
    Ragnarok (2013) Ending Explained

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to another exciting and adventurous Marvelous Videos video. Today we have a fantastic find for you. The film we will be discussing is steeped in mythology and folklore. It is like a breath of fresh fantasy air for all of you fantasy aficionados.

    Ragnarok is an action-packed and adventure-filled movie based on a distinct cultural belief and realistic family turmoil. It is centered around a mythical monster-movie theme. Who does not enjoy a Viking tale, with all of its stories and explorations? Imagine having a Viking film straight from Norway, which is where most of the Vikings actually originated from. That is right, Ragnarok is a Norwegian film directed by Mikkel Braenne and Sandemose and released in 2013.

    The film covers a wide range of topics that we are interested in. You ask for it, and it will undoubtedly be in the film. History, family drama, mythologies, fantasy, horror, and, oh, even betrayal are all present. Because there is so much going on in the picture, you will frequently find yourself wondering what direction it will go next.

    The narrative of an archaeologist who is also a single parent to two children is told in Ragnarok. He believes that a Viking voyage commanded by the renowned Oseberg Viking ship discovered something massive and amazing. We know you are anxious to learn more about what this person discovered, or should we say, was attempting to discover. Now, without further ado, take a look at the video and find out for yourself.

    All legends have their origin – Ragnarok 2013

    All legends have their origin - Ragnarok 2013

    So, the film begins with kind of a flashback scene where we see the Viking King, along with his daughter, Asa, and his army out by some lake deep inside a forest. Asa believes seems pretty confident that they are all about to die. Just then, the King and his soldiers spot something terrifying. You will be surprised to know that the language that is spoken in the very first scene of the film, Old Norse is actually quite similar to modern Icelandic.

    Cut two, we are taken to the present day time where SigurdSvensen, the archaeologist, who is played by Pal Sverre Hagen, who works in a museum and he is about to give a presentation to some investors. He is apparently researching the Oseberg Viking ship, which was used by Vikings around a thousand years ago. After 3 years’ worth of research, he found a lot of artifacts in the ship which point towards the existence of a myth. Well, naturally at first, he hides that information and goes on talking about the basic findings of his research.

    When the investors start to believe that he is wasting their time, he decides to tell them the truth. Now, you are about to be dazzled by what he tells us. So, basically, they found evidence in the tomb of Queen Asa which is indicating to Ragnarok. He also found a runic inscription in one of the parts of the Oseberg Viking ship that said “litet-vis maor”, which translates to “Man knows little”. Yeah, that is all that it says. Imagine a Viking centuries ago who wanted to leave that tiny message for the world to discover. Sure, something is off about it!

    So, famously, Ragnarok is believed to be a myth about a huge war that will be the end of the entire world as we know it. Ragnarok is the Old Norse language which basically means The Doom of the Gods. It is actually the name the pre-Christian Norse gave to the end of their mythical cycle. And during this, the cosmos is supposedly destroyed and later also re-created. Now, who in their right minds would believe a myth like that. This is exactly how the investors reacted when Sigurd suggested that Ragnarok could be real. And so, they pulled their funding for his research project. That sure upset the museum’s director Henriksen.

    Now, the plot takes a rather interesting turn, and Sigurd’s co-worker Allan, played by Nicolai Cleve Broch, shows up at Sigurd’s door with something quite unexpected. Guess what he found, a giant stone tablet in the city of Finnmark with runic inscriptions on it. They are able to translate most of the runic symbols and you will not believe what it says. The stone seems kind of like a map left for the survivors by Queen Asa herself. And looks like there is an island in a lake that might have Viking treasure.

    So, of course, both Allan and Sigurd decide to go there to explore further. Sigurd is a single parent when he also takes both of his kids with him. His daughter Ragnhild and his son Brage. They meet Allan’s field partner in Finnmark named Elisabeth, and along with a hired guide named Leif, they begin their journey.

    Now as they continue hiking, they reach a Soviet military camp that looks like a sight of a cold war. They reached the lake mentioned in that stone, which surrounds an island that is said to be the Eye of Odin. Upon exploring some more, Brage finds an enormous cave. After going down inside the cave, Sigurd finds a Viking helmet. It feels like they have a hit jackpot because the cave is full of Viking artifacts. Oh, but Leif has other plans for it. He threatens to kill all of them if they refuse to give all the artifacts to him. We have our much-awaited betrayal at last.

    He abandons everyone else on the island and makes a run for the raft. But the mystery is just about to begin. Looks like Leif is attacked in the middle of the lake by something that probably lives in the water and he has vanished. Now, back in the cave, they all make it outside, but because of a weird skull that Allan found, both he and Sigurd go back into the cave.

    Spooky things are now about to happen. Brage and the rest were asleep when suddenly a weirdly shaped egg pops open from Brage’s bag. Yeah, he carried something unknown back from the expedition in the cave. On the other end, Allan and Sigurd realize that the cave is no treasure hunt, in fact, it is a cave of thousands of deaths.

    Now, our creature is soon about to make its first appearance. It will be extremely gross and more terrifying than you can possibly imagine. They start hearing monster noises in the cave and try to run as far away from it because it kind of looks are extremely angry. Remember the egg that broke in the bunker? Guess what came out of it. A tiny sort of like a baby snake. Oh, but the way it screamed, will give you goosebumps.

    They all now decide that if they want to stay alive, they need to leave this island as soon as possible. So, with the help of a rope, they make a ropeway for them to safely travel through the lake to the other side. Because obviously, they do not have time to build a boat and the creature will most probably attack them if they set foot in the water.

    Sigurd gets in trouble when he is halfway through the rope after Allan, Brage, and Ragnhild have crossed it safely. And as Elisabeth tries to help him out, they are almost attacked by that creature who jumped up right from the lake. You are about to be super scared for their lives. Because guess what, their troubles don’t just end upon crossing the lake. The creature still seems to be following them. So, they run to hide in a rustic old Russian bunker. And as they are trying to find a way out of there, the group finds out why the creature is still following them.

    That baby snake which came out of the egg, yeah, apparently Allan has been hiding and carrying it with him all this while. Well, unfortunately as soon as it looks like they might be able to safely getaway, the monster finds them and attacks Allan. One man down, what will happen to the rest?

    Brage and Ragnhild are now separated from Sigurd and Elisabeth and the monster seems to be chasing the poor kids. Backed into a corner, when both of them are screaming their hearts out, Sigurd comes to the rescue. He saves everyone by giving the creature’s child back to it.

    Well, thank God we got to see a happy ending for our survivors. They sure had to deal with a lot through the whole expedition which was supposed to lead them towards the treasure. So, now that we got the experience the story of this incredible film, let us watch some mind-blowing details about our creature.

    Oseberg Serpent Monster

    Oseberg Serpent Monster

    We all know by now that the famous creature in Ragnarok, which the whole movie is about, is basically the Oseberg Serpent. They are a species of legendary sea serpents. Sure, our heroes were not supposed to seek them out and wake up the mother serpent as they did. But that is what happens when you find an artifact written with runic symbols. You try to understand it in a way that seems beneficial for your purpose. Good for us that Sigurd and his group went to the Eye of Odin. It sure gave us an amazing watch.

    Now, we know you are probably wondering what did the Vikings want from this creature in the first place. The Viking King knew that the creature found in a secret island called the Eye of Odin, which is in the middle of a lake in present-day Finnmark, held a lot of secrets regarding Ragnarok. And obviously, unlike the investors, an event like Ragnarok would be intriguing for the Vikings. It belongs to the Norse Mythology after all.

    The King’s daughter Asa knew better than her father just how dangerous the plan to capture the Oseberg Serpent was going to be. But obviously, he was not going to listen to her. So, the Viking King and his army try to lure the serpent out of the water with the help of a sheep. We all know what happened later. That very serpent they wanted to capture ended up becoming the death of all of them.

    It is safe to assume that the mother serpent that went after Sigurd and Allan in the cave, might have been the same one that killed all of those Vikings. Now, what you will be surprised to find out is that the mother serpent can hear the cries of the baby serpent even when it was locked inside a metal box and was far away from the reach of the mother serpent. That is definitely why the serpent tried to pull the bunker into the water after the baby serpent had hatched and scared the kids.

    If you are thinking about how long the Oseberg Serpents are, well, take a guess. It is unbelievable that they are able to grow up to around 60 feet tall. Fighting a giant like that will never be easy. These serpents also have exceptionally great senses and speed. And clearly, they can live through everything.

    Much of their description is similar to that of a wyrm, which is a limbless dragon. It is due to the formation of their teeth, which would be more similar to lizards or theropod dinosaurs. They also have pebble-shaped scales. They are not exactly like snakes, in fact, there is a good difference between them and the snakes. Unlike snakes, they have intense hearing and the skill to roar. Since snakes do not have ears, they ‘hear’ things around them by feeling movements and hissing. Oseberg Serpents are also strong swimmers because they were originally sea serpents that lived in the ocean.

    If you happen to encounter one, you will not have time to figure out when they reached you because their hiding skills are excellent. There is no chance you will hear them coming unless they are already super close to your location. This is why they are more intelligent than you would have thought them to be!

    Remember when Sigurd and Allan found countless skeleton remains deep inside the cave, that scene clearly showed us how deadly and dangerous this creature can be. They also found the skeletal corpse of a Russian Soldier who clearly, did not die a thousand years ago. So, looks like that soldier had the misfortune of encountering the Oseberg Serpent in the past which is even scarier.

    Well, in spite of all the horrors it can cause, the serpent does end up showing its motherly care and love for its child when Sigurd returned the baby serpent. Because once they were safely together, the mother serpent left Sigurd and the group alone and went away. Some mercy after all! It looks like it is true that as long as you don’t disturb a creature and try to take away something that belongs to them, they will most likely not want to cause any harm to you.

    There you go, now you know all about this creature and what all it is capable of doing. Ragnarok ended up being a fantastic film with such a strong ending. Like we said, the film offers every single feeling that you want to watch on the big screens. Make sure to watch Ragnarok because you do not want to miss out on the fun of archaeology and the excitement of yet another brilliant creature feature.

    Well, with that, guys, we have come to the end of another video that you all were waiting to watch. We hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to click the like button and hit subscribe on your way out. We know you want to keep watching more such videos. Well, until then, take care, stay safe, and have a great day!

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