
    Origin Explored

    Mandrakk The Dark Monitor – This Ancient Ultra-Powerful Cosmic Vampiric Entity Feeds On Universes!

    A good villain is required in a good story so that the hero can save the day. DC comics have never failed to provide...

    Kamandi Origins – This Post-Apocalyptic Hero Is Jack Kirby’s Most Underrated Creation Of All Time!

    Humans are social beings, and living in isolation is extremely difficult for us. It is unthinkable for humans to exist alone for the rest...

    Lor-Zod Superman – This Ultra-Violent Superman Is Son Of Tyrannical General Zod

    DC embarked on the Elseworlds journey, publishing stories that deviated from their narrative. This resulted in various new origin stories for well-known characters such...

    Court Of Owls Origins – Batman’s Most Vicious Enemy Who Ruled His Life Like A Puppeteer

    Because you're watching this video and I'm narrating it, it's reasonable to assume that you and I are both aficionados of the superhero genre....

    Grail Origins – The Half-Amazonian Daughter Of Darkseid Became The Goddess Of Anti-Life Equation!

    Grail was developed by Geoff Johns for DC Comics' New 52 relaunch. Her presence on Earth is given as the reason for Darkseid's invasion...

    Vampirella Origins – This Alluringly Vicious Vampire Is An Alien From The Planet Of Vampires!

    Vampires have always captivated the public imagination, from Bram Stoker's Dracula through Twilight and subsequent Hollywood vampire adaptations. They are recognized for their seductive...

    Shadowman Origin – This Underrated Hero Wields Dark Voodoo Magic To Defeat Insane Necromancers

    For all of us, the worlds of voodoo, mystic arts, necromancy, and more have always been mysterious and intriguing for human beings. Voodoo is...

    Mystique Origins – This Deadly Seductress Shapeshifting Mutant Is Multi-Centuries Old X-Men Foe!

    When it comes to Raven Darkholme, better known as Mystique, the words enigmatic and scary fall short. Needless to say, she appears to be...

    10 Unimaginable Horrendous Things Done By Victor Zsasz – Most Deranged And Sick Batman Villain!

    In his years as a vigilante, Batman has faced a wide range of unthinkable crimes, and he even maintains a 'Rogue Gallery' of legendary...

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