As fans prepare for the release of the enormously successful light novel franchise’s next project, the story of “Sword Art Online” continues. With the debut of its anime adaptation in 2012, “Sword Art Online” which began as a light novel series authored by Rei Kawahara in 2009, became popular on a mainstream, international scale. The light novel, as well as the anime, had a significant influence on anime, popularizing isekai and stories set in video games.
The franchise has only grown since then, with sequels and spin-offs as “Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online.” Recently, fans have been anticipating the release of the next installment in the saga, a movie adaptation of “Scherzo of Deep Night.”
In 2021, the first film in the Sword Art Online Progressive series was released, grossing millions of dollars at the box office. In 2022, the movie had its international premiere. Sword Art Online: Progressive – Aria of a Starless Night’s international release isn’t the only good news for Sword Art Online fans.
Not only has the movie’s release date been confirmed, but it has also been revealed. Of course, the movie is slated for release in 2022, so Isekai fans should be excited because there’s a lot to look forward to this year.
Sword Art Online: Progress is a movie based on the same-named novels by Remi Kawahara and abec. The novels are a more detailed recounting of the original SAO tale, told from Asuna’s perspective this time.
Here’s everything we know about “Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night.”
What is the story of SAOP: Scherzo of Deep Night?
On November 6, 2022, 10,000 players who logged into SAO become stuck in the game and can only exist if they clear it. They must play all 100 floors of the steel castle known as Aincrad to beat the game and so escape. A player’s death in the game would also entail their death in the real world due to the NerveGear they used to log in.
Asuna, who joined the game alongside Mito, is one of the 10,000 players. Asuna is initially taken aback and concerned about her situation. She does, however, begin to deal with the issue at hand. As she progresses through the game, she ultimately encounters Kirito, a beta tester who knows a lot about the game.
Sword Art Online Progressive gives the already existing Sword Art Online Aincrad tale a more thorough structure. It excludes all previous viewer complaints that the series is a little rushed. Mito was also introduced as a new character in the anime.
When will SAOP: Scherzo of Deep Night released?
The previously announced Sword Art Online: Progressive -Scherzo of the Deep Night- anime film has revealed a teaser trailer during the AnimeJapan 2022. As per a press release dated March 23, 2022, Sword Art Online Progressive 2 will be released in the fall of 2022. A particular release date has not yet been set.
The events of the fourth volume of the Sword Art Online Progressive novels will be brought to life in this animated movie. Kirito and Asuna’s adventures on the fifth level are covered in Volume 4 of the series.
In addition to the huge news, the anime movie’s first key visual was published. It has a character design that shows Kirito and Asuna against a huge enemy. Kento Toda drew this teaser image. In addition, the cast and crew for the Sword Art Online Progressive sequel have been confirmed.