Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Marvelous Videos scary movie video. Every horror fan enjoys a good shape-shifting creature with a compelling backstory once in a while, right? In today’s video, we deliver to horror fans exactly the kind of film they have been wanting to hear about.
Discarnate is an American supernatural horror feature film directed by Mario Sorrenti and written by Mario Miscione and Marcella Ochoa. It was released earlier this year. If you are a son who has always been loved by his father, or a father who will go to any length to protect his child, the plot and storyline of this film may strike a chord with you.
The film’s star cast is very well thought out, thanks to Harald Kloser’s involvement in the production team. It features Thomas Kretschmann, Josh Stewart, Chris Coy, Nadine Velazquez, and a slew of more stars.
Sorrenti is primarily a fashion photographer, with publications such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Vanity Fair featuring his work. Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, and Estee Lauder are just a few of his high-profile clients. Famous celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson, Charlize Theron, and Tom Cruise appear in his spreads. Yes, it all sounds quite intriguing. To top it off, you will be surprised to learn that Discarnate is his debut feature film.
So, let us jump straight into the movie and see what occurs, as well as how terrifying it will make you feel with all of the psychological horrors and weird beasts.
Once it sees your soul, it hunts your flesh – Discarnate (2018)
The film begins with Dr. Andre Mason, a neuroscientist, who is played by Thomas Kretschmann. And his son Benny[enacted by Jack Vaughn] is scared to death of a monster, apparently outside his window. It seems like a natural child behavior of course. Except, when Mason tries to calm him down, it looks like some supernatural entity snatches Benny away. Discarnate then takes us ahead in time to a ’10 Years Later’ prelude, which is cut like a trailer.
We now see that Mason has been looking for a rare kind of herbal tea that only Maya Sanchez makes. Miss Sanchez is played by Nadine Velazquez. Mason goes on to acquire a grant in order to turn this rare botanical compound into a serum. This tea is apparently a mind-altering substance and helps people communicate and possibly dive into the afterlife.
When Mason tries it out, he ends up meeting Sanchez’s dead younger sister, Isabel, in the other world. And before you know it, we have a whole team of professionals who come together with their own mental baggage to work on this project. On the team are, Dr.Travis Sherman, played by Chris Coy, his brother Shane, played by Matthew Munroe, and Violette Paich, who is played by Bex Taylor -Klaus. We also have Casey Blackburn, played by Josh Stewart who is there to observe the trial for the Milford Foundation of Neuroscience and funds all of their research.
Now begins Trial Day One, and sure is going to be a hell of a lot exciting. The air around the whole house seems very gloomy and eerie from the beginning. Lots of things happen that kind of make us feel as if a supernatural presence has always been there around the house. The wind blows and suddenly comes to a stop around Maya, and she hears the sounds of a child.
The same thing happens with Dr. Mason as well. He hears a child giggling and laughing. You would almost think that maybe it is his son. Because it is obvious that he is obsessed with this serum due to the fact that he lost his son to something which possibly does not belong to this world. Well, as it turns out that the sounds he hears are not of his son, but some girl who is wearing a weird bunny mask on her face.
She first appears on the swing and Mason tries to hold her but she vanishes. Now, something even more terrifying occurs. We see the mud on the ground moving like something is trying to come out of it. All this makes them believe that they are staying in a haunted house! The situation is grim. Well, it obviously has to be the side effects of the serum though,
it looks like our creature of the film shows itself as it scares and ambushes Shane inside a storage unit. The team is not quite sure what Shane saw. Was it a hallucination or is the serum actually working, or was it just a side effect and his mind is playing games on him? Well, on the other hand, Maya finally ends up having an encounter with Lisa. It would seem that Lisa is scared about something or possibly about someone who is coming!
Dr. Mason comes face to face once again with that girl. She seems lonely and all she wants to do is play with somebody. When Mason tries to ask her about Benny, she gets upset. Now, it is obvious that apparently, even Benny is scared of something which is why he is not here yet. She warns Mason about the smiling man. At this point, we have no idea who he is.
We see the girl’s face, and she appears to be wounded quite badly. Her flesh is visible on the left side of her face. The film just keeps getting eerier and creepier as it can get. Well, on day 2 of the trial, the team still seems pretty unsure about the hallucinations that the group is having.
We hear from Benny a little, but he is soon gone. When Maya looks outside the house she sees a ghost dressed in white. Yes, an actual ghost, from the looks of it, it is a scary sight. The most terrifying news is that the serum of course does not work as the tea does. Maya comes to realize this and tells the team that it is very much possible that they are not just visiting the other plane, but actually co-existing on it. Now, that sure is something -no one would want to hear.
Could their lives possibly be in danger now? The most dangerous encounter with the creature happens for the first time with Violette. It looks very similar to Dr. Travis’ experience, which was quite shocking. The scene is ghastly and almost unbearable to look at. The creature is holding a child and devouring it as if it is a full course meal. What could this creature possibly be?
The team then soon discovers that all the rats have been killed. This surely will put their experiment into trouble because Casey has not really been on their side since the start. While having a conversation with Casey, Violette sees a ghost of a guy. She is able to see him and she can also speak to him, but Casey cannot! It is of course due to the serum because Casey is the only one who has not taken it.
The encounter with this ghost turns into quite a fight when Mason comes and pushes it away. Maya was not even able to touch it, but Mason could. It is clear now that he has been taking more of the serum than the rest of the team. He sure seems to be keeping a lot of secrets. Later that day, the smiling man appears in his form in front of Mason and once again takes Benny away right in front of his eyes.
He then starts seeing his long-dead wife Rebecca, who isn’t really there. This traumatizes Mason again, and he overdoses on the serum. Now, comes the real climax of the film when Shane sees a struggling Travis in the greenhouse camera. It looks like the creature is making its move because Travis is sound asleep in his bed.
Well, Shane is clearly in trouble now because he discovers the dismembered bodies of all the rats inside the greenhouse, badly chewed, a gory sight indeed. And then the creature appears in front of him and attacks him. Now, Mason’s big secret is finally out to the whole team. It would appear that the house in which they all have been staying- is in fact the old house we saw at the beginning of the film.
He did not receive any grant for the experiment, he has been lying to everyone because he is doing this to catch the creature who took away his son from him, Maya’s sister, and countless other kids. This has been like his own secret mission, and now he has put everyone into trouble. They all decide to leave him and just then they spot Shane. Well, if only it was the real Shane.
The creature attacks Maya, Casey, and Violette who all get separated. It looks like just like Shane, the creature has now taken away Violette as well. The four people still alive, realize that there is no way out but to kill this thing. So, they head towards the forest, which by the way is full of dead people crawling and scattered everywhere! Yeah, if anything is scary, it has to be this nightmarish place!
Casey thinks that he finally found Violette, and Maya on the other hand discovers the dead body of Mason, back when he overdosed on the serum. She runs to Casey thinking that the guy who was with them, was actually the creature. But turns out, Mason has become the ghost and the one who Casey thought was Violette, was actually the creature in disguise.
One by one they all get caught by the creature. First Travis, whose face is chewed up and then Casey as well. In an attempt to save him, Maya finally ends up beating the creature to death with a shovel. It looks like everyone has died, except Maya.
The film comes to an end with Maya still unsure if that creature was the only one. Just then, the scene cuts to the other world and we see a swarm of creatures crawling on the ground. There are clearly hundreds of them.
Well, with that, the film comes to a deadly and uncertain end. All the deception throughout the film definitely led to the deaths of many. But little does Maya know that Dr. Mason’s mission of killing the creature for good, did not end up being successful. Now, let us take a deeper look at what exactly is this creature.
The Shape-Shifting Monster
If you are wondering how was the monster able to fool Shane by making himself appear like Travis, and also later tricked Casey into thinking he was helping Violette, well, let us check out the real deal with this shape-shifting monster.
We saw a ghost kid mention this creature as the smiling man. It would immediately make sense if you recall that in the opening scene of the film, we find Benny drawing something on a piece of paper. It is in fact the face of the smiling man, with no eyes and a huge grin on his face. It is as if Benny always knew that he was coming for him. Just as Lisa knew as well before she was taken away from Maya.
But the most strange part about the existence of this creature is that none of the adults can actually see it. This is why the entire time Benny kept trying to tell his father that there is a monster outside. He did not believe him because he could never see the creature. The fact behind this is revealed to us later in the film.
So, you must be wondering what did the serum do? How could they all, suddenly be able to see this creature? Well, basically, Dr. Travis explains to us in the film that the serum reactivates a part of the brain called the pineal gland. It is only active when we are kids, and as we step into adulthood, it becomes dormant. Now, in order to be able to enter this other world, they need to reactivate this gland, which is what the serum does!
Apparently, the pineal gland first starts to form as early as 49 days from the day of conception. Now, it would explain why the kids are the only ones who are able to see this creature. It takes the serum around 30 minutes to kick in and headache also seems to be a common side effect.
Well, as new as it was, for the team to be seeing these things, it was equally new for the smiling man to be in such close proximity with this bunch of adults. Remember that little girl Mason spoke to, she told him that the smiling man has been in the house ever since they arrived. An encounter was bound to happen eventually.
It does bring up the question though that why did the smiling man only go after the kids? Well, the obvious reason is that they could see it and that made them an easier target. The creature would take the kids to the woods and eat their flesh for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maya Sanchez had heard a lot about something similar from her grandmother.
Through Violette’s research, we could also say that the creature is a nokken, a Norwegian bogeyman who is a shapeshifter. Well, the smiling man apparently has multiple names because a lot of cultures have seen this monster and they all gave it their own name. In the film, the creature basically is called El Disencarnado, meaning the Discarnate. It is actually a being without flesh.
As surprising as it may be, the creature at one point could have been in the spirit form since it has no flesh, but that is clearly not the case anymore. It is deemed unworthy to leave the Earth after death. And naturally, it is desperate to become alive again. So, it loves to hunt. It chooses to eat the flesh of the innocent so that its own flesh can be returned to it. And in order to gain that, it makes sure to eat a lot of kids!
Well, now we know why the children are a target of this creature. Discarnate is surely a film that will keep you curious from the moment you set your eyes on it. The little glimpses of the monster that we see in the first half of the film, keep the excitement with the adrenaline rush – that there is going to be more. And boy did they give us more of the monster. A lot of full-body shots of the creature will leave you gawking at your screens because it is almost too much to bear, but hey, that is the real fun of a horror movie.
It covers a lot of bases for the horror buffs by including ghosts, paranormal activity scenes, supernatural elements, and the obvious creature feature. With Discarnate playing on your screens, you are in for a horror treat of your life. The star cast brings each of the emotions of the characters into life with their brilliant skills. Sorrenti clearly did not disappoint us, horror lovers.
Well, with that, guys, we have come to the end of another breathtaking video. We hope you enjoyed watching it. Make sure to smash that subscribe button, and hit the like button on your way out, so that we can keep bringing more such videos to you. Also, comment down below on which childhood superstition would you use to protect the kids at home from the terrifying grin of the shape-shifting monster, the Discarnate. Until then everyone, stay safe, listen to the kids when they say there is a monster outside, and have a great day ahead!