
    Bad Moon Star Will Have A Sequel To The Werewolf Unusual Classic In A Flash

    Newly, our Drew Tinnin talked to Michael Pare about his forthcoming role in Painkiller. And ultimately, Bad Moon derived up. And it seems like Pare would come back for a sequel to Eric Red’s 1996 werewolf notable classic in an elaborate.


    Ted is working in Nepal. An enigmatic creature condemns him and his girlfriend. Ted, though cruellymutilated, endures, but his girlfriend is not so fortunate. To support his salvage, Ted moves close to his sister, Janet, and her son, Bret, but soon understands a werewolf condemned him. Ted is abandoned to stop his alteration, and only Brett’s German shepherd, Thor, can see that Ted is a hazard to everybody around him.

    The film’s story is adapted from the novel Thor by Wayne Smith. It says the story from the dog’s perspective. The Hitcher director and Near Dark writer, Eric Red, helmed Bad Moon.

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