The Reef: Stalked is an upcoming thriller film directed by Peter Meadows and written by Max Morley. The film stars Crystal Reed, Natalie Martinez, Shawna Waldron, and Matt O’Leary. The film follows a group of friends who are stalked and attacked by a great white shark while on a kayaking and diving expedition in the reefs off the coast of Australia. To survive, they must band together, and one of them must overcome her post-traumatic stress, face her fears and slay the monster. The film is set to be released in 2022.
What is The Reef: Stalked (2022) all about?
Nic’s sister Annie was murdered six months ago, and she has been struggling to cope ever since. When her friends suggest a kayaking and diving trip to a remote island in the Pacific, she agrees to go, hoping that the adventure will help her to heal. However, only a few hours into the trip, their kayaks are overturned by a massive Great White shark.
As the women struggle to stay afloat, Nic is paralyzed by her fear. But she knows that if she wants to survive, she will need to face her fears and fight back against the monster. With the help of her friends, she rallies herself and takes on the shark, slaying it with a knife. The ordeal leaves her traumatized but also stronger, and she returns home knowing that she can never forget what happened but also that she can move on from it.
As a director, Andrew Traucki is known for his tense, suspenseful thrillers. His latest film, The Hunter, is no exception. The story stars Teressa Liane, Tim Ross, and Ann Truong. It is going to be a thrilling ride from start to finish and proof that Traucki is a master of his craft. As a writer, he knows how to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, and as a director, he knows how to bring his vision to life. With strong performances from its cast and beautiful cinematography, The Reef: Stalked is a must-see film.
Is The Reef: Stalked (2022) on Netflix?
The Reef: Stalked is not currently available on Netflix. However, given that the film is still in production, it is possible that it will be added to the platform once it is released. In the meantime, fans of Andrew Traucki’s work can check out The Hunter, which is available on Netflix.
Is The Reef: Stalked (2022) on Hulu?
The Reef: Stalked is not currently available on Hulu. However, consider watching some other thriller shows like You or The Haunting of Hill House.
Is The Reef: Stalked (2022) on Amazon Prime?
The Reef: Stalked is not currently available on Amazon Prime. However, fans of thrillers and suspense lovers can watch some other shows like The Widow or The Girl with All the Gifts.
Where to stream The Reef: Stalked (2022)?
The Reef: Stalked will be released in the theatres on 29 July 2022. So, all the fans will have to wait for the film to be released in order to watch it.
How to watch The Reef: Stalked (2022) for free?
There is no way to watch The Reef: Stalked for free as the film is not released yet. Also, once it is released, it will be available on various streaming platforms and not for free.