The Hellraiser universe’s insane realm of Cenobites never ceases to astonish us! There are a few notable characters in the mix, and they add a lot of excitement to the story. Pinhead is certainly the most colorful of the Cenobites, but there are a few others who are quite as entertaining. One of them is Angelique, and the drama that surrounds her is pretty intriguing. If Pinhead is the Prince of Torment, she is the Princess, and we will tell you everything there is to know about this terrible Cenobite in this video.
Angelique Daughter Of Leviathan
Angelique has an old relationship with the hellish realm and she was originally a princess of the Labyrinth before she became a Cenobite. She is the daughter of Leviathan, and she is the only demon who has been transformed into a Cenobite.
It all started when Philippe Le’ Merchant finished making the Lament Configuration and delivered it to the magician and occultist Duc De L’Isle who placed the order. He had crafted the idea behind the puzzle box because he wanted to experience the other side of pleasure and explore the dark forces. Duc De L’Isle then used the puzzle box to summon Angelique, the princess of Hell. He performed an elaborate ritual to get the job done, which also included the murder of a young woman. The ritual connected the gateway between Hell and Earth, and he summoned a demon servant who would slide into the body of the deceased woman.
However, during the entire process, Duc De L’Isle was helped by an assistant named Jacques. Because of this help, Jacques could also control Angelique, and they conspired to get the occultist killed. Meanwhile, Philippe Le’ Merchant finally realized the terrible consequences of his creations and he wanted to right the wrong he had accidentally done. He headed back to the mansion to get the puzzle box, but Jacques ordered Angelique to finish him off as well.
But they were completely unaware that Philippe’s wife was pregnant and the bloodline was kept alive. After about two hundred years, Angelique found out about his heir John Merchant living in New York, and he had unintentionally created a building, which was like a giant version of the Lament Configuration. This could potentially be the largest gateway to Hell, and Angelique wanted to investigate. She had used her dark powers to keep Jacques alive all these years, but she killed him when he refused to help her this time.
Her tryst with Pinhead
She got John Merchant to solve the box because she believed that this would summon the forces of Hell. However, she did not have the slightest idea that during her long absence things have changed quite a bit in the hellish realm. Pinhead emerges from the gateway and informs her about the changes. This is her introduction to the world of Cenobites as well, and together they tried to force John to use the building as a permanent gateway to hell.
Pinhead wanted to use the Elysium Configuration to keep the gates to hell open forever so that he could come and go according to his will. John Merchant tried his best to trap them, but Pinhead was no match for the mere mortal. He decapitated John with his chains after transforming a few humans into Cenobites. John’s wife managed to send them back to hell just in time, and this is when Pinhead turned Angelique into a Cenobite. This was supposed to be her punishment for failing to manipulate John successfully, and it changed her appearance permanently.
The Transition her looks
Even though Angelique was a demon before becoming a Cenobite, she is never shown in her demonic form. In fact, she was always presented as this alluring and beautiful young woman. After being transformed into a Cenobite, her human body remains intact, but some mutilations are clearly visible. She is bald and her scalp is peeled back and secured by hooks and wires. This leaves her skull exposed and even the sides of her body are held together by hooks. While you generally see the Cenobites wearing a certain robe, Angelique is mostly seen in a tight leather dress which differentiates her from the others.
Angelique in the Distant future
The tryst of the Cenobites with the Merchant family continues even in the year 2127. The surviving heir is Paul Merchant, and he continues with the goal that his ancestors had – getting rid of the Cenobites permanently. He hatched an elaborate plan to summon the Cenobites to the Space Station and then seal the gateway to Hell forever using the Elysium Configuration, which works the exact opposite of the Lament Configuration.
Naturally, Pinhead, Angelique, and their fellow Cenobites were not impressed with the plan. They killed many of the officials, but Paul and one of his assistants managed to activate the Elysium Configuration before escaping in a space shuttle. The Cenobites are destroyed and the connection between Earth and Hell is severed permanently. This also brings an end to Angelique, but such characters always find a way of coming back!
Our thoughts on Angelique
The movie Hellraiser: Bloodline has often been bashed by the fans, but the story is not as bad as the movie. In fact, it had the potential to develop into one of the best in the series if the makers handled the concept carefully. Nevertheless, the audience was intrigued by the portrayal of this new Cenobite character called Angelique. Given how captivating the stories surrounding her have been, we only hope to get more of this character in future projects.