A frightening new documentary called ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’ will be hitting the theatres and be available on Video on Demand (VOD) on the 5th of February. Due to its excellent reception, the film also made it to Sundance Film Festival this week. Directed by Rodney Ascher, this documentary is mind-bending, to say the least.
What the documentary is about
‘A Glitch in the Matrix’ deals with dystopia themes as it poses questions of what is real and what is not. Using part science and part conspiracy, Ascher refers to a speech from Philip K Dick, an American writer known for his great contributions to the world of science fiction, and instances from the popular film ‘The Matrix’ to highlight the possibility of us living in a simulation. This documentary also interviews real people from different backgrounds and fields in life that provide insights into what if the world we think is real is just a video game being played by an unknown force, and we are just pawns in it.
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Ascher’s previous works
Rodney Ascher has previously worked on films like ‘Room 237,’ which is a documentary analysing Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining,’ ‘The Nightmare’ that follows eight people dealing with sleep paralysis and ‘The S from Hell’ which analyses something that is known as the scariest corporate symbol in history.