Monster horror The Birch first premiered on Facebook Watch in 2019, directed by John Ross and Amy Wang. The first season tells the story of a young girl who befriends a monster from the woods throughout fourteen episodes. The show is based on a short film of the same name directed by Ben Franklin and Anthony Melton and has given the current generation of horror fans a new monster they will love to be scared of. Today, we hear that the second season of the show will be coming in March of this month, once again to Facebook Watch.
Details we have so far
First look images have just been revealed, and the tree monster looks scarier than ever, towering over those it captures. Watch out for new episodes every Friday on Facebook Watch official pages of The Birch and Crypt Monsters, starting March 26th. The episodes will drop at 3 PM PT or 6 PM ET, and its finale will air on May 28th. Thanks to the widespread success of season one of The Birch, Crypt TV has now gained millions of followers on Facebook and other social media platforms. Written Casey Moderno, this horror series is executive produced by Kate Krantz, Jack Davis, Darren Brandl, Daniel Persitz, and Jeremy Elliott.
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The short film starred Aaron Thomas Ward (Accident Man, 2018), Corinna Marlowe (Waiting for a Stranger, 2011), and Charlie Venables (Spiderman: Lost Cause, 2014), whereas the series sports a much larger cast of Dempsey Bryk (The Silence, 2019), Xaria Dotson (American Vandal, 2018), Brady Romberg (Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011), Midori Francis (Ocean’s Eight, 2018), Michael Cram (The Girlfriend Experience, 2017), Quincy Dunn-Baker (The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt, 2017), Katie O’Grady (Something Wicked, 2014), Nick Cassidy (The Legend of Grayson Crockett, 2019) and more.