‘Love Me Instead’ is an upcoming drama directed by Mehmet Ada Öztekin. The movie is also known as (Beni Çok Sev). One day, Sedat, who works as a prison guard in Konya, is given the duty to take one of the prisoners, Musa, to his hometown.
But Musa does not intend to return until he finds out why his daughter was killed. Unfortunately, a tragic truth mars his journey. The official trailer leaves us curious about the climax of the movie.
Is Love Me Instead (2021) on Amazon Prime?
Love Me Instead is not streaming on Amazon prime however you can enjoy other dramas available on amazon’s catalogue like Midsommar (2019), a horror film features a young woman who recently lost her parents and sister accompanies her boyfriend and his friends to a strange yet captivating midsummer festival in Sweden.
Is Love Me Instead (2021) on HBO Max?
The HBO Max’s current listing doesn’t serve the movie ‘Love Me Instead’ though you can got a lineup of films on this platform to watch that is second to none.
Is Love Me Instead (2021) on Hulu?
This movie is also not available on Hulu. The subscribers can enjoy one of its best latest drama movies i.e., ‘Four Good Days (2021)’, the best story about healing from addiction’. The movie focuses on Margaret (Mila Kunis) who is ready to give up drugs and go back to rehab, but her mother Deb (Glenn Close) isn’t ready to let her daughter back into her life.
Having nowhere else to go as she awaits treatment; Margaret begins camping outside her mom’s house. Four Good Days belongs to the same genre as movies like Ben is Back and Beautiful Boy, which both focus on relationships between parents and their addicted children.
Is Love Me Instead (2021) on Netflix?
Netflix is only going to release ‘Love Me Instead’ on 19 November 2021 so have patience and just wait till date to be released.
Where to watch Love Me Instead (2021)?
The ‘Love Me Instead’ is available to watch only on Netflix from 19 November 2021. However, paying for the content you like is always recommended. We would also request our readers to avoid streaming any content illegally.