The sequel to Alita: Battle Angel could hinge on how well The Book of Boba Fett is received. Robert Rodriguez directed the film, which is based on the manga series Battle Angel Alita and its original animated series spinoff.
When it was released in theatres in 2019, it became the prolific director’s highest-grossing film, but it wasn’t particularly profitable due to the project’s high budget. This could be delaying plans for a sequel, despite the fact that fans have been clamouring for one since the film’s release.
Disney has subsequently acquired the rights to the film through its acquisition of Fox, but there are no plans to make a sequel anytime soon. In the meantime, Rodriguez has been directing for Disney in recent years, including The Mandalorian and the upcoming Disney+ spinoff The Book of Boba Fett.
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Rodriguez expressed his confidence in the Boba Fett series delivering in a new interview with The Nerdy Basement, and he plans to pitch Alita: Battle Angel 2 to Disney if that proves to be the case.
Alita: Battle Angel stars Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, and Jackie Earle Haley and is based on the manga title Battle Angel Alita and its original animated series spinoff. The film follows Alita, a cyborg who awakens in a new body with no memory of her past, using performance-capture animation. The script was co-written by James Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis.
Rodriguez and Cameron revealed only days before Alita: Battle Angel hit theatres in the United States that they already have ideas for a potential sequel. It was also revealed that casting Edward Norton as Nova in a non-speaking role was done to help set up Alita: Battle Angel 2, which is why we didn’t see much of him. Michelle Rodriguez and Jai Courtney made cameo cameos, which were supposed to lead into the second portion.
Rodriguez has stated, The Book of Boba Fett is the best hope for Alita: Battle Angel 2 at this time. In December 2021, the series will premiere on Disney+.