The fantasy horror drama True Blood aired from 2008 to 2014 for seven seasons. This HBO show was created by Alan Ball and produced by Your Face Goes Here Entertainment. Adapted from Charlaine Harris’s novel series titled The Southern Vampire Mysteries, this show was another addition to the world of most excellent vampire-related series and films ever created. The story revolves around Sookie, a girl from Louisiana with the special powers to read people’s minds, and how her life is completely changed when her town is made a home for vampires. Considering the show’s above-average success, HBO has now started working on a reboot of True Blood.
Who are the people behind this new project?
This reboot is being worked on by Roberto Aguirre-Sacassa, creator of the popular mystery show Riverdale. The reboot is in the very early stages of its developments, but Chief Content Officer from HBO, Casey Bloys, has already confirmed that none of the old cast members will be returning. He believes that although there is potential for many reboots in the industry, some things deserve to remain untouched given their nostalgia and near perfection cinematography qualities. Even Anna Paquin, the lead actress from True Blood has stated that the new show, like many other remakes and reboots, deserves to be its own thing and start a fresh chapter separate from the original show.
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Original cast
The new True Blood pilot will be written be Sacassa, in collaboration with Jami O’Brian (producer and writer). The two will also be executive producing the show. The original show was comprised of a talented cast that made it worth people’s watchlists, such as Anna Paquin (The Piano, 1993), Stephen Moyer (The Bastard Executioner, 2015), Alexander Skarsgård (The Legend of Tarzan, 2016), Ryan Kwanten (Dead Silence, 2007) as well as Nelsan Ellis (Get On Up, 2014).