The romantic sports anime series “Yuri on Ice” follows the life and love of a group of professional figure skaters who strive to be the best at what they do. The anime series premiered in October 2016, quickly becoming a popular and lauded anime, praised for depicting homosexuality in a positive light and accurately portraying figure skating as a sport and art form.
In 2017, it ranked as Japan’s eighth best-selling media franchise, beating out big-name franchises like “My Hero Academia” and “Mobile Suit Gundam.”
It was created by the same studio responsible for “Jujutsu Kaisen” and “Chainsaw Man,” Studio MAPPA, but was never renewed for a second season. “Yuri on Ice: Ice Adolescence” will, however, give fans something to look forward to.
The show’s popularity and influence warrant some consideration for its release date, characters, and plot, even though people have been waiting years for the film. In that light, here is what we know about “Yuri on Ice: Ice Adolescence.”
What is the release date for Yuri on Ice: Ice Adolescence?
It appears that MAPPA is giving its viewers the cold shoulder when it comes to “Yuri on Ice.” Ice Adolescence has been known to fans since MAPPA released its first teaser trailer for the film in 2018. The trailer hinted at a 2019 release date. The film was suddenly delayed the same year it was scheduled to debut before fans could learn much about it. According to MAPPA, the staff delayed the film in order to substantially scale up the content.
Also, in November 2020, the official “Yuri on Ice” Twitter account posted a statement. Assuring fans that MAPPA is still working on “Ice Adolescence,” it stated that it hasn’t yet reached the point where another release date would be appropriate.
Meanwhile, anime distributor Avex Pictures uploaded a second trailer for the upcoming film. However, other than showing off some of the animation and character designs, it offered no new information on “Ice Adolescence” or its release.
In Yuri on Ice: Ice Adolescence, who will be the main characters?
From the second trailer released by Avex Pictures, fans can be sure that one character will appear in the final version of “Ice Adolescence.”
Victor Nikiforov, recurring love interest and Russian figure skater is just entering the ice rink as his next performance approaches. Besides that, fans are not sure which characters will appear in the film.
A strong candidate for appearances in “Ice Adolescence” is the series’ protagonist and namesake, Yuri Katsuki, as well as his Russian rival, Yuri Plisetsky. Together, these three characters from the core dynamics of the series, as the two Yuris compete on the ice for skating supremacy while simultaneously competing off the ice for Victor’s attention.
In Yuri on Ice: Ice Adolescence, what is the plot?
The primary reason why it’s hard to predict which characters will show up in “Ice Adolescence” is that MAPPA has yet to announce the film’s focus. In the trailer, Victor looks like the one in the show, although he has long hair. However, in the show, Victor has already transitioned from being a competitor to a coach.
Additionally, the title “Ice Adolescence” implies that these characters are young. All of this indicates that “Ice Adolescence” is a prequel film about a young Victor before he established relationships with Yuri.
Until MAPPA indicates otherwise, there’s no way to confirm that. The white-haired skater seen in the trailer cannot be verified as Victor without context. In the event that it is a sequel rather than a prequel, then it doesn’t seem to start off from the end of the original anime. It would instead focus on something other than the characters fans are already familiar with.
Fans have been frustrated with the lack of concrete information, rightfully so, on the movie, but if early reports of how great footage from Yuri On Ice: Ice Adolescence is true, it will be worth the wait.