
    The Spine-Chilling Monsters In A Quiet Place Were Aliens All This Time

    A Quiet Place 2 is the sequel to John Krasinski’s critically acclaimed horror thriller A Quiet Place, which picks up where the last film left off with the Abbott family’s journey. Building on the subtle facts Lee Abbot had gathered in the basement from A Quiet Place, A Quiet Place 2 paints a much clearer picture of the origins of the monsters ravaging the Earth.

    The monsters resemble those from the Alien franchise. The creatures are blind and attracted to sound, and they are fast to attack their victims if any disturbance is detected. Running water impairs the monsters’ hearing, hearing aids that transmit a high-frequency pitch by contact with radios, speakers, or microphones disable them, and they are unable to swim. They’re also tough to kill, only succumbing to gunshots, axes, and poles when their faces or brains are obliterated. A Quiet Place 2 also added that the monsters can be killed in an explosion, and not by fire.

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    An insight into the origins of these monsters comes in the sequel’s opening sequence, in which Lee describes the initial momentsthe monsters invade his New England community.

    The monsters are revealed in the sequel to be aliens. Their alien origin is proven in A Quiet Place 2 in a flashback scene set on the first day of the apocalypse, where Lee is ina store. The news about a mysterious enormous meteor hitting in a foreign country is being shown on the store’s TV, but the New England town reacts as if it were only a comet coming down in a remote country which will have no effect on them.Moments later a meteor is seen hurtling their way and Lee and Emmett’s sons’ baseball game is interrupted.This meteor starts it all.

    A Quiet Place 2 answers the questions left unanswered by the first film and confirms that the monsters are in fact aliens.

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