
    Bekka Origins – This Wonder Woman’s Husband Was Darkseid’s Son, But Her Father Slaughtered Him!

    Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are the three main heroes who receive new origin stories in DC’s other universe. This is how characters like the Mexican immigrant Superman, the pseudo-vampire Batman, and the New Genesis Wonder Woman come to be.

    Along with Darkseid’s Apokolips, New Genesis serves as one of the two homeworlds for the New Gods. The occupants live outside of conventional space and time and have physiologies that are vastly superior to those of the strongest humans on Earth. Highfather, who rules over New Genesis in this timeline, is also the grandfather of Bekka, the Wonder Woman.

    She experiences intense occurrences in New Genesis that ultimately lead her to leave her family behind and travel to Earth. We will discuss the major, action-packed, and dramatic events in Bekka’s life in today’s video. A dying lover? Check. separation from the family? Check. Dealing with a Superman who occasionally considers assuming control of the world? Also check.

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    Justice League: Gods & Monsters – Wonder Woman Origin

    Justice League Gods & Monsters - Wonder Woman Origin

    New Genesis and Apokolips have been at war. This war has lasted for a thousand years. But, it was time for it all to come to an end with the help of a peace treaty – a treaty where Highfather’s granddaughter Bekka would marry Darkseid’s son Orion. However, Highfather was not interested in any union or peace and wished to use the wedding as a way to double cross the Apokoliptans and kill them. Bekka was aware of this but she was also aware of Orion being different and more thoughtful compared to the other Apokoliptians.

    On the eve of their wedding, Orion broke the rules and tradition of not seeing the bride and came to visit Bekka. He got Bekka on his Astro-Glider and took her to a beautiful place – a place where he found his refuge. Bekka was amazed to see the beautiful crystalline summit she was taken to as prior to this, she had no idea a place so beautiful existed in Apokolips.

    At that moment, Orion gave her a wedding gift, a beautiful and indestructible black sword forged by the finest swordsmith of Apokolips. And built into its pommel was a Mother Box which would allow Bekka to go wherever, whenever. It was a token of Orion’s protection for times he himself would not be able to be there for her. The two of them then shared a sweet and romantic moment and kissed.

    During the wedding, things went smoothly as Granny Goodness pronounced Bekka and Orion to be one in spirit. Bekka was aware of Highfather’s true intentions but she wished for Orion to be spared, so she immediately tried to run away with him. Unfortunately, Highfather and his people soon began to murder the Apokoliptians, prompting Orion to run back to defend his planet. Ultimately, Darkseid was killed and so was Orion.

    Bekka tried to save him but she was too late. Grieved by Orion’s death, she stood against Highfather and accused him of being a betrayer and a man corrupted by power. She went as far as claiming that she would’ve warned the Apokoliptians if she could do it all over again. In the end, she opened a Boom Tube using the Mother Box installed in her sword and disappeared.

    Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman’s First Adventure On Earth

    Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman’s First Adventure On Earth

    Bekka’s Wonder Woman appears in three issues for the 2018 Justice League: Gods & Monsters comics, written by Bruce Timm and J.M. DeMatteis

    Starting with the first issue, a Boom Tube opens up somewhere in rural India. Wonder Woman appears while fighting off a reptilian creature. She attains victory but passes out at a farm where she is retrieved by a farmer and his pet dog. She is subsequently taken to his home where his wife gives her a change of clothes and looks after her. She wakes up with a fever and contemplates everything, starting from her identity to her surroundings. She is amazed and relieved to have been found by kind people with a tender heart and her fever soon dissipates.

    She is grateful to have escaped her cruel life and finds solace in this new peaceful environment where she does not understand the language of the people. Soon, she goes outside to take a walk and comes across a statue of the Hindu God Ganesha. The planet she has arrived to is extremely foreign to her but as she sees the God, its almost as if she has a dialogue with him. She comes to the realization that she must have arrived on Earth instead of any other planet for the purpose of finding hope and a home.

    However, Earth isn’t all sunshine and sparkles. There’s a Darkseid on Apokolips but there is a darker side to Earth, one that cannot be pinpointed to a particular bad guy. Bekka contemplates the diabolical nature of the human heart – its excellence and beauty versus its brutality and savagery. She soon realizes that not the entire world is as kind as the ones who saved her life, but she sets on a journey to see it all.

    As another war threatens the world, Bekka decides to do something about it. However, she loses another lover which prompts her to get more directly involved with the events of Earth. Sometime in 1964, she tries to save two black men from being killed. However, she fails to do so and in retaliation, kills their killers. This only makes things worse as she finds herself being tormented by the violence inside others but also by the violence within herself.

    In the next issue, she tries to find a more peaceful life to deal with her shattered hopes. She attends a concert where the audience seems to be tripping on drugs. A girl named Suzie Sunshine experiences a bad trip with the drug LSD, also known as acid. She grows more and more paranoid and Bekka rushes to her aid outside the concert spot. She then uses the power of the Mother Box to heal her when two of her friends rush towards them. They thank Bekka for her help. However, Bekka is unable to understand why people require chemicals to expand their minds and iss naturally, not supportive of the act of doing drugs.

    She goes for coffee with Suzie, Guitar Joe, and Doctor Psycho and hears out their idealistic and visionary plans for the future. She also learns about Doctor Psycho, who synthesizes hallucinogenic drugs. His goal is to create pure drugs that can alter the psych of the people and subsequently bring them together to bridge the gap between cultures and races.

    Bekka accompanies them to their commune, where the people called themselves hairies. Around this time, she also gets romantically involved with Guitar Joe and visits Doctor Psycho’s lab where he synthesizes his drugs. Doc Psycho’s products however, are meant to alter human consciousness, a plan that Bekka does not side with.

    The commune also has a very clear divide between the men and the women as the women do not have much of a role other than cooking and pleasuring their men. So, when Bekka lifts a car from a ditch with nothing but one arm, the power structure and mindset prevalent in the commune shifts. Soon, most of the women and even some men join Bekka’s cause. She uses the power of the crystals created by the Mother Box to expand the consciousness of the people. This way, they do not even need drugs but are still able to push the perimeter of their minds. She also shares her wisdom and wins the people’s trust and support.

    With more and more Hairies joining Bekka, there is now a gap between her and Doctor Psycho. She also does not trust the doc and one day, checks in on his lab. There, she finds several human beings who have been experimented on, living in terrible conditions and acting as subhuman creatures because of the chemicals. Doc Psycho and Guitar Joe walks in on her having made the discovery and the gap between them grows wider after she confronts them.

    Joe sides with the Doc and says that he was trying his best to return those people back to normal. However, Bekka is completely against Doc, who apparently used to work for the mind control organization known as M.K. Ultra.

    As she does not share there vision, Doc Psycho hits her with a psychic attack using a drug and Bekka suddenly finds herself in a world she cannot recognize.

    The third issue takes off from here. Bekka sees herself in what is a fused New Genesis and Apokolips. She begins to imagine the Hairies that follow her as her enemies. However, Suzie understands that something is wrong and calms her down. Bekka regains herself and not long after, moves out of the commune with her followers to create a new commune.

    On the other end, Doc Psycho uses the Mother Box crystals that Bekka has left behind to spice up his experiments. Guitar Joe becomes a subject as well as Doc Psycho intends to not cure them, but make his subjects evolve. And Joe himself cannot stand by this plan of his as he had originally intended for the people to be saved. That night, these evolved subjects that had turned into dangerous creatures attack Bekka’s commune. With the power of  a New God and a virtually indestructible sword, she is able to fight back. But she does not know how she can reverse the effects of the drugs. And then she sees Joe.

    She fights him but wants to fix him first. So when she sees a shard of crystal on his chest, she knows exactly what to do. The gemstone from the Mother Box was originally created with Bekka’s hopes and dreams. As a result, she is able to use it to connect to Joe and the others and reverse Doc Psycho’s psychotic experimentations. Meanwhile, Doc Psycho emptied his lab and left no traces. In the end, Bekka leaves the commune for her own journey.

    Mind Blowing Animated Story Of Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman

    Mind Blowing Animated Story Of Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman

    Bekka’s Wonder Woman went on to appear in tha animated series Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles. In this show, each of the initial three episodes are centred around the alternate reality versions of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

    Wonder Woman appears in the third episode. Here, Steve Trevor has been sent on a mission to stop the terrorist organization known as Kobra from unleashing a destructive super weapon. When he gets captured, Wonder Woman arrives at the nick of time via the Boom Tube from her sword’s Mother Box and saves him.

    She then kills the leader. But before going down, he activates his super weapon, which is revealed to be a battle robot called Giganta. Trevor insists that he can handle the mission by himself so Wonder Woman does not intervene. However, Giganta is way too powerful for him. With his back against the wall, he asks for her help and she slices off its right arm.

    Wonder Woman engages in a battle with Giganta and this time, the fight is more even. After being crushed into the wall, she uses the Boom Tube to teleport to Giganta’s head and pulls out the wiring, thus disabling the robot.

    The other obvious animated media Bekka’s Wonder Woman appears in is the Justice League: Gods And Monsters movie.

    Here, Wonder Woman works in the anti-terrorist group called Justice League alongside Superman and Batman. Unlike the original, law abiding League, this League is notorious for their brutality and intimidation tactics.

    During one of their missions, Wonder Woman raids a bunker under the Kasnian embassy with the League. They secure the government files stolen by the terrorist organization and engage the terrorists in a fight. Wonder Woman manages to overpower many of them and engages the metal clawed operative Cheetah in battle. But of course, he is no match for her.

    Later, one of Will Magnus’ androids blow up Silan Stone’s laboratory. Wonder Woman goes to check out the remains of the laboratory with Superman himself but finds themselves being framed for the murder of Stone and two others. She then seeks out Steve Trevor to find information on the matter.

    She intimidates him into telling her what was going on and learns that Ray Palmer was found slice in half while her sword was believed to be the weapon that was used for the murder. She then groups with Superman and goes to find Batman, who was fighting off the real murderers at Beecher’s mansion. And it was easy to guess why the League was being framed. The androids that had committed the murders were creates to share their characteristics after all.

    They later find Magnus on the verge of death and bring him back to the tower. Batman recalles Magnus’ words and rememberes that the government was trying to replicate the technology of the Boom Tubes. And of course, the scientist involved with it all was Luthor, who wanted to be able to neutralize the League if and when necessary.

    Steve Trevor and his forces were sent to demand for the League’s surrender. The two sides eventually get into a fight. However, when Wonder Woman tries to create a Boom Tube, she realizes that the government is somehow blocking it. Thankfully, Luthor arrives in time and explaines how Magnus was the one behind the massacre. He even reveales Magnus’ true intentions – which was to link every mind on Earth into one by detonating a Nanite Bomb.

    Superman then goes against the droids and Batman heads to confront Magnus and Platinum (that is the robot who pretends to be Magnus’ wife). Just as Batman is about to be impaled, Wonder Woman saves him. She then goes against Platinum but the robot is way too strong. After an intense fight, she impales Platinum with her sword and in the process, gets shredded by the spikes from the droid’s abdomen. However, she manages to teleport the droid to the Sun.

    Wonder Woman then returnes and takes out the Nanite Bomb’s timer. With some help from Superman who took their now unstable ship to space for its detonation, the world is saved. After the chaos, Wonder Woman ponders over her life back in New Genesis and decides to go back to face her problems.

    What Makes Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman So Powerful?

    What Makes Bekka a.k.a. Wonder Woman So Powerful

    Wonder Woman is one of the strongest members of the Justice League and the DC Universe. In Gods & Monsters, her iconic Lasso of Truth is traded for her Apokoliptian sword, which brings in a new range of abilities for her. Plus, instead of being an Amazon, she has the physiology as one of the New Gods as she hails from New Genesis.

    Since the planets of the New Gods are closer to the primeval energy called the Source, the beings are also a lot stronger. Compared to a strongman on Earth, Bekka is fifty times stronger. She is super durable and can live for a thousand years. She can also fly.

    She sports New Genesis armor and skillfully wields the Apokoliptian sword, made of an indestructible metal. It can sever any substance on Earth and as you may already know, help her teleport.

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