
    Dinosaurs… But Make Them More Dangerous!

    Directed by Gerald Rascionato, ‘Triassic Hunt’ is the new dinosaur movie on the block, and it is releasing on digital platforms tomorrow, on the 29th of January. Rascionato has previously worked on films like ‘Open Water 3: Cage Dive’ (2017) and ‘Claw’ (2020), making him no stranger to this genre. The film gets its name from the Triassic Period in history that ended right before the Jurassic Period and told the story of humans that battle with their dangerous creation of two dinosaurs that are not just genetically engineered to be strong and scary but are also as intelligent as the human species and hence, harder to beat.

    What we know from the trailer

    In the trailer, we see that people are unwillingly pitted against the genetically engineered monsters due to an experiment that went wrong. As mercenaries and the allosauruses fight it out, it lets on that the audience will be in for a wild ride with this action-packed feature film. The beasts, although not real animals, look terrifying and ruthless. But we get a glimpse at one of the mercenaries offering an allosaurus that looks like a giant egg. This points fingers towards a similar scene in Jurassic Park 3 and quite a famous one at that, where we see Téa Leoni’s character returning the Raptor its eggs.

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    Some more about the cast and crew

    ‘Triassic Hunt’ is directed from a screenplay co-written by Ward Anderson and Marc Morgenstern, and the film stars Linnea Quigley, Tammy Klein Sienna Farall, and Mike Fergusson. Of course, it is hard to talk about dinosaur films and not think of Jurassic Park and the large franchise it has created. However, we see in that film series are supposedly real dinosaurs, whereas ‘Triassic Hunt’ will give us artificial, genetically created ones. Hence, the film is bound to be very different.

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