Another popular manga is on its way to its anime series. The High Card has established itself as a popular Japanese manga series, and soon the series will follow an anime television series. The series is written by Kenichi Yamashita, Kazuhiko Inukai, and Shingo Nagai. The plot includes an orphanage, which is about to get closed due to a lack of funds.
Out of the financial crisis, Finn decides, to launch a casino. Making the best out of the opportunity, he engages himself in following the dream of opening a casino and deriving profits. Though as expected the path is filled with obstacles. Finn faces a life-threatening car chase and a shootout. He discovers that it was caused by a lucky card possessed by some man.
As he continues to follow his path toward his goal, he discovers new mysteries about the cards. He comes to know about the power of a 52-card set. The person possessing the card acquires additional powers and qualities. The card helps the people channel their inner strengths and power, which were unfamiliar and latent before. The mysteries of the card amuse Finn, and he joins the scout group to find more such cards.
There is a kingdom named Flowerland. The king of Fourland orders a special group of players to collect these cards which are spread throughout the whole kingdom. The four players disguise themselves as the employees of the famous cardmaker Pinochle. Finn takes an extra risk and joins the same group, engaging himself in the task of gathering these cards. Pinochle has many rivals.
A fierce battle begins between the Pinochle and his rivals. Pinochle also receives the support of the Mafia family- The Klondikes. The hunt for the set 52-cards hence begins, and so does the obsessive battle between the parties.
The production is all set and it has been decided that the manga will be followed by an anime series. The series will be released very soon in the next year, that is, in 2023. The number of seasons and episodes is still unknown. Kadokawa will be looking after the production of the anime.
Kadokawa is making the series in collaboration with Sammy Corporation. TMS Entertainment Studio will be looking after the production. The High Card includes a manga series, followed by an anime series, a drama CD, and a novel.
The series will be aired on television in Japan. After a little time, the series will be released on OTT platforms like Netflix.
The viewers will come across all the characters from the manga. Some of the main characters that will be shown in the manga are- Leo Constantine Pinochle, Finn Oldman, Chris Redgrave, and Wendy Satou. It’s in our knowledge that Gen Satou will be giving voice to the main character Finn Oldman. Shun Horie will give a voice to the famous card maker Pinochle.
Other voice actors will be participating in the production. Some of the names are- Yuuichirou Umehara, HarukaShiraishi, and Toshiki Masuda. The author of the novel is Homura Kawamoto and Hikaru Muno. Emo is responsible for the illustrations.