Adding a twelfth instalment to the Halloween franchise, director David Gordon Green is ready with a sequel to 2018’s Halloween coming this October, titled Halloween Kills. The movie was supposed to come out last year in the spooky season, but like many films from the year, got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle, Halloween (2018) told the story of Michael Myers who, after forty years since being locked up, is being transferred to another facility. He escapes and returns to the town of Haddonfield to hunt down his surviving victim Laurie Strode, but this time she seems to be prepared for the attack.
Why Carpenter believes the film has minimal chances of hitting theatres
The plans to postpone the film’s release may not have proved fruitful given how John Carpenter, director of Halloween (1978), believes that they might have to skip theatrical release and hit streaming directly, thanks to the pandemic situation still not getting better. In conversation with NME, Carpenter claimed that this is a sad reality we must all face and if things still happen to get better, their plans may change but if they do not, a theatre release cannot be expected. Calling the film a masterpiece, Jamie Lee Curtis, who plays lead in Halloween Kills, states that it is very intense and given the current socio-political scenario it proves extremely relevant. The film was made before the recent Black Lives Matter Movement took place, but just like the latter, it explores mob mentality and the consequences that trauma can have on a community rather than just an individual.
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What is the film going to be all about
Halloween Kills is once again going to centre around the who-beats-who of Myers and Laurie Strode. The teaser for this film is already out and looks like a promising slasher film is awaiting the fans this Halloween. With a glimpse of Myer’s mask being picked up, it sets the tone for the coming trouble in the lives of all those that may cross his path. Myers is seen gutting someone in the trailer as well, while another person loads their gun, probably gearing up to go against him. All in all, a lot of action can be expected. The poster as well as the teaser both features the bad guy leaving behind a house on fire, making it a visual delight for anyone who knows him as an icon.