Jeffrey Dean Morgan, star of The Walking Dead is to appear in a new Sam Raimi-produced horror film The Unholy. Based on the 1983 novel Shrine by James Herbert, the movie is produced by Raimi and Rob Tapert in collaboration with Evan Spiliotopoulos, with Andra Ajemian and Romel Adam as the executive producers. It is set to be released in theaters on Good Friday, April 2, 2021. Sony Pictures Entertainment gives us the official trailer of The Unholy, which is rated PG-13 for its bold language, terror and violent content.
Details we have so far:
According to the official logline, The Unholy is about Alice, a hearing-impaired girl who, upon a visit from the Virgin Mary, is now able to hear, speak and heal the sick. When people find out about it, a disgraced journalist (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) wanting to revive his career visits the small New England town. And as terrifying events begin to appear, he questions whether these phenomena are the works of the Virgin Mary or something even more sinister. Alongside Morgan, the star cast of The Unholy has Katie Aselton, William Sadler, Cricket Brown, Diogo Morgado and Cary Elwes.
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The project has been in development for some time:
The Unholy has been a project since 2018 with Screen Gems and Sam Raimi teaming up for it. The book that the movie is based on, investigates themes of mass hysteria, demonic possession, faith, healing and even Catholicism. However, the author of Shrine, James Herbert, passed away in 2013, he once received a word of praise from Stephen King who believed that Herbert’s books were best sellers because readers were too horrified to put them down. The movie adaptation has also stayed true with Morgan’s character along with others from the original story.