
    Movies Explained

    Earth VS. The Spider (2001) Ending Explained A nerd gets superhuman skills after being bitten by a modified spider. Is not there a recent blockbuster with a plot like this? Yes,...

    Absentia (2011) Ending Explained Hey folks, and welcome back to another exciting and mind-blowing Marvelous Videos episode. Put on your scare gear, because we have got one of...

    The Lighthouse (2019) Ending Explained Fear rules us all, and it can be reasonable or irrational, and it can be of many things or people. The dread of the...

    What Lies Below (2020) Ending Explained Hello everyone, and welcome back to Marvelous Videos for another riveting Lovecraftian video. If you are wondering what is in store for you today,...

    Possum (2018) Ending Explained Despite the fact that "Garth Merenghi's Darkplace" only lasted six episodes, it developed a cult following and spawned numerous supernatural and horror anthologies. "Possum,"...

    Chaos Walking (2021) Ending Explained

    Doug Davison, Allison Shearmur, Erwin Stoff, and Alison Winter produced Chaos Walking, a dystopian action film directed by Doug Liman and produced by Doug...

    Black Mountain Side (2014) Ending Explained Cult Montreal critics named a film that premiered at the Fantasia International Film Festival in 2014 as the Best Horror Film of the year....

    Ragnarok (2013) Ending Explained Hello everyone, and welcome back to another exciting and adventurous Marvelous Videos video. Today we have a fantastic find for you. The film we...

    This Excellent Underrated Sci-fi Dystopian Film With Infectious Monstrosities Is Utterly Underloved I can picture how many people must have left the movie and dashed to the bookstore to buy the full series when "The Maze...

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