The Devil’s Light is an upcoming 2022 horror film directed by Michael Chaves. The film centers on a nun who prepares to perform an exorcism and comes face to face with a demonic force with mysterious ties to her past. The plot of the film follows a Sister, a novice at the convent who is assigned to help the Father with an exorcism. But, the moment they face the demon, they realize that it has ties to Sister Irene’s past. As they delved deeper into the mystery, they must also fight against the clock to save the possessed girl’s soul.
The Devil’s Light looks to be a terrifying new entry in the horror genre and one that is sure to send chills down its viewers’ spines. With its talented director, impressive cast, and intriguing premise, the film is one that horror fans want to keep on their radar. Daniel Stamm has directed the show.
What is The Devil’s Light (2022) all about?
The Devil’s Light is an upcoming horror film that explores the dark side of the Catholic church. According to reports, the number of demonic possessions has increased in recent years, and the church has responded by reopening exorcism schools to train priests in the sacred rite.
In the film, we follow one of these schools as they try to fight back against the powers of evil. The Devil’s Light looks like it will be a suspenseful and harrowing film that offers a unique take on the horror genre. With its creepy atmosphere and intriguing premise, The Devil’s Light is sure to send chills down your spine.
The Devil’s Light stars Jacqueline Byers. The film follows Sister Ann, a nun who is determined to become an exorcist despite the fact that historically only priests have been allowed to perform them. When one professor senses her special gift, she is given the opportunity to study and master the ritual. However, as she begins to battle demonic forces, she realizes that there is a mysterious connection between her past and the present. The Devil’s Light is a thrilling horror film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
When one professor senses sister Ann’s special gift, she is given the opportunity to study and master the exorcism ritual. However, the demonic forces she battles soon reveal a mysterious connection to her own traumatic past. The Devil’s Light is a horror thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they watch Ann confront the demons within herself.
Where to watch The Devil’s Light (2022)?
On 28 October 2022, the show will be released in the theatres of the United States. If you are an eerie or horror movie lover, then this Halloween month is going to be super exciting for you!
Is The Devil’s Light (2022) on Netflix?
No, The Devil’s Light is not currently on Netflix. However, there are multiple horror shows available on this platform, like The Haunting of Hill House, The Conjuring, and A Quiet Place.
Is The Devil’s Light (2022) on Amazon Prime?
No, The Devil’s Light is not currently on Amazon Prime. However, there are multiple thrillers shows there to watch like Mindhunter, You, and Sharp Objects.
Is The Devil’s Light (2022) on Hulu?
No, The Devil’s Light is not currently on Hulu. However, there are multiple demon-themed shows available, like Outcast and The Exorcist.
How to watch The Devil’s Light (2022) for free?
The Devil’s Light will be released in theatres, and currently, there is no information on where to watch it for free. However, this information regarding the release of the show mentioned in the article will be updated as soon as we have more information. Check out some of the other horror films that are available on other OTT streaming platforms meanwhile.