Developed and published by Konami, Metal Gear is an action-adventure video game that was first released in 1987 and followed up by many more additions to the franchise. Breaking the fourth wall, exploring dystopian politics and cyberpunk themes, providing a cinematic experience and including stealth mechanics are the features that got this game the recognition it deserves. Hideo Kojima, the designer of the original Metal Gear game, left Konami in 2015, and although Konami has stated that they are actively working on newer recruits to keep the franchise going, nothing seems to be working out for them as of late. The last game they released was titled Metal Gear Survive, which was meant to be a spin-off and neither critics nor fans were pleased with it.
A series of unfortunate events… for Matsuuchi
Emerson Matsuuchi, the mastermind behind the board game Specter Ops, was working on the same for Metal Gear Solid for quite some time. The game allowed the players to experience playing as different Metal Gear characters such as Meryl Silverburgh, Solid Snake, Gray Fox and Hal Emmerich, but all of that is now out the window as the game stands cancelled. Many production delays, many regarding the game development and some due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ultimately led to a dead-end for the board game whose most recent delay came when it was pushed from 2020 to 2021.
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Creator of the board game is still determined to make it happen
Publisher IDW Games will no longer be a part of Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game, and this is the main cause behind the game’s demise. Revealing that this happened in December of 2020, Matsuuchi tells via Board Game Geeks that he tried his best to keep the project afloat despite all its obstacles. He even tried to contact Konami, who is the developer and publisher of the original video game series, but to no avail and as of now, it seems almost impossible to take this project forward. However, Matsuuchi is still adamant about finding a way to overcome this difficulty and bring the game to its very dedicated fanbase, so maybe not all hope is lost.