs approaching towards them. The Marines and Yautjas fought side-by-side under the Clan Leader’s guidance and came out victorious.
As discussed earlier, Hornhead was chosen by the Clan leader to fight Ahab. If Ahab won the battle, the Tartarus Clan would have accepted him and laid down their weapons, but if Horhead won, the secrets and technology they were fighting for would have gone to the Clan. The two of them fought valiantly until Ahab started to overpower and outsmart Hornhead. At this point, a losing Hornhead dishonorably used his wrist blades to kill Ahab, but the elder Yautja knew better and killed Hornhead. Hornhead was one of the strongest warriors of the Clan but quite egoistic and dishonorable. Interestingly enough, Hornhead became the poster boy of several Predator Comics because of his unique skin color and horned bio-helmet.
Hive Wars Predator
The Hive Wars Predator hailed from an unnamed tribe and had taken part in the Xenomorph hunt on their home planet, Xenomorph Prime. However, the hunt was catastrophic for the Yautjas, and only the Hive Wars Predator survived it. Stranded alone on the planet, he salvaged the weapons at his disposal and made makeshift weapons, for instance, a scythe. After managing to escape the planet, he joined the Tartarus Clan that Cracked Tusk Predator then headed. With the Clan, he reached planet LV 797 and discovered the derelict Juggernaut of the Engineers. Later in the story, a marine named Rucker managed to kill the Hive Wars Predator with his Smartgun.
Aliens vs. Predator (1989 short story)
Dachande “Broken Tusk”
Dachande literally means a different knife, but he also goes by the name Yeyinde which means the brave one, as well as Broken Tusk. He was a Clan Leader and led many Un Blooded Yautjas to the arid and harsh planet of Ryushi so that they could participate in their initiation hunt and slay Xenomorphs. But their ship was accidentally destroyed by Dr. Kesar Revna of the colony of Prosperity Wells. Soon, Dachande was incapacitated and captured, following which, his students launched a massive hunt and started butchering the humans as well as the Xenomorphs that were infesting the colony.
Dachande and his young Yautjas had brought the Xenomorph Queen and Ovomorphs to Ryushi, but unbeknownst to the Yautjas, the sly Queen ensured that a Royal Ovomorph was sent to the planet. The resultant infestation brought the unfortunate humans in the midst of a fight between two of the greatest hunting species of the galaxy. Fortunately for everyone, Dachande sided with the humans, especially with a woman named Machiko Noguchi, who would later become one of the few humans to get blooded. Although Dachande survived the battle, he later succumbed to the injuries he had sustained while fighting the Xenomorph Queen.
Top Knot served under Dachande, but after his death, Top Knot became the new Clan Leader. He was the one to effectively introduce Machiko Noguchi to the Predator culture. But when she learnt that he had organized an attack on the humans on the planet of Bunda, she felt that her own kind needed her more than the Yautjas, and she betrayed Top Knot. Top Knot’s experience in battle and veteran status was second only to Broken Tusk or Dachande. Naturally, this often became a reason for conflict between the two when Dachande was alive. Top Knot was a strict and firm Clan Leader who didn’t tolerate any acts of treachery or defiance and gave the harshest of punishments to the ones who he thought were guilty. For instance, his punishment killed the young Yautja named Two Stripes and had left Machiko to die from a Xenomorphs Queen when she had abandoned the Clan.
Aliens vs. Predator: War
Three Spot was a blooded Yautja who belonged to Top Knot’s Clan. he and his clanmates had participated in a Xenomorph hunt on an infested planet, hoping to capture the Xenomorph Queen. They soon landed on the planet and fought with all their might and dedication, gradually making their way through hordes of Xenomorphs and eventually reached the hive, where the Queen was present. Along with others, Three Spot managed to subdue the Queen and restrained her, but after momentarily losing his focus, the Xenomorph Queen freed herself and crushed Three Spot under her feet, which killed him instantly.
Prient’de was an experienced Predator who had never fallen in battle and remained alive long enough to get retired from hunting. After his retirement, he joined Top Knot and served him on his mother ship. When Machiko learned about the attack on humans of Bunda, she planned to betray Top Knot and escape the ship. While she was doing so, she encountered Prient’de in the ship’s control room. She stuck her wrist blades into his jaws and then killed another retired Yautja.
Aliens vs. Predator: Blood Time
Light Stepper also belonged to Top Knot’s Clan and proved himself to be a promising young Yautja who would go on to become a reputed and feared hunter. He participated in an initiation hunt that was held by Top Knot and managed to slay a Xenomorph. Later in life, he became a Leader and led a hunting party back to the planet of Ryushi, where he came face-to-face with several colonial marines. For a Yautja, Light Stepper was a sort of a prodigy who became a Clan Leader from an Un-Blooded Yautja within a span of just a year. In due course of time, Light Stepper lost his right arm, but that didn’t stop him from being a proficient fighter.
Two Stripes
Two Stripes went with his clanmates under the guidance of Top Knot to an exotic planet to hunt Xenomorphs so that he could become a Blooded Yautja. After landing on the planet, they soon began to track the Xenomorphs. After two days, Light Stepper came across a carcass that seemed to have been the host to a chest buster, but Two Stripes claimed the discovery for himself when Top Knot came to the spot. In another act of treachery, Two Stripes watched Light Stepper as the latter killed a Xenomorph. But when Light Stepper fell to the ground because of the lose of his right hand, Two Stripes stole the Xenomorph head and left to show it to Top Knot and claim that it was his doing. However, Light Stepper was found by his clanmates and was brought to Top Knot, who soon realized the truth and stripped Two Stripes of his weapons and armor and left him in the Xenomorph-infested planet.
Alien vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood
Hook was devoid of honor and was famous for being a disgraced Elder. He would travel the depths of space with his sons and wreak havoc on ships that were unfortunate enough to trespass into his sector. One such incident happened on a luxury ship named USSC Double Down. Hook entered the ship with his sons and slaughtered those who were aboard. His left leg and arm got severed while chasing the siblings, Maria and Tyler, inside an elevator. But he would later form an alliance with Maria and Tyler to battle a Xenomorph that was unwittingly freed by Pig Iron, Hook’s son. It is largely unknown how and why Hook discarded the Yautja Code of Honor, but he was inevitably skilled and ruthless. But after he had lost everything, including his sons, he tried his best to redeem whatever little honor was left by helping the young siblings.
Pig Iron and Splitter
Hook would take his sons, Splitter and Pig Iron, on hunts to other planets and trespassing ships that entered their sector. The trio had recently captured a Xenomorph and kept it on their mother ship. However, when they saw the lost luxury ship, they went aboard it to kill the occupants. However, due to Pig Iron’s negligence, the Xenomorph escaped its cage and attacked Splitter. The young Yautja saw this as an opportunity to turn into a blooded hunter. Furthermore, the Xenomorph bit Pig Iron on his neck and tore off his throat. Splitter fought valiantly but was ultimately overpowered by the Xenomorph.
Cracked Tusk Predator (Aliens: Space Marines)
The Cracked Tusk Predator or Cracked Tusk was an Elder who led unblooded Yautjas to places with harsh terrain so that they could train and perform their initiation ritual. At some point in time, Cracked Tusk and his hunting party arrived at planet LV 797 and discovered an Engineer Juggernaut ship. He wished to take control of the Juggernaut and search for advanced technology. However, he soon comes into a confrontation with a party of marines who had similar interests with the ship. After pinning down a man named Singer against a sarcophagus-like structure, but when Cracked Tusk attacked with his wrist blades, Singer dodged, and Cracked Tusk’s wrist blades got stuck at the structure. Another man used this window of opportunity to finish Cracked Tusk by shooting him point-blank with a pulse rifle.
Bad Blood Predator (Predator: Bad Blood)
Predators can be a lot of things; they can be mean, merciless, menacing, but even these minions of monstrosity detest someone from their community who doesn’t follow their Code of Honor. Such Predators who kill undeserving or unarmed and innocent prey are discarded by the Yautja society and considered to be Bad Blood Predators. When a Bad Blood Predator crops up as a pest, the Yautja community sends an Enforcer to take them down and put an end to the mindless carnage. There was one such Predator named the Bad Blood Predator who killed innocent humans as well as his own kind. Unlike the other Predators who kept skulls and spines, the Bad Blood Predator kept the entire heads of his victims and will forever remain an abomination and source of shame like Predaliens to the Yautja community.
Big Game Predator (Predator: Big Game)
The Big Game Predator was also called the Adilgahii, which meant the Witch. He was alone ranger of sorts and made several hunting visits to New Mexico. His favorite hunting spot was near the US military encampment, but he was defeated and killed by a corporal named Enoch Nakai. The Big Game Predator was an extremely dangerous and prolific hunter whose ferocity was scarier because he exhibited behavior that was questionable and different from a traditionally honorable Predator. Although he didn’t stoop as low as killing children, he did kill several defenseless and innocent animals who posed little to no threat, and of course, humans. He was more interested in feeling the adrenaline rush out of killing than making honorable kills.
Bad Blood (Gotham City) (Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch )
In Batman vs. Predator, Batman had defeated a predator named the Sea through Slasher, after which the Predator’s Clan acknowledged that Batman was an honorable and worthy warrior and declared that no further harm should come to him or Gotham city from them. However, a young, lone ranger from the Clan became obsessed with hunting Batman. Ultimately, he went against his Clan, became a Bad Blood Predator, and arrived at Gotham. He was a rebellious Yautja who didn’t honor his Clan’s decision of truce with Batman and killed anyone who came between him and Batman’s head, including members of his own Clan and those others who wanted Batman dead, like criminals. It is possible that the Bad Blood Predator’s motivations came from hate, spite, and revenge. Although skilled, he sacrificed subtlety and strength to be more undisciplined and violent.
Ozarks Hunter (Predator: Hell Come a Walkin)
The Ozarks Hunter was alone Yautja that conducted hunts in the middle of the nineteenth century, during the American Civil War. The Predator had an encounter with a young bushwhacker named Jesse James, following which the Predator became obsessed with killing James and started to stalk the young man, along with his colleagues who served the Union. The soldiers soon forged an alliance to bring an end to the Predator’s carnage. In the end, Jesse stabbed the Predator with a Union Flag post, who also shot the Predator in the head and killed him for good.
Captive Predator (Predator: Captive)
Billionaire Tyler Stern captured the Captive Predator, but he soon adapted to his environment and wreaked havoc in the facility he was kept in. The Captive Predator ambushed and massacred a large number of security officials and was ultimately subdued by Tyler himself. However, the Predator managed to activate his self-destruct device before dying. The Captive Predator was exemplary when it came to describing the cunning nature and adaptive qualities of the Yautjas. He patiently waited while he was imprisoned and used the time to carefully study the efficiency of the security system employed by his captors. Although he lost his right arm and all his weapons and equipment, he was still a formidable opponent.
Predator (Mega-City One) (Predator versus Judge Dredd)
This Predator came to Mega-City One and wreaked havoc on the already dystopian homeland of Judge Dredd. He came to the place where a skirmish between Judge Dredd and criminals was going on and indiscriminately killed criminals and Judges alike. Judge Dredd managed to save himself from the Predator’s wrath, but the hunter fled to a warehouse. In the warehouse, he subdued Judge Dredd, but when other Judges reached the spot, he thought it was best to come another day. Interestingly, the great-granddaughter of Dutch Schaefer, Psi-Judge Schaefer, was a psychic who used her abilities to find out the location of the Predator. She revealed that the Predator was sick and had come to Earth to die an honorable death. In the end, Dredd succeeded in sinking his combat knife into the Predator’s chest, finally ending the menace and giving him what he had come for.
Predator (Predator: Rite of Passage)
This Predator came to Earth and laded in Eastern Africa and soon slaughtered an entire village of the Masai tribe. But a vengeful and prolific Masai warrior tracked the Predator to a nearby rock formation. When this warrior reached the spot, he was surprised by the Predator, who attacked him with his Plasma Caster. However, the Masai warrior played dead and soon struck disarming the hunter with his spear, and the resultant explosion injured both parties. Once they recollected their strengths to fight, the Masai warrior killed the Predator by chopping his arm and then decapitating him with a dagger.
Rakshasa (Predator: Nemesis)
Rakshasa in Sanskrit means demon. He was a lone ranger who wreaked his havoc in nineteenth-century India and England. Agent Edward Soames had once encountered the Predator in the Bengal province of India, and he was chosen to end the menace when similar terrifying incidents started to happen in London. In the end, Edward lured the Predator to a mud-pool where he goaded the creature. The Predator held on to a wooden railing, but Soames slashed its arm with a Kukri knife. The Predator lay there helpless and drowned slowly to his death.
Djinn (Predator: Hunters II)
The locals of a small village in Eastern Afghanistan believed that a Djinn was saving them from the wrath of the Taliban because someone was massacring the Taliban and saving the lives of the innocent Afghans. In reality, it was a lone ranger Predator who had made his base of operations in the foothills of the Hindu Kush Mountains. The Djinn was inadvertently acting as their savior, but when Jaya Soames heard this news, she gathered a team of soldiers whose task was to capture the Predator and take his technology. The Djinn killed many people who had come to capture him, including a special ops team of the US government. In the end, a local boy named Atal helped Jaya and US soldier Tyler Swain to track the Djinn.
See-through Slasher (Batman versus Predator)
The See-Through Slasher was a Gotham City Hunting Party member who had come to Gotham City and slaughtered several people. The bizarre and horrid modus operandi soon caught the attention of our favorite masked vigilante, Batman. And it wasn’t long before Batman became the prime target of this apex hunter. In the end, the Slasher was defeated by Batman, but the Predator chose to give away his life in ritualistic suicide instead of facing a humiliating death. The See-Through Slasher proved to be one of the most formidable enemies that Batman ever met, but then Batman still managed to overcome this formidable force.
Shesh-Kuk (Predator: Forever Midnight)
Shesh Kuk was the leader of a hunting party that was sent to the hunting planet called Midnight. He was methodical and ruthless even by Yautja standards and loathed humans, often dubbing them as tall monkeys. Furthermore, he used mind-bending technology on humans and made them kill other humans. Apart from his leader Bel Cann, he didn’t find himself answerable to any Predator. Naturally, the Yautja society looked down upon him and considered him as an equal to a Bad Blood Predator because Shesh Kuk often resorted to killing unarmed females and children.
Shorty (Aliens vs. Predator 2)
Shorty belonged to Top Knot’s Clan and participated in many hunts with his leader. However, he despised Machiko Noguchi because she was just a human who was given the status of a blooded Yautja. His impish and ill-tempered nature often got the better of him, but then that was mostly a result of constant bullying that he faced at the hands of his larger clanmates. He felt a sense of superiority only when he bullied and tormented Machiko because she was the only one who was shorter than Shorty. At the end, when Machiko had planned to betray and bereft her Clan, she dueled with Shorty for honor and defeated him after a tense battle.
Smiley (Alien vs. Predator: Civilized Beasts)
In an unnamed jungle, several of Smiley’s clanmates were killed ruthlessly. This caused Smiley to go on a massive rampage, and he soon killed several Xenomorphs to avenge his fallen clanmates. Eventually, Smiley confronted the Xenomorph Queen herself, and he seemingly died in the ensuing battle. However, his revenge wasn’t complete yet, and he returned to make one last stand against the Xenomorph Queen and killed her after a ferocious battle.
Forest Devil (Predator: The Pride at Nghasa)
While the Bad Blood Predators are known to kill animals, it was hardly the other way around. We have always seen that Predators are killed by Xenomorphs or humans or their own kind, but never a story that depicts them facing other animals. However, the comic The Pride at Nghasa depicted a Predator named the Forest Devil who came in confrontation with several wild animals while pursuing a ranger named Copeland. The Predator followed Copeland into a marsh where two saltwater crocs attacked it. Although Forest devil managed to kill the crocs, he lost an arm. Next, he got attacked by a pack of ravenous Hyenas, but after them came to a lioness and a lion. In the end, the Predator was wounded and weak and somehow managed to reach his mother ship to flee the scene.
Four-armed Predator (Predators: Surviving Life)
In the 2010 film Predators, we learned that Super Predators like Berserker ran the Game Preserve Planet. The comic Surviving Life serves as a sequel to the film and shows the fate of Royce and Isabelle. After defeating all the Predator variants that came before Royce and Isabelle, the super Predators overlooking the planet sent the hulking Four armed Predator. Tasked with killing the two of them, the Four-Armed Predator proved that he was not just a hulking monster but was adept in using technology and his brain whenever needed. However, Royce managed to finally kill the four-armed Predator with the help of Isabelle and Yautja weapons that were tailor-made for him, which he had received from one of the Predators.
Gollywomp (Predator: Strange Roux)
During the 1930s, a lone Predator began his hunt in Louisiana. Two hunters and a man named Cajun LeBlanc noticed the Predator in the jungles. But they initially perceived him as the Gollywomp, who was an urban legend named Big John, who had transformed into a monster and flayed others to pass off as a human and blend with others. When one of the hunters shot him, he retaliated violently with his weapons and injured LeBlanc. In the end, LeBlanc tricked the Predator into entering quicksand, which killed him slowly.
Tichinde (Aliens vs. Predator: Prey)
Tichinde was an unblooded member of Dachande’s Clan. He participated in the Ryushi hunt, but after the mother ship was destroyed and Dachande captured, Tichinde nominated himself to be the acting clan leader and led the others to wreak havoc on the humans of Prosperity Wells. However, this course of action proved catastrophic for all Predators who sided with Tichinde. In the end, Dachande himself killed the Tichinde for his treachery.
Big Mama
While most Predator stories have male Yautjas dominating the scene, there have been a few female Predators who have proved to be as ferocious as they have been elegant, the most famous of them being Big Mama. Big Mama sort of adopted and taught the Yautja culture to a synthetic trophy wife named Caryn Delacroix. Eventually, Big Mama developed an innate motherly instinct and felt protective about Caryn. But despite her motherly instincts, she doesn’t have any feminine physical attributes that would be expected of a humanoid race, such as breasts, and resembles almost entirely a male Yautja. At the end of the comics, we get to see an absolutely rare alliance between Big Mama, a Xenomorph Queen, and Caryn.
Hashori (Predator: Incursion)
Hashori was a tall and hulking female Predator who hailed from the Widow Clan. Being a female, her attire and physiology were considerably different from Big mama’s. Hashori didn’t wear any armor or clothes apart from a few articles to cover her intimate areas. Interestingly enough, she understands and speaks near-fluent English. Now, because she hails from the widow clan, it is evident that Yautja females might be monogamous. In the comics, she captures and tortures a synthetic named Liliya but later, Liliya and Hashori join hands to fight humans who own and control hordes of Xenomorphs.
Sister Midnight (Witchblade/Aliens/Darkness/Predator: Mindhunter)
When The Darkness and Witchblade wake up from a common nightmare in a spaceship, Sister Midnight and her clanmates were trying to breach the hull of the ship. The ship’s defense mechanism destroyed all Yautjas and only Sister Midnight managed to sneak inside. Once there, she joined hands with the two of them in order to fight Dark Aliens, who were Xenomorphs born out of Darklings. Sister Midnight developed a strong attraction towards Witchblade. She seemed to be protective of Witchblade, but this might be only because she wanted to be the one to kill Witchblade and no one else. However, she succumbed to the injuries she sustained while fighting a Dark Alien.
Warrior Yautja (LV 412)
The Warrior belonged to the Jungle Hunter Clan and was given the responsibility of stopping the Super Predators from annihilating the Jungle Hunter Clan. In his quest, he defeats several Xenomorphs and Super Predators and finally enters an ancient Yautja temple to confront the Xenomorph Queen. But when the Warrior reached the Queen, he noticed that she had managed to break free of her restraints. Although the Queen was a formidable opponent for a young Yautja, the Warrior made her crash into a large pillar that fell on her, immobilizing her. He then killed her by breaking a jaw and decapitating the Queen.
Nightstorm Predator
Nightstorm was an ancient Predator who came to Earth four thousand years ago and took part in one of the first Xenomorph hunts in ancient Egypt. Although one of the most prolific Predators ever born, he didn’t quite believe in the Yautja Code of Honor and considered that it gave the prey way too much leeway. Naturally, he soon created his own Clan of Super Predators under his leadership and invited all worthy Predators who wished to join. Thus, he was the one who started the tussle between the Jungle Hunter Clan, who considered Nightstorm a Devil, and the Super Predators, who believe that he hunted the most worthy prey.
Chulonte was a part of Dachande’s Clan when they came to the planet of Ryushi to hunt down Xenomorphs for their Blooding Ritual. Although a promising warrior, he died an early death when his hoverbike crashed into a rock formation. The accident was so gruesome that it splattered Chulonte’s head.
Renegade Predator
Renegade was associated with the Jungle Hunter Clan for a long time and is known to be a contemporary of the original Jungle Hunter, the one who is known to have killed Dutch Shaefer’s men back in 1987. However, Renegade soon joined Cracked Tusk and his Clan. Although extremely headstrong, he was equally reckless. Despite coming of age, he had not had a Xenomorph trophy in his possession. Interestingly, he shared a rough relationship with a clanmate called Scavage, who was a distant descendant of the Nightsorm Predator.
Disgraced Predator (Aliens versus Predator: Extinction)
It is a well-known fact that Predators value their honor and technology a lot, so much so that they would rather choose to die in battle if there was a choice between death and capture. But not all Predators manage to get their hands on the self-destruct device. One such Predator was the Disgraced Predator, who appeared in the game Aliens vs. Predator Extinction. He was not only captured by humans but also experimented upon. This earned him the title of a Disgraced or even a Bad Blood Predator in the Yautja society.
Samurai Predator (Predator Hunting Ground)
The Samurai Predator gets his name from the fact that he came to Earth and landed in ancient Japan to begin his hunt. However, the villagers saw his spaceship approaching from the sky and considered it to be an ill omen. They joined hands to fight this Predator, a ritual that continues to this day. Along with the traditional Yautja weapons, the Samurai Predator also makes use of a Katana. He keeps his dreadlocks tied in a high top knot, a hairstyle that’s indigenous to Japan and similar to the hairstyle of the Predator Top Knot.
Enforcer Predator
The Enforcer belonged to a team of Enforcer Predators whose task was to pursue and slay a psychotic and disgraced Bad Blood Predator who had already murdered five Predators. In their pursuit of the Bad Blood Predator, they came to Earth because the Bad Blood’s mother ship had crash-landed in New Jersey. The Enforcer was tasked to put an end to the Bad Blood, and in the first confrontation with him, the Enforcer got heavily injured. However, The Enforcer soon healed and met the Bad Blood for a final confrontation, which ended in the Enforcer being fatally injured. The Enforcer informed one Mandy Graves about the Bad Blood’s intentions and then requested her to kill him. In the end, Mandy Graves avenged the Enforcer by slaying the Bad Blood.
Scavage Predator
Scavage was a descendant of the ancient Nightstorm, who was the first-ever Super Predator and the founder of the Clan. Scavage was a half-breed Yautja who was raised in a remote village. As far as his ancestry is concerned, he might have genes from both Jungle Hunter Clan and Super Predators. And this was the bone of contention for other Yautjas because despite being an honorable hunter, he worshiped the Nightstorm Predator and believed in his cause and theories. But things went too far when he designed his armor and weapons in the likeness of Nightstorm, and eventually, he resorted to leading the life of a lone ranger, not affiliating himself with any Clan. But it is important to note that he served for quite a while in the Clan of the Cracked Tusk Predator.
Sky Devil Predator
Once upon a time, a Predator landed in the Central American Jungles for a hunt, but in the end, he had to activate his self-destruct device. His ship, however, got lost in the depths of the jungles. Many years later, Star Labs found the ship’s location and traveled to Superman to investigate the alien object. When Superman entered the ship, he inadvertently activated an electronic beacon, the signal from which was picked up by the Sky Devil Predator. The Sky Devil soon arrived to destroy the ship and remove all evidence of Predator technology. The Predator went to battle with the Son of Krypton, who was somehow infected by the beacon and was losing his powers. In the end, Superman and the Sky Devil joined hands to fight a group of terrorists, and the Sky Devil gave Superman an antidote for his infection.
Spiked Tail Predator
The Spiked Tail Predator was not just a rogue Predator but the leader of a space tribe of rogues. Once an ally of Laser Shot and Armored Predators, Spike Tail’s use of illegal weapons caused him and his group to be thrown out of their original Clan and branded as rogues. Somehow, Spiked Tail got his hold on time travel and space technology, which enabled him to travel the far reaches of the universe, thereby expanding the variety of prey. Along with his group, Spiked Tail started hunting mechanical and technologically advanced beings instead of organic beings. Because hunting mechanical beings was more challenging than organic ones, Spiked Tail would keep pieces of technology acquired from previous hunts. He gets his name from his spikey tail which was actually an extension of his dreadlocks and not an actual tail.
Ghost Predator
The Ghost Predator survived an assault on his village and clanmates at the hands of the Super Predators. Being the only survivor, he decided to dedicate the rest of his life to eradicating the sub-species of Super Predators. He went on a massacre and vengefully hunted and killed any Super Predator that he encountered. As a Yautja, he was incredibly patient, resilient, and calculative. Because he scouted alone, he stalked his enemies for months before seizing the right opportunity to strike and kill. Within the Yautja community, he got the title of the boodie man because of his modus operandi. Naturally, his sworn enemies feel dread at the thought of this master hunter, which is unusual because the Super Predators consider themselves to be superior to other Predators.
Gkyaun Predator
Gkyaun was an unblooded Predator who belonged to Dachande’s Clan and participated in the initiation hunt on the planet of Ryushi. After Dachande’s capture at the hands of humans, Tichinde sent Gkyaun to scout for the Prosperity Well. Although he didn’t have much of a role to play in the comics, he died an honorable death fighting several Xenomorphs at once.
Freckles Predator
Freckles belonged to Top Knot’s Clan and presumably got his name from Machiko Noguchi because it is uncertain if Yautjas knew what the term freckles meant. He accompanied Top Knot and his clanmates for a Xenomorph hunt on the planet of Bunda, but when they discovered a human ship, they attacked it, and the distress signal was picked up by Machiko, who then decided to betray her Clan to save the humans. In the end, Machiko impaled Freckles using her wrist blades and finished him by gunning him down.
Viper Predator
Viper was a brutal Predator and the leader of the Serpent Clan, which was considered one of the most vicious mercenary groups in the Yautja community. Viper and his mates were known for always achieving their assigned objectives, and their forte was hunting Xenomorphs. When Viper was not hunting Xenomorphs, he would take his Clan to hunt other valuable prey, often salvaging the latter’s technology so that it could be used in future hunts. Once upon a time, Viper worked alongside the Cracked Tusk Predator and the Enforcer Predators. Interestingly, Viper was the younger brother of Snake, one of the Predators who had come to take the body of the City Hunter Predator from the second film.
Lasershot Predator
Lasershot is effectively one of the fiercest Bad Blood Predators seen in any media related to the franchise. He was a self-raised sociopathic Predator who had little to no regard for the Yautja Code of Honor. But it is only natural because he didn’t get the opportunity of growing up with a clan. In his later life, he joined Spiked Tail and his Rogue Space tribe to hunt mechanical beings and retrieve cybernetic augmentations so that he could enhance his power and prowess.
Nakande and Vagouti (Predator If It Bleeds)
Sloane used to be a prolific Predator hunter once upon a time but has now grown rather old and lives a quiet life with his wife, Mary, in the forests of Oregon. Unbeknownst to Sloane, two Predators named Nakande and Vagouti arrive to take revenge for their fallen brothers from Sloane. Wakanda feels that killing him would be dishonorable because he has grown old and weak, but Vagouti discards this thought and believes that although the man has grown old, he hasn’t forgotten his skills. They both look for other prey and end up massacring a biker gang.
This alerts Sloane, and he sets a trap for the two Yautjas. He kills Nakande with a bullet straight to the lungs and while dying, Nakande concedes to Vagouti that underestimating him was wrong, and she was correct. Heartbroken Vagouti pledges to avenge her partner and all other Predators that Sloane had slain. In the end, she awaits Sloane on a treetop but gets noticed by Sloane and gets shot. In a desperate attempt to kill the Predator hunter, she activates her self-destruct device, but Sloane manages to escape the explosion.