
    10 Dominating And Powerful Women Crazy In Love For Batman – Batman’s Love Interests Explored

    People frequently mistake introverts for loners who never talk to others and are uninterested in dating. However, this is not the case. Everyone, including the dark and gloomy loner Bruce Wayne, needs sweet lovin’ now and then.

    He has a sizable collection of rogues, but he also has a sizable collection of romantic interests, ranging from superheroes to supervillains, and even his friends’ women. Seriously, Bruce Wayne’s playboy moniker did not just come out of nowhere.

    For someone who had a difficult emotional background during his boyhood, his love life just adds to his problems. His personal emotional issues, betrayals, and deaths frequently contribute to the demise of his romantic relationships. This dude has already been through a lot, but Batman would rather spend his billions on technology than a few thousand on counseling.

    If we talked about every girl he has ever dated, the list would be endless. So, in this video, we will go over ten of these love partners who have had a significant impact on his life.

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    Talia Al Ghul

    Talia Al Ghul

    Getting romantically involved with the daughter of your enemy won’t do you good and that’s exactly what happened when Batman got involved with Talia Al Ghul. Her father, Ra’s Al Ghul, wanted Batman to be his successor at the League of Assassins and have kids with Talia. It’s not like Batman hasn’t dated assassins before but his history with Talia is quite notable.

    She was the one who pursued Batman and they did end up becoming parents to Damian Wayne. However, this romance is a lot more complicated than it sounds like.

    During their first encounters, which generally happened during a battle sequence with Batman standing against Ra’s Al Ghul, Talia would help him out and yet, she would side with her father. Time went on and they finally had a sexual encounter, resulting in the birth of Damian. After this, Talia began to adhere to her father’s ideals more and more, wanting him to align with the League of Assassins and rule the world with her. Of course, he refused.

    In Batman Beyond, Talia had given up her body to Ra’s Al Ghul, who had transferred his consciousness into his daughter’s body after his body was destroyed beyond the point of restoration. Bruce was horrified when he found out about this. In the same episode, Bruce had also referred to Talia as his beloved.

    In the video game Batman: Arkham City, Bruce, and Talia are shown to care for each other to the point of risking their lives for their lover.

    But, this relationship is really messed up when you think about how Damian was born. In the animated film Son of Batman, Talia admitted to drugging and raping Batman to conceive Damian. Pretty disgusting.

    Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman

    Office romance with your co-worker gives rise to exciting workplace scandals but Bruce Wayne really took it far when he found himself being attracted to Wonder Woman. Sure, the Amazonian woman is gorgeous, he does not have to keep his identity a secret around her, and they spend a lot of time with each other but the relationship ended up not working out. And this romantic development took place time and again in several continuities.

    After sharing a kiss in the Justice League animated series, they decided to not pursue the relationship due to their respective emotional problems.

    In Earth-One continuity, Wonder Woman initially pretended to love Batman to nab Copperhead but she ended up falling in love with him for real. It turned out to be mutual and they tried to date.

    In Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity, Wonder Woman is repelled by Batman’s complicated personality but he is unable to let go of the memory where they kissed on Paradise Island.

    They also had a run with their complicated emotions in the New Earth continuity where they developed a flirtatious relationship and dated for a brief period until breaking things off due to not wanting to ruin their friendship. She even admitted to having feelings for both Batman and Superman in the past and kept harboring feelings for Batman even after their relationship had ended.

    In the DC Animated Universe, Wonder Woman fell in love with Lord Batman and stayed back in the world run by the Justice Lords. They ended up getting married but Lord Batman was killed by Lady Wonder Woman.

    In the Rebirth comic line, Diana gets trapped with Bruce in The Realm. She confesses about finding him attractive and the two almost kiss but they ultimately do not do so since they were both seeing other people.

    Catwoman/Selina Kyle

    Catwoman Selina Kyle

    In Batman’s long list of lovers, his relationship with Catwoman or Selina Kyle turned out to be more enduring than the rest. Even though they ultimately grew apart from one another, they did get involved in a relationship of some sort in every continuity and through several arcs.

    During the Golden Age comics, Batman was pretty attracted to Catwoman and would often flirt with her, even when she was on the opposite side of the law. After she reformed, they dated on and off. She left Gotham temporarily and returned as a vigilante.

    After she reformed in the Earth-Two continuity, Batman admitted to loving her. They got married and birthed Helena Wayne aka the Huntress.

    In the New Earth, the two have gotten romantically involved several times. He even revealed his identity to her but after learning about a conspiracy by Hush, he decided to not trust her. They eventually split but went on to love each other deeply irrespective of whether they were together or not.

    In the Prime Earth continuity, Bruce proposed to Selina but the wedding was called off after she left him. Poor guy can’t catch a break. He also regularly dates Selina in Batman: The Animated Series and alludes to it in Batman Beyond.

    When it comes to the live-action movies, Tim Burton’s Batman Returns has dabbled into this with Selina being the love of Bruce’s life. He even offers her to live with him in Wayne Manor and give up on her vendetta against Max Shreck but that doesn’t work out. In Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, mutual romantic interest between the two is shown later on in the film.

    Lois Lane

    Lois Lane

    Bruce Wayne really breaks the bro code when The New Batman Adventures and Superman: The Animated Series have a crossover. Not much good can come out of a relationship when Batman gets involved with Superman’s longtime girlfriend.

    The two dated for a while and then Bruce decided to confess to Lois about his persona as the Dark Knight, even though this has often been the relationship killer for him. After dating Superman for so long, Lois evidently did not want a dramatic relationship with another superhero so Bruce being the Bat was a dead end for her. She did keep this secret though.

    Of course, Superman was pretty annoyed by this development. Later, Lois went on to have second thoughts about dumping him.

    In the New 52 continuity, an amnesiac Batman and Lois Lane met each other. This time around, Bruce Wayne was also nicer. The two even sparred, with Lois donning the Batgirl suit. The two worked together in cases and ended up falling in love. However, Lois was heartbroken about him losing his feelings after regaining his memories, which turned out to be true as he was horrified by the fact that he had kissed her and dumped her.

    Jezebel Jet

    Jezebel Jet

    Another complicated love interest of Bruce Wayne, Jezebel Jet, was a victim of a criminal organization called the Black Glove. The group was traditionally involved in trading people and Jezebel was placed on a wager. After being won by the President of Mtamba, an African country, she went on to rule it.

    She met Bruce Wayne in London at an art gallery fundraiser. During this time, Alfred believed that Bruce needed to get in touch with his playboy reputation once again and stir up the tabloids. Eventually, Bruce and Jezebel began dating and became a hot topic as one of Gotham’s most popular celebrity couples with Bruce being a billionaire tycoon and Jezebel being a model. However, Talia Al Ghul still harbored an interest in Batman as she intended to live a life with him and their son Damian so she would monitor the two.

    Following Bruce’s routine disappearances and bruises, Jezebel ended up discovering Bruce’s secret persona as Batman. Around this time, the Black Glove became active in Gotham once again, making Bruce suspicious about the group. However, there was trouble in paradise.

    Bruce took Jezebel to the Batcave where the Batcomputer showed several pictures with the word Zur-En Arrh on it. Bruce couldn’t see them but Jezebel read it out, causing Bruce’s mind to collapse. The cave was then invaded and Batman took to Arkham Asylum. Jezebel was also captured but in the end, it was revealed that she was part of the Black Glove. In the end, he confessed that he only pretended to love Jezebel and after the events, they obviously broke it off.

    Jezebel died when her plane got attacked under orders from Talia Al Ghul.

    Black Canary

    Black Canary

    Relationships are bound to see several ups and downs, ideally, there should be more ups than downs. Unfortunately, that is always not the case, especially when you think about Batman’s relationship with Black Canary, which has the weirdest development from the very onset. This was doomed from the very start.

    If you’ve read All-Star Batman & Robin, you know how strange the situation is. Frank Miller is revered as a writer for his excellent contributions to several Batman arcs such as The Dark Knight Returns and Year One. But in one of his stories, Batman kills off several criminals during a dock fire, which in itself is very out of character for a guy who hates guns.

    What’s worse? Black Canary gets very turned on when he sees Batman kill the criminals. Then, the two of them have sex in an alleyway while wearing their costumes, indulging in some cringe, realistic roleplay.

    This is the worst part of the relationship and though there are better moments following this awkward incident. The two tried to indulge in a romantic union when working with the Justice League. However, Black Canary was dating Green Arrow during this time which ended up giving rise to some major drama within the League.

    So apart from being known as The Dark Knight and the Caped Crusader, you can also call him Mr. Steal Your Girl.

    Rachel Dawes

    Rachel Dawes

    Despite Bruce Wayne having a long list of love interests from what we can already garner, Christopher Nolan decided to create a new character for his trilogy. And that is when Rachel Dawes entered the scene. To a certain extent, she is similar to Dawn Golden, one of Bruce’s childhood friends and one-time romance.

    Since Bruce Wayne’s relationships fell apart after his women learned about his emotional baggage, having Rachel as his girlfriend diluted that possibility since she was his childhood friend. She was well aware of how deeply he was affected by the deaths of his parents and lent her shoulder to him for emotional and romantic support.

    Her effect on the story isn’t as notable as the other characters on this list and Nolan himself was dissatisfied by it. In the end, she got involved in one of Joker’s traps and died but even if she had lived, the relationship would have been a failure due to her being in love with Harvey Dent instead. Rough.

    Vicki Vale

    Vicki Vale

    Like Lois Lane, Vicki Vale is a photographer and a reporter. She has been Batman’s long-standing love interest in the Golden Age. She worked for the Gotham Gazette and eventually fell in love with Bruce Wayne. Her influence on Batman also helped Vicki earn a spot in Tim Burton’s Batman, a 1989 classic.

    She was intelligent enough to become suspicious of Bruce Wayne being Batman. She began to trail him for more evidence during which the two fell for one another. Throughout the course of several arcs, Vicki’s character underwent certain developments and changes but her original characteristics remained the way they were.

    In 1964, Vicki was written off from the Batman comics and things stayed that way for quite some time until she was brought back in the 1980s. However, her character was not developed enough and people were already aware of her unveiling Batman’s identity so the character did not see much success.

    Other writers used her as a recurring love interest and in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home, she keeps Bruce’s secret to herself and becomes his ally instead of a love interest.

    She even appeared in Tim Burton’s Batman as a renowned photographer. But here, she is a damsel in distress who is saved by the Dark Knight. In other continuities, she often plays the role of Bruce Wayne’s occasional date.

    Zatanna Zatara

    Zatanna Zatara

    Bruce cannot get enough of failed romances and this is only solidified when his dynamic with the magician Zatanna Zatara also turns out to be a failure. Her cheerful personality contrasts that of Bruce’s brooding nature and she also has the strength to defend herself, making the relationship more convenient for Batman. Even though people love the idea of opposites attracting, the reality is far from it and a brooding person isn’t very likely to find solace in someone who cannot relate to him. In fact, their romance never amounts to much.

    Zatanna was clear with her intentions. She wanted to get closer to Bruce and well, it’s not like he did not want it. But his abandonment issues kicked in and he kept pushing her away. When Zatanna asked him about this, he gave her the excuse that has made girls from reality and fiction alike, cringe with disappointment and annoyance. He confessed that he cared for her too much, which is why he pushed her away. And this dialogue was not going to work on one of DC’s strongest heroes.

    In Batman: The Animated Series, we see a strong romantic interest between the two for the first time. They had met during the early years of his life but Bruce decided to put his time and effort into becoming Batman. In the comics and as adults, the bad got worse when Zatanna mindwiped him, causing him to not trust her at all, and rightfully so.

    But even if the circumstances were better, Batman still had a problem with intimacy and letting his guard down with women, causing his relationships to take a hit.

    Poison Ivy

    Poison Ivy

    Clearly, this guy has a thing for women who are on the opposite side of the law. Catwoman, Jezebel Jet, Talia Al Ghul, and now Poison Ivy.

    Poison Ivy has been a popular antagonist in Batman. She is known for relying on her seductive prowess to manipulate the pheromones of men, causing them to go crazy for her after she intoxicates them with her poisonous kiss. She used this technique to enchant Batman as well but things are not as superficial as it looks.

    Poison Ivy has a love/hate relationship with him. At times, she loves him, she craves his affection. And then suddenly, she wants to kill him. Bruce Wayne isn’t the only complicated one in his relationships after all.

    He went on to develop a genuine romantic connection with her when he tried to help cure the condition that turned her into Poison Ivy. However, Pamela wanted her abilities back and died while trying to regain them, putting an end to their romance as well.

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