A documentary movie by director Amanda Lipitz, Found follows the story of three adopted American teenagers who go on to discover that they are blood-related cousins. They find the strength to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to China to search for their lost history. A heartwarming and emotional story of three young women will show you the peace knowing and understanding your roots can bring.
Is Found on Amazon Prime?
Subscribers to Amazon Prime will not have access to Found since it is not offered by the platform as a part of its current movie catalog. However, if you are interested in documentaries, we have got a few suggestions for you from this platform – The Milky Way, Chasing Happiness, One Child Nation.
The Witness is another interesting documentary that you can find on Amazon Prime. It tells the story of Kitty Genovese’s murder in 1964 in Kew Garden, Queens. The creepy fact about this murder is that 38 people witnessed her screams without taking any action.
Kitty’s younger brother, Bill Genovese, who was 16 at the time of Kitty’s murder, is also the executive producer for the film. He goes over the headlines, the transcripts, and the police records to determine what exactly happened all those years ago. Goes without saying that it is a very emotional and powerful journey.
Is Found on Hulu?
Sadly for Hulu subscribers, Found is not available for streaming on the platform. However, there are a few documentaries available on the platform that you may find interesting – Zappa, Minding The Gap, A Glitch in the Matrix, among many more.
Is Found on HBO Max?
Despite HBO Max featuring a large selection of movies, Found is not featured in that list. However, we do have a few suggestions for you from this platform. If you are a fan of books and literature and want a sneak-peek into Hollywood’s behind the scenes.
Everything Is Copy (2016) is surely a movie that you will enjoy: if you are socially aware and want to have a look into the history of the Black culture and some of their stories, Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Band (2018) and Tina (2021) are the ones for you.
Is Found on Netflix?
Found is available on Netflix. It was released on the platform on 20th October, 2021. A Netflix monthly subscription costs $8.99 for the basic plan and $15.99 for the standard plan and $17.99 for the premium plan. Depending on the plan you choose, you will have access to ultra-HD videos and the ability to stream on multiple devices at once.
Where can I watch Found for free?
Netflix offers a one-month free trial for first-time subscribers, where you can watch movies and tv shows for free during the trial period. However, paying for the content you like to watch is always recommended. Moreover, we would request our readers to avoid streaming illegally.