
    Animated Film Will Expand The GI JOE Universe In 2022

    While many GI Joe fans were excited to see Snake Eyes arrive this year, the iconic universe will be expanding even further next year with the release of a new animated series. For fans of the original series, which brought back many childhood memories while also selling a tonne of toys, this is even more wonderful news from a franchise that hasn’t been active in a while.

    This announcement was made during Licensing Con Brazil, which featured a presentation by Marcelo Masotti, Hasbro Brazil’s head of licencing. While there will only be one big screen adaptation of the brand for the time being, Masotti revealed that the new series will premiere next year, with a second season coming in 2023.


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    While there were no details on the actual dates or who will be airing the series, a small clip of the show featuring Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow was shown, indicating that they are already far into production.

    No details on the series’ plot have been released, but given the long-form style, we can anticipate to see all of the classic Joe characters that fans have grown to adore over the years. They have a plethora of characters to play with in the franchise, and having multiple episodes to work with usually means that much more can be crammed into a short film.

    While the announcement of a Hasbro animated series does not rule out the possibility of a film sequel, it appears that one will not be released until beyond 2023. Because part of the production was under the MGM label, the future of a sequel is likely to be in Amazon’s hands following their acquisition.

    With this in mind, the animated series’ introduction could serve as a nice little filler for fans who will be itching for more once Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins hits theatres on July 23.


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