Despite having accomplished many amazing achievements, King Arthur of Atlantis, Son of the Land and Seas, and Protector of the Seas, has not always been a decent guy in the DC Universe.
Arthur Curry, as Aquaman, has frequently appeared in animated series and films as a demon spawn, a wicked half-breed who served a greater evil. Nevertheless, he has demonstrated in the past that he is capable of dying for a cause that is greater than himself.
This aquatic Superman has done everything good and bad, from slashing his wrist to save his son to carrying out genocide to dominate Earth! The top 9 extremely violent and badass animation scenes in which Aquaman let loose his berserker anger are explored in this video. Shall we get started?
Aquaman Beats Cyborg To Death
Because of the many potential outcomes and distorted timelines, the 2013 movie Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox was a true joy to witness. One may argue that it served as the inspiration for Marvel’s animated What If series. For instance, we learn about Thomas Wayne, who succeeded Bruce as Batman following Bruce’s death, and Superman’s time as a US government prisoner.
The conflict for global supremacy between the Atlanteans led by Aquaman and the Amazons led by Wonderwoman in the other reality Barry Allen established serves as the central theme of the entire narrative. However, Barry Allen realizes what he has done and strives to save the day.
In the quest to do so, he forges an alliance with several of the Justice Leaguers. Close to the end of the film, Barry Allen, Batman, and Cyborg team up to stop Aquaman. However, while Batman and Flash didn’t sustain the fight for too long, Cyborg seemed to hold his ground against the oceanic king. Cyborg gave Aquaman a tough fight and defeated some other bad guys with relative ease.
But then again, Aquaman was far superior in terms of strength, and he managed to pin down Cyborg before punching his face left, right, and centre. A battered Cyborg couldn’t even defend himself when Aquaman opened the metallic warrior’s breastplate, revealing Cyborg’s pumping heart. Aquaman proclaimed, “Your metal skull will decorate my great hall.” Though Superman arrived at the scene to rescue Cyborg, his life by then was over, as Aquaman had put out his light.
Aquaman Kills Lex Luthor
We all know how evil and resourceful Lex Luthor can get when it comes to saving himself from death. I mean, you do not become Superman’s archenemy without actually having some serious mettle in you, right? How many human beings can say that they have almost killed Superman more than once? Well, in Flashpoint Paradox, Lex Luthor was working with Deathstroke to stop further loss of life.
He wanted to find the energy source of a weapon that Aquaman had been building. Its power source was actually Captain Atom, the great superhero who could absorb and manipulate theoretically infinite amounts of energy. The weapon, if formed, would have made Aquaman the unchallenged ruler of Earth, but it would have come at a great price. Lex and Deathstroke, however, had been treading deep in Aquaman’s territory. While Aquaman’s forces slayed almost everyone, including Deathstroke, Aquaman himself approached Lex in the end and finished Lex with his trident.
Ruthless Battle Wonder Woman vs Aquaman
In Justice Society: World War 2, the 41st instalment of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies, Barry Allen manages for the first time to reach a speed high enough to channel what is called the Speed Force. He was saving Superman from a Kryptonite bullet that the supervillain Brainiac had fired. However, due to the Speed Force, Barry Allen gets transported back in time, and witnesses a team of superheroes batling the Nazi forces. But he had not just travelled back in time, but to another reality.
It turns out that Colonel Steve Trevor had created the first ever Justice League of America by incorporating the likes of Black Canary, Hawkman, Hourman, Jay Garrick or the flash in this alternate universe. Barry joins the team and helps them rescue Doctor Fate, who guides them towards the Burmuda Triangle, but on their way, their sub is attacked, only to be saved by the Atlanteans and Aquaman.
However, Aquaman was under the mind control of another DC supervillain named the Advisor, who wished to use the Atlanteans for the Nazi cause, but he had his own personal agendas and motives. Nevertheless, the Justice League divides itself into two parts, and Wonderwoman arrives with Barry Allen to stop Aquaman.
She starts off by landing a massive punch on Aquaman, who gets thrown across several blocks, destroying as many buildings. But he is not one to give up easily, right? Naturally, the two get into a prolonged fight that involves a whole lot of super-punches. Wonderwoman seems to have lost the battle but gets a window to hold herself together when Steve Trevor arrives to aid her. This time around, she broke Aquaman’s trident, which released him from the Advisor’s mind control.
Aquaman Unleashed His Berserker Rage
In the 2015 film, Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, Arthur Curry doesn’t yet know about his Atlantean origins, let alone the fact that he is the future king of Atlantis. So, of course, he has no idea about the powers his body hides and everything else that comes with being an Atlantean.
In the first third of the film, we find him sitting in a bar and sloshing himself up. The dude did have a penchant for drinking on almost all occasions, no matter how gloomy or gleeful. Nevertheless, he was drinking because of the recent loss of his father, and as would be expected, he was talking to a lobster, telling him how alone he was in the world; little did he know that he had an entire family and a kingdom to rule.
However, when the staff picks up the lobster to be cooked into some delicious meal, Arthur takes offence. He wouldn’t just let someone eat his friend, right? And when the man who had ordered the lobster confronted Arthur, he ended up getting thrown like a ragdoll. Interestingly, this reminds me of a scene from the episode of The Boys, where The Deep is asked by Homelander to eat the octopus called Timothy.
Now, Timothy and The Deep were more than just friends, but The Deep eats it anyway. Seeing that The Deep was supposed to be a dumb and evil parody of Aquaman, we are not surprised in the way the two superheroes behaved when their respective friends were to be eaten. Coming back to Arthur, he not only beat the big guy’s ass to the pulp, but also soundly defeated his friends. When one of them tries to stab Arthur in the chest, the knife shatters, and all Arthur had to say was, “I always kind of wondered about that.”
All of Atlantis Bows Before Arthur
Later, when Aquaman and Ocean Master face off against each other for the final time for the throne of Atlantis, the former almost kills Aquaman, but Cyborg manages to play a video clip in which Ocean Master is talking about killing his own mother. The soldiers of Atlantis watched the clip, and that’s when Aquaman landed a massive blow on Ocean Master, effectively killing him.
He then spoke directly to the Atlantians and asked if that’s the kind of king they wanted, someone who could murder his own mother, the Queen of Atlantis, for power. He went on to speak about his mixed lineage, how his birth was Atlantean, but his upbringing was human. And it’s not before long that the soldiers laid their weapons and bowed before their new king. Although Aquaman has been called a Half-Breed Mongrel and Half-Breed Abomination, in reality, he is nothing less than the son of land and ocean.
Aquaman Man Cut Off His Arm To Save His Son
In the seventh episode of the animated show Justice League, we find that Aquaman has been held captive by his brother Orm, who wishes to become the king of Atlantis, but he has one little hiccup, Aquaman’s infant son, who would become king after Aquaman. We find Aquaman chained to an outcropping rock above a lava fissure at the sea bed. Orm comes to his prisoner with a little baby and reveals his plan of sacrificing him and putting the blame on humans.
Orm pins the child to the rock on which Aquaman had been chained, and blasts off the rock so that the father and son would fall into the lava below. The Protector of the Deep tries his best to free himself, but there’s little time in his hands. He manages to break one of the chains, freeing his arm, and tries to free his other arm by using his buckle, but fails. As they inch closer to the molten lava, he does what any father would do for his son. He brings the buckle down with force and lets out a roar before the scene cuts and opens in the palace.
Aquaman’s wife Mera embraces her husband and son, but realises later that Aquaman is missing his hand. But Aquaman has had enough from Orm, and he asks, “Where is Orm?” More than losing his own hand, what pissed Aquaman off was the fact that Orm tried to kill his son, an act that no superhuman father would forgive without some massive payback.
Aquaman Lets Orm Die
Later in the episode, Aquaman faces Orm, and a battle ensues. But it is no secret that Orm was never a match for Arthur Curry when it came to single combat. The fight takes place on ice structures, and while Orm manages to somewhat wound his brother, the ice structure falls below his feet, and he dangles on a ledge, begging the Protector of the Seas for life. However, Aquaman simply picks up his trident and lets Orm fall to his death. We earlier saw how Aquaman did not shy away from severing his hand for his family, but if someone threatened his loved ones, he would not shy away from letting them die, no matter if that someone was his own brother.
Aquaman Summons A Shark To Kill Black Manta
In Throne of Atlantis, Aquaman gets attacked by Black Manta, who reveals that he wished to take over Atlantis. It initially seems that Black Manta got the better of him, but the son of the seas knows better than fighting each battle on his own. I mean, who needs to fight in person when they can simply summon a shark and have their enemy eaten! Well, that’s exactly what Aquaman did.
The scene shows how strong Aquaman’s control over marine life is, but more importantly, it reflects the fact that Aquaman is far more than a man with all brawns and no brains that many perceive him to be. Ì sincerely hope that the future DC films show us this side of Aquaman than simply labelling him as a badass who only knows how to kick ass.
Aquaman Commanded A Million Aquatic Microbes To Defuse A Bomb
In Flashpoint Paradox, the first and one of the coolest action sequences begins with Flash trying to save the museum built after his name from Reverse Flash and his Rogues. However, Reverse Flash plants lethal and highly powerful bombs on each of the rogues. When Diana uses her lasso of truth to ask how the bombs could be stopped from detonating, Reverse Flash says that there is no way to do so. While Superman contains the bomb’s impact within his bare hands, and Batman uses one of his gadgets, Aquaman does something extraordinary to diffuse the bomb.
He threw one of the rogues into the sea and summoned a million microbes to diffuse the bomb. Now, it may seem like an easy thing to do for someone like Aquaman, but this guy actually communicated with microbes, organisms that are the most rudimentary when it comes to intelligence.
I mean, some of them are like single celled organisms, and clearly do not possess any complex or intelligent nervous system, let alone a brain that could relay information. Achieving such a task is beyond imagination, but then again, he’s Aquaman. Interestingly, in the real world, such impossible feats are being achieved. For instance, scientists from Rice University in Houston, Texas, used a dead wolf spider as a gripper to pick up and put down objects. That’s bat-shit crazy!