“Some see them as a demon, while others see them as angels.” The repulsive allure of Hellraiser’s cenobites has startled and enticed audiences since 1987. While the core four giant murderers from Clive Barker’s original 1987 Hellraiser are by far the most adored and well-known cenobites, the rest of the Hellraiser film series delves deeper into the Labyrinth and Leviathan, giving viewers a glance at a few more members of The Order of the Gash. The original intention for Clive Barker’s Hellraiser was to focus on Julia, her husband, and Frank’s personal relationships. The cenobites, notably Doug Bradley’s performance as Pinhead, were so popular with moviegoers that they took over the series’ subsequent features.
Cenobites, for example, in the Hellraiser series, reflect the alien beauty of the monsters in Barker’s terrifying, meticulously designed universe, with unique looks that embody the blend of pain and pleasure that they symbolize, with unique looks with twists of flesh and clothes that embody the blend of pain and pleasure that they symbolize. Many cenobites have been presented with terrifying and unusual looks in the numerous Hellraiser sequels and reboots, as well as countless comics, but today we will focus on Abigor, a sexy female dominatrix-esque cenobite who is certainly not your average horrifying looking cenobite. Let us get started!
Who Is Abigor?
Cenobites are essentially extradimensional beings from a whole different realm who have access to Earth’s realities through a fissure in space-time. These portals can be opened with supernatural artifacts like the Lament Configuration, which was adapted for the big screen in Barker’s original movie. In terms of looks, all cenobites have horrifying mutilations and body piercings, and they dress in fetishistic black leather clothes designed to imitate butcher uniforms and holy vestments. Here is where Abigor comes in – a cenobite that has not yet graced the big screens.
Abigor is a lesser-known female cenobite that appears primarily in Hellraiser comic collections, mostly in the Devil’s Brigade series – which is the primary reason why she has not received mainstream attention. However, for those who have read the comics, she is well known for being the sister of another cenobite, the Female Cenobite. Female Cenobite was a Hell’s Army Cenobite who was frequently coupled with Pinhead. She used to be a sin-obsessed nun who activated the Lament Configuration. She has a big cut on her throat that is being dragged back with wires, giving her a throaty and raspy voice. She was killed by Doctor Cenobite in Hellbound, but then was resurrected alongside Chatterer in the comics.
Except for being the sister of The Female cenobite, little is known about Abigor’s background. It is also uncertain whether Abigor, like her sister, was a nun. However, it is known that Abigor has been a practicing cenobite ever since at least 1991. Apart from her sister, little is known about Abigor’s past. Nobody really knows how long she has been a Dark God’s kid, but it is said that when Leviathan originally beheld her, it tasted yearning. Some think she was Queen Cleopatra, who reportedly sat on a purple and gold throne drinking the nectar from black grapes as Mark Anthony bathed her feet on his knees.
The fact that she is so close to Leviathan is interesting because Abigor, also known as Eligos in demonology, is the title of a Great Duke of Hell who rules over 60 legions of demons. He discovers secret things and foresees the future of warfare and how warriors should interact with one another. He also draws the interest of lords, knights, and other powerful individuals. He is portrayed as a noble knight wielding a lance, an ensign, and a scepter.
He is also usually portrayed as a ghostly specter, occasionally riding a semi-skeletal and sometimes winged horse or the Steed of Abigor. This is a Hell minion who was actually a present from Beelzebub himself. It was made from the remnants of one of the Garden of Eden’s horses. Thus, the naming of this character gives us a lens into how close she is to Leviathan.
In 1991, Abigor was with the Blemmyes, diabolical creatures in Hell that feel pleasure as fully as the cenobites do pain when Flagellum summoned her to keep Hell from collapsing into chaos. Abigor, along with Atkins, Face, Balberith, and Pinhead, joined the Vasa Iniquitatis and was allocated, Michael Decourcy. Pieter Schoeman, the Minister of the Interior of Volksland, called on Abigor in May 1991 with an unknown puzzle box. She assured Schoeman that she had been ordained by God to show Michael Decourcy the “way,” and she promised to assist restore order in Volksland. To seal the bargain, Abigor kissed Schoeman but then disfigured his face.
In July 1991, Leviathan expressly chooses Abigor to lead Volksland into stability. In need of an accomplice, Abigor chose Schoeman to assist her in her objective. Abigor offered Schoeman a glimpse of Niles and Zoya with the help of a vision, two lovers willing to aid their country when Michael Decourcy led his kid to the Decourcy monument. Abigor forced Schoeman to notify Wagner, a soldier of Volksland’s troops, about the two because Abigor was resolved not to let Leviathan down. Wagner goes on to murder Niles as a result of this.
In July through August 1992, Abigor believed that when dominance was total, it was flawless after a year of advancement. After accomplishing her domination objective, she informed Schoeman that he was an ideal slave to Hell. Later, she told him to kill himself. When Abigor came back to Hell, she had to confront Leviathan about her assignments. Overall, Leviathan was delighted with Abigor’s success.
Abigor, Master, Brain, and an unnamed cenobite listen to Stalker’s account after she completed her task to see if he was fit to become a servant of Hell. Master determined that Stalker had potential, but he did not yet understand the cenobites’ philosophy. Stalker was ripped to shreds by Abigor, Master, Brain, and the other cenobite.
This concludes the known appearance of Abigor in the comics and the information that readers have on her as far as her origins and story arc goes. However, most interesting about her are her looks and powers because although she is provocative and maybe even attractive (let us know!) her closeness with leviathan and insane powers make her quite formidable.
What Makes Abigor Different From Other Cenobite
Abigor’s appearance is quite striking as she is a cenobite with pale skin and sparse black hair. Her mouth is elongated zipper-style on both sides, and she has thin spikes put on the top of her head. Her preferred weapon is a whip with several hooks tied to straps at the end. She has long and wickedly sharp metal fingernails and wears a provocative dominatrix-style leather-bound outfit.
As we all know by now, every cenobite has a unique power and a unique way in which they torture and kill their victims. Abigor, like all other Cenobites, possesses enormous strength, enhanced resilience to damage, skill in the dark arts, and is essentially immortal. However, with her dominatrix-like provocative appearance, she is an expert at enticing men into obeying her demands until they become little more than mere slaves to her will. This ability sets her apart from the other cenobites because the cenobites aren’t exactly known for their ability to be attractive but all of that changes when it comes to Abigor.
Despite her seductiveness, however, she is not just a pretty face, and life with her is far from a bed of roses. She is actually rather rigorous in her behavior and prioritizes her allegiance to Leviathan above anything else. Her claws are sharp enough to pierce the skin, and her preferred instrument is a cat o’ nine tails with sharp hooks on the ends.
This makes her one immensely deadly cenobite and a femme fatale in every sense of the word!
Interestingly, Abigor has not yet appeared outside of the comics medium in any of the Hellraiser films. This is quite sad because if her descriptions in the comics are anything to go by then she will truly embody the juxtaposition of pain and pleasure that cenobites are known for and swear by. Do you think that Abigor would be a fun addition to the Hellraiser live-action cenobite gallery? Let us know in the comments below!