
    Comics Explored

    This Is The Most Disturbing And Horrifying Zombie Content In Any Platform Till This Date! Do you believe zombies are supposed to be brainless, sluggish maniacs? You cannot blame yourself because most zombie fiction we encounter portrays zombies in...

    This Is Most Impactful Batman/Scarecrow Story That Influenced Every Batman Movie Till This Date Batman: Haunted Knight, published by DC Comics in 1996, was a reprint of Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Specials. Here are three Halloween...

    This Criminally Underrated Sci-Fi Horror Comic Book Has Everything That A Horror Fan Craves For! In today's society, there is nothing you want more than to be free of the pandemic's realities. But what if I told you that...

    This Is The Best Riddler Story That Gave Us Uniquely Terrifying Look At Batman’s Most Deadly Villain We would be remiss if we did not look into the comics after the box office triumph of the new Batman feature. We decided...

    This Rare French Lovecraftian Comic Book Is Possibly The Best Adaptation Of Lovecraft’s Stories You are losing out on all the fun if you have never read any of H.P Lovecraft's stuff. This comic, on the other hand,...

    This Aquatic Eldritch Horror Comic Book Is A Criminally Underrated Horror Gem – The Wake Explored 'The Wake,' written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Sean Murphy, is a must-read for fans of horror, adventure, science fiction, and clearly outstanding...

    This Underloved Comics Brings Terror Of Hellraiser Back Using Fungal Gods And Social Media! In "I Breathed a Body," released by Aftershock Comics in 2021, writer Zac Thompson revisits technology and our relationship with it, this time merging...

    If Fear And Tension Of Xenomorphs Can Be Captured In A Comic Book, This Is How You Do It! Dear Alien aficionados, I am sure you miss the sense of dread, claustrophobia, and adrenaline-fueled survival mode you experienced while viewing the movie. Aliens:...

    This Is The Most Disturbing And Terrifying Comic Book Of The Last Decade, And Criminally Underrated! Pornsak Pichetshote's comic Infidel is about an American Muslim woman and her mixed-race neighbors who dwell in a building plagued by creatures that feed...

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