Together is a British comedy-drama television film directed by Stephen Daldry and based on a script by Dennis Kelly that was released in 2021. It stars James McAvoy and Sharon Horgan as a couple who must reconsider their relationship amid the COVID-19 epidemic, with Samuel Logan as their son, Artie. The project was shot in Kensal Rise, London, over the course of ten days.
On June 17, 2021, the film was broadcast on BBC Two in the United Kingdom. It garnered mostly excellent reviews upon its initial release, with some describing it as a “claustrophobic,” “brilliant,” and “honest” picture set during the pandemic.
However, the usage of monologues and fourth wall breaking received mixed reviews. Together received four out of five stars from Lucy Mangan of The Guardian, who commented that it captures perfectly the emotional dilapidations of a failing love.
What is Together about?
This is the story of a family that, like so many others, found a way to make it through by sticking together. It’s the amusing and poignant storey of a husband and wife forced to rethink themselves and their relationship due to the realities of lockdown.
Together is about a couple who despises each other but has found a way to coexist by not talking to, thinking about, noticing, communicating with, or even being in the same room with each other — and then lockdown occurs.
It’s about how humans negotiate their shared experiences when they believe they have nothing in common other than the need to survive, and it’s about how you can despise what you despise.
They are unable to stand each other. Other than passing each other, they haven’t spoken in at least ten years. They’ve found this great balance of not having to live in the same space but sort of existing in the same space.
Where to watch Together?
Bleecker Street will distribute Together in theatres on August 27, 2021 in the United States. Apart from that, post its release on BBC in June, it has been available on the popular British streaming service, BBC iPlayer. So, if you aren’t able to go to the theatres for various reasons, this service is your best bet. It is important to note however, that the streaming service is only available in the UK or via VPN.
Is Together on Amazon prime?
Since ‘Together’ is not available on Amazon Prime, users will have to look for other options. We do, however, suggest that our readers see “Love and other Drugs,” or “What If.”
Is Together on Hulu?
Together is not available on Hulu’s large library of movies and streaming shows. Subscribers to the streaming service can consequently explore other platforms or watch other comedy-drama movies such as “Playing it Cool,” or “50 First Dates.”
Can Together be streamed online?
There is no certainty of an online release apart from BBC iPlayer, yet. While there are free online streaming services where the movie will almost certainly appear shortly, we highly advise our readers to avoid all unlawful means and to only watch movies and shows online after paying for them.