
    This Dark And Disturbing Theory About Homelander’s Mother Will Churn Your Guts

    Let me briefly update you on Oedipus Tyrannus, the man who was foretold to kill his father and sleep with his mother before I tell you about Homelander’s mother and a disturbing fact about their relationship. Long ago, a man by the name of Oedipus succeeded to the throne of Thebes, but pestilence decimated his realm. When he questioned the oracle for the source and cure of the epidemic since he saw no end in sight, the oracle responded that it was brought on by a theological pollution because the killer of the previous king, Laius, was not apprehended.

    After exhausting all of his options, Oedipus discovered that it was he who had killed Laius and was having children with Laius’ wife, Jacosta. In actuality, Laius and Jacosta had given their little boy away since it was predicted that he would murder Laius and have an affair with Jacosta.

    The kid went on to become Oedipus, the future king of Thebes, a man who was a brother and father to his own offspring, as well as a son and husband to his own mother because the servant who was intended to kill the child had compassion on it. The Oedipus Syndrome is a modern idea put out by Sigmund Freud that says a son would have carnal urges for his mother or mommy issues.

    So, why am I telling you this, and how is it any way related to our beloved bad guy Homelander? Well, according to one theory, Homelander may have slept with his own mother. As disgusting as it may sound, it may be true. The theory takes root in a statement that Soldier Boy made about Herogasm, the obnoxious superhero orgy that takes place once every year. Apart from the return of Love Sausage and all the flying liquid life, fans were quick to notice Soldier Boy saying how he and Lady Liberty started Herogasm in the first place in the year 1952.

    Now, very many characters from The Boys have immensely questionable personalities… they kill random people, some are racist, some live to have sex, and some do it the other way around. But the weirdest among them has to be Antony Starr’s Homelander, an approval-hungry man-child with sadistic traits who doesn’t know what to do with his powers. The Superman parody with blond hair and blue eyes was supposedly created by Vogelbaum in a laboratory, and that’s what everyone believed, including the audience.

    However, it was recently revealed that Soldier Boy beat his meat into a cup and the white liquid life was taken by Vogelbaum to create a baby, a superboy who could shoot laser beams and fly. Since Soldier Boy was Homelander’s father, the question arises about his mother. From what we know about Soldier Boy’s statement about Herogasm and Liberty, it is evident that the two of them often slept together.

    And, if Vought International had to create a supe baby, wouldn’t it be logical to take the sperm and egg from the strongest supes of the time? Well, yes, the egg for Homelander probably came from Liberty, who later went on to become Stormfront, and Homelander’s love interest. So, Homelander probably slept with his mum!


    Some may argue that Homelander’s mother was Soldier Boy’s girlfriend from Payback, the very infamous and now dead B-Plug Countess. However, she was not strong enough. If you think about it, Homelander is the only one apart from Stormfront who has the ability of flight, and if we know one thing from the Homelander and Becca fiasco, it is that superpowers travel from parent to child.

    That explains why Ryan can fly and shoot laser beams. Yes, they say Homelander killed his mother at childbirth by ripping through her. It is possible that Vogelbaum used Stormfront’s eggs, but used a surrogate mother to plant the foetus, whom Homelander ultimately ripped open to come into the world. Furthermore, if you remember the previous seasons of the show, you’ll know that Homelander has a pretty strong mommy fetish!

    I mean, the dude loved drinking Madelyn Stillwell’s milk, and was jealous of her little son. The fact that he also took an interest in Stormfront, his probable mother, was no surprise. Another fact that supports this theory is Homelander’s origin in the comics, which clearly stated that Homelander’s genes came from Stormfront. Now, this Stormfront was a man, who the creators of the live-action show transformed into a woman, but it is quite possible that even in the show, Homelander’s genes came from Stormfront.

    Irrespective of the truth behind this crazy theory, the fact that we are talking about it, proves the comfort that The Boys shows when it comes to tackling uncomfortable subjects such as incest. And, one shouldn’t be surprised if the fourth season gives further evidence proving the same.

    The only hiccup out there is that Stormfront’s character is presumed dead. I mean she was killed off-screen, but then, she was severely injured and her legs severed. It would be unreasonable to bring her story arc back into the picture. Nevertheless, let’s just wait till the fourth season of The Boys, and if we get some more information in the meantime, we’ll be sure to bring you up to speed.

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