The Ghosts of Borley Rectory is a movie set in Essex, England, 1937. In the movie, leading British paranormal investigator Harry Price is given the keys to the infamous Borley Rectory for six months to investigate the most haunted house in England, in the hopes of discovering the truth behind the hauntings, strange sounds, and apparitions that have plagued the abandoned property and surrounding area for over 500 years.
Christopher Jolley and Steven M. Smith co-wrote and co-directed the film and Julian Sands, Colin Baker, Christopher Ellison, and Toyah Willcox star in The Ghosts of Borley Rectory in key roles.
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The terrifying movie is based on an unexplainable and scary true story of the infamous Borley Rectory House. It was a mansion that earned notoriety as “the most haunted house in England” when psychic researcher Harry Price identified it as such. It was built in 1862 to house the rector of Borley parish and his family, but it was severely damaged by fire in 1939 and demolished in 1944.
Since its construction, the massive Gothic-style building had been rumoured to be haunted. After the Daily Mirror published an account of a visit by paranormal researcher Harry Price, who penned two books corroborating tales of paranormal activity, these tales exploded in 1929. Making this house one of the most well-known haunted houses to ever exist.
The Ghosts of Borley Rectory is a British horror film based on this spine-chilling true story that follows paranormal investigator Harry Price on his terrifying discoveries in the haunted mansion.
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The movie will be released in time for Halloween by Kaleidoscope Distribution on the 8th of November.Make sure you watch the trailer that is already out! The trailer is full of intense scenes and scares and we can only wait with bated breath for the release.
This is a must watch for all horror movie fans out there.