First released in 1984, Silent Night Deadly Night, caused a stir when it initially came to theatres. The plot being based around a killer dressed as Santa, with posters and advertisements emphasizing on that as the main selling point of the movie. Since then, the movie has garnered somewhat of a cult following over the years. Recently, Orwo Studios and Black Hanger Studios have acquired the remake rights to the cult classic and we could not be more excited. The original film’s creators Dennis Whitehead and Scott Schneid are also onboard.
Storyline and appeal of the film
The 1984 feature film was about Billy, a child whose adult version is played by Robert Brian Wilson, who watches his parents get butchered by an axe wielding Santa. Billy then grows up with that deep-seated trauma, and as an adult, goes on his copy-cat killing spree after putting on a Santa costume himself. There were also multiple sequels, most of which had very little to do with the original, with the second movie being about Billy’s younger brother. Some sources believe that the controversy helped the original movie at the box office, which was released on the same day as A Nightmare on Elm Street and grossed more than three times its creation budget in just ten days.
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Unlike previous sequels, this remake will be closer to the 1984 film
There was a remake for the movie created in 2012, which was titled Silent Night. The remake did not follow the original story but instead told a killer who dresses up as Santa. The original was one of the most controversial movies from the ‘80’s due to graphic violence and theme, considering how up until that point Santa was viewed as the good guy who rewards kids and signifies Christmas’s holy occasion. TriStarhad pulled all the movie ads, six days before it was released, and the film itself was withdrawn shortly after its release. Producer Anthony Masi of MasiMedia brought the project to Orwo, who is financing and representing the world sales rights for the film. The remake is expected to be out sometime in 2022.