The Alien franchise began in 1979 with the film titled the same and paved a path for up to six more films. The first two films, Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986), were received quite well by critics and fans alike. But unfortunately, Alien III (1992) brought all that appreciation to a halt. The last three films Alien Resurrection (1997), Prometheus (2012), and Alien: Covenant (2017), had average performances but still could not match the first two films of the franchise in terms of execution and storytelling. It is not hidden from the public that Alien III underwent a tremendous amount of pressure due to its script being altered countless times. Still, we have recently found out about one of those abandoned scripts, and the concept of it could have entirely changed the film’s reception had it been used.
Why the film failed and how would have the Godzilla script worked
From the trailer itself, Alien III was very deceiving as it features the Earth being hovered over by an Ovomorph egg that would birth a Xenomorph. However, the audience never got to see this egg make it to the planet and this is thanks to the ever-changing team of makers behind this film. Had this plot been made concrete, the audience would get to see a Godzilla-like Kaiju in the Xenomorph form. The concept was to infuse more than one Xenomorph and an infected spaceship to create a grotesque biochemical monster that could wreak havoc in New York City while being used as a weapon. Although this story, like many other scripts was abandoned, it gives fans some hope for a possible crossover someday.
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Famous faces star in this popular film
The final story of Alien III that the audience got to watch on the big screen revolves around Ellen, who somehow manages to kill the alien terrorising the colony her pod crashes on, but has the horrific realisation later on that she carries with her an alien embryo. The film was directed by David Fincher and stars Sigourney Weaver (Avatar, 2009), Lance Henriksen (Pumpkinhead, 1988), Charles Dance (Godzilla: King of Monsters, 2019), and Charles S Dutton (Gothika, 2003).