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New Fan-Made Trailer For Spiderman No Way Home Brigs Back The 90’s Cartoon

To say the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer has gotten a lot of attention is possibly the biggest understatement. As you might guess, this means a slew of analysis videos, trailer breakdowns, fan art, and the like, but this time someone has gone a step farther than usual by recreating the teaser using footage from the Spider-Man animated series from the 1990s.

The trailer’s audio track has been retained, but the footage has been replaced with a rational and coherent alternative from the series, which featured Christopher Daniel Barnes as Peter Parker and John Vernon as the called Doctor Strange.

With over 350,000 views in 24 hours, the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer surpassed the previous record holder for the most views in a single day, surpassing even Avengers: Endgame. Because of the length of time fans have been waiting for the trailer, the numerous teasers and red herrings that have been released along the way, and some subtle – and not so subtle – rumours about what would be included in the trailer, it’s easy to see why the first real footage from the film was met with such enthusiasm.


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So, it appears that 100Bombs Studios replicated the trailer and uploaded it to YouTube, where it has amassed as many views as the original trailer had in its first day, which is no small feat.

The channel, on the other hand, has not entered the superhero reproduction game, having previously gone viral for creating alternate trailers for both Avengers: Endgame and, not to put all their eggs in one comic brand, Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

The fan-made video incorporates clips from two vintage Spider-Man animation episodes, “The Sins of The Fathers, Chapter I Doctor Strange” from season 3 and “Spider-Wars Chapter II: Farewell, Spider-Man” from season 5. A few tiny clips from previous episodestie the whole thing together. Check it out for yourself!

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