
    New Horror Game Set In An Alternate Universe, DYING: 1983

    We haven’t heard much about 2P Games and developer Nekcom Entertainment’s DYING: 1983 in a long time, but the game made an appearance at Gamescom last week with a brand-new trailer. There’s still no word on a release date for 2021, but the latest video from IGN includes some gameplay footage.

    You discover a planet that is different from our own in DYING: 1983. You’ll be acquiring materials to solve puzzles while also learning the “behind the scenes” truth. Fans of the previous game may expect to see Fishhead, a mystery creature who will appear in a more “strange form” this time around.

    DYING: 1983, a sequel to 2018’s DYING: Reborn, is currently in production for a PlayStation 5 release, with a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam to follow.


    With three times as many riddles as its predecessor, the game maintains the critically renowned puzzle gameplay. Hundreds more unusual artefacts have been added to the exploring experience, bringing it to a whole new level.

    Instead of the previous game’s level system, the maps are all-encompassing, including Metrovania-style exploring aspects.

    The game proclaims that there is a deeper reality beneath the universe accessible to the naked eye. Unnamed lunacy blooms between worlds, and foreign objects that defy reality’s rules quietly follow their own set of rules.

    The only way to control and exploit them in order to have a hope of surviving is to understand them. When you’re afraid, you’ll be surrounded by terror. The only way to survive is to overcome fear.

    DYING: Reborn was a first-person puzzle game in which players must solve a variety of riddles in a number of dark and spooky settings. Collecting, discovering, and piecing together bits of a twisted plot that will make your hair stand on end is the focus of the game.

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