X-Men never ceases to astound us with its epic stories and mind-blowing characters. Whether it is a villain or a superhero, they know how to keep their audience interested by adding a spicy twist to the plot. That is precisely why we adore the X-Men. Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Marvelous Videos origin video. It is time for you to refocus your attention on your screens and wait to see what we have in store for you in this video.
A mutant with highly specialized technical knowledge that is incredibly difficult to come by on the market. Prepare yourself to meet Forge. Krakoa’s resident inventor Forge introduces the most devastating weapon he has ever made in the most current issue of Marvel Comics’ X-Men. Clearly, this is not a joke. Forge’s mutant talent has given him the capacity to design and manufacture all types of equipment as a genius technopath. This means he has designed a vast assortment of weaponry, vehicles, and other objects for the X-Men over the years.
But, because he is not a villain, it turns out that he is not particularly proud of all he has ever done. He has a particular creation that has the potential to wreak havoc on mutants. After the government continuously sought to seize the weapon from him, Forge decided to destroy all the designs and prototypes that were in existence in order to prevent that from happening.
But what is this weapon, exactly? Keep an eye on things and you will find out soon enough.
Why is Forge one of the deadliest mutants?
Forge’s abilities and skill set can be absolutely scary at times. The number of things he is capable of creating and constructing at a moment’s notice is mind-boggling. And we are about to discover the most recent weapon he invented for Mystique. A deadly weapon like this is proof that Forge is not a mutant to be taken for granted.
Now in the latest X-Men issues, the mutant island nation of Krakoa learned of an anti-mutant organization called the Orchis, which is trying to reactivate the lethal mutant-killing Nimrod Sentinel. So, Magneto and Charles Xavier come up with a plan of action that includes having to send Mystique to their base in order to stop the Sentinel from being activated. She went to Forge, before going into the enemy’s lair, to have him create a powerful weapon for her that would guarantee a brilliant execution of the mission.
And the X-Men issue number #20 written by Jonathan Hickman and illustrated by Francesco Mobili, begins exactly with this back story. During a conversation with Mystique, Forge tells her that he has sort of a dark appreciation for the human scientists of Orchis. As a person, Forge has an immense hatred for deceitful weapons that are manufactured with fake promises of being used for the good of mankind, when in reality their sole purpose is to be used as killing machines.
This is what fuelled his motivation to build a weapon so powerful that no one could save themselves from it. Forge created a miniature singularity generator for Mystique, which she showed to Xavier and Magneto before going after Orchis and keeping the Nimrod Sentinel from coming back online. As it turns out, Forge figured out exactly what Mystique wanted in her weapon, given that her goal required it to be carried out with absolute precision by assuring the Nimrod’s death.
Due to Forge’s expertise, Mystique reveals that her new weapon successfully generates a miniature black hole, that is capable of helping her execute her mission with beautiful results. Forge’s powers cannot be measured by any other mutant. It’s insane that he’s capable of crunching a planet into tiny little pieces if he wanted to. If there is any mutant who is often neglected, it is surely Forge.
Fortunately, Forge holds a strong sense of justice, which is any day a useful thing. After all, who would want to have a mutant like him, with the capacity to build whatever he desires, as their enemy? Now, the sad thing about Mystique’s mission is that even though Forge’s bomb functioned as it was supposed to, Nimrod was found to already be online and far stronger than anyone anticipated. Unfortunately, Mystique failed in her mission, which ended up sending Xavier and Magneto into full crisis mode since Nimrod had vowed revenge and the destruction of all mutants.
Well, even so, Forge did prove himself to be the most lethal mutant ever to walk the earth’s surface.
What was his early life like?
As we already know, Forge is a mutant who has an inherent superhuman hunger for invention and creating things comes as naturally to him as breathing. He is a member of the Cheyenne tribe of Native Americans. Even though he was trained in mysticism, he has always leaned on technology instead of just mysticism to carry out his responsibilities. However, soon after due to a disagreement between Forge and his tribe’s shaman, Naze, Forge made the decision to turn his back on his mystic side and enlist in the military.
Forge was an excellent soldier during his time in the army and also served in the Vietnam War. After climbing his way up through the ranks, he was invited to join S.H.I.E.L.D. after he became a sergeant. But being the diligent patriot that Forge is, he rejected the offer because he could see that he needed more in Vietnam. During his second term of service in the war, his commander was assassinated by enemy forces. He was consumed by rage, and that is when he conjured an army of demons through their spirits to slaughter the opposition.
Forge, fearing for the lives of his old comrades, decided to set up a B-52 bombing on his location in order to close the portal to the land of the dead. The explosives went up in flames and completely destroyed the spirits. This deed came with its own brutal sacrifice, as Forge lost both his right leg as well as right hand. But unfortunately, his actions caused a demon called the Adversary, to appear on Earth, and that is why Forge seems to have been afraid to use his mystical skills since.
Years down the line, Forge managed to create cybernetic substitutes for his lost limbs. After Tony Stark completely stopped manufacturing advanced artillery for the federal government, Forge was recruited as an employee of the Defense Department. One of his first assignments was to create a device that was capable of tracking the shape-shifting aliens known as the Dire Wraiths. As a result, Forge created a weapon with the capability of neutralizing mutant powers.
But Henry Peter Gyrich, an agent of the National Security Council, confiscated the device on orders given by the President. Forge tried to make them understand that the device had not been tested and was extremely risky to use. The weapon was meant to be used against Rogue, a member of the X-Men, who was wanted for apparently killing a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Instead, the weapon ended up taking away the powers of her partner, Storm.
Forge rescued Storm from this disaster because he felt partially responsible for it. Eventually, their time together evolved into a romantic relationship between the two. But his romance romantic life took a U-turn after Storm discovered that it was Forge who had created the weapon in the first place. As a result, she left him. Although she did come back eventually with other X-Men and associates to save Forge from the Dire Wraiths. Forge managed to transform his device so that now it would neutralize the Dire Wraiths.
He also teamed up with the Dire Wraiths’ ultimate enemy, the Spaceknight Rom, in order to stop the Wraiths in Dallas and launch a massive “neo-neutralizer” to their home planet, throwing all Dire Wraiths into an extradimensional limbo. Once the earth was free from the Dire Wraiths, Forge chose to destroy the neutralizer and all its other designs that existed so that it does not fall into the hands of the American government.
Forge in X Men
Right after the Dire Wraiths incident, The Adversary, a demon who had landed on Earth, was now plotting his attack strategies. He pretended to be Naze and deceived Storm that Forge had gone out of control with grief after she left and was attempting to open a portal to hell. Due to this, Storm went to murder Forge, but the minute she stabbed him, she understood that he was in fact in his sense and that she had been fooled.
Storm and Forge were imprisoned by the Adversary in another dimension with an accelerated temporal structure with no human existence. During that time, Storm and Forge were able to revive their love. They both returned to Earth just in time to join the remaining X-Men in defeating Adversary and the demonic armies. Forge was forced to sacrifice nine willing souls in the X-Men’s last fight with the Adversary in order to permanently destroy the Adversary.
Eight X-Men along with Madelyne Pryor agreed to do it and died during the casting of Forge’s spell. The goddess Roma, though, interfered and covertly brought the X-Men back to life. On the other hand, accusing Forge of being the cause of her brother’s death, Forge gets attacked by Magik and used his expertise in Native-American sorcery to fight her. Forge went into self-sabotage mode because he felt bad about his role in all this. So, he let Magik stab him with her Soul Sword with the intention that it would kill him.
However, its impact forced both mutants to address and realize their flaws. Living in this guilt, Forge soon saw Storm in a vision and understood that the X-Men could not have been dead. He realized that the vision was probably linked to the criminal Shadow King. So, with the support of Mystique’s Freedom Force, they headed off together to the research center on Muir Island. This island was captured by the Shadow King and was at his mercy. Upon arriving, they also realized the entrance of the villains known as the Reavers.
They were able to defend the island when Forge used his mutant abilities to build a gun that destroyed the cyborg enemy ‘Skullbuster’ which in turn caused the rest of the Reavers to leave. During this battle, Freedom Force member Destiny was unfortunately killed. Soon after, Banshee visited Forge, looking for information regarding the location of the X-Men. Knowing that they were still alive, the two of them explored the world in search of their lost companions.
A new threat arose after they succeeded in finding the missing X-Men when they were reconstructing the ruins of their previous mansion headquarters in Westchester. All of them were kidnapped by Genosha agents working on orders from Cameron Hodge. Forge fought side by side with the X-Men to escape from Genosha, then in the Shi’ar Galaxy to save the X-Men’s mentor, Professor X, and ultimately on Muir Island to free its population from the Shadow King once and for all.
Later, Forge joined the X-Men’s “support team”. He was in charge of developing the Danger Room as well as the Blackbird jet. Now, unfortunately, Storm rejected Forge’s marriage proposal so, he returned to Dallas with Mystique, to resume his career once again as a government contractor. He decided to take on the task of treating Mystique, who was recovering from psychological trauma as a result of being possessed by the Shadow King.
Forge and Mystique were attacked by the time-hopping mutant Fitzroy and the X-Men managed to save them. Mystique ultimately left Forge, saying that her sufferings were a ploy to allow her to acquire critical information from Forge’s computers. After some time, Forge was contacted by Valerie Cooper to become the government liaison for the mutant superhero team X-Factor. During his time with X-Factor, he reunited with Mystique and also participated in his second cosmic journey, traveling to the other side of the sun alongside dozens of other superheroes in the incident known as the Infinity Crusade.
As exciting as it sounds, it was not all that much fun since one of his team members, Wolfsbane, was taken by the villain known as the Goddess. This trip into the cosmos was a disappointment for Forge, as he ended up circling a parallel Earth in an escape pod along with the vigilante Nomad. He wanted to fight, but his pod was required as part of a communications network. Well, soon after the team began to face personal troubles, and there seemed to be a divide among them. So, eventually Forge became more involved, and began to take over the leadership of all the other X-Factor members.
The team then faced further issues due to the fights between the mutant criminal’s Mystique and Sabretooth just because they were not exactly in a team spirit mood. When the Adversary reappeared, Forge had to figure out how to deal with his past as well. Luckily, he was able to take down the Adversary with the help of Naze by merging the technology he developed using his mutant powers with his mystical abilities.
Under Forge’s command, X-Factor was misled into tracking down and fighting an old teammate Multiple Man. So, things might not be going really well at this point. As a result of that incident, Forge broke the ties of the team with the government and took them underground. Although we can’t say the same about his love life since it turns out that while working as team members, Forge and Mystique got more attached to each other. And Forge eventually fell in love with Mystique.
During their time underground, Strong Guy, a former member of the X-Factor, emerged from a coma which was caused by his powers stressing over his heart. Strong Guy’s life was saved thanks to a technology made by Forge. The next big attack on the team happened when Sabretooth went rogue and betrayed his own team members. Forge and the rest of the group were badly wounded. While Forge was recovering, Mystique decided to leave her forced membership despite her feelings for Forge.
Now, after he had successfully healed from his wounds, Forge declined to join a new X-Factor team that would be commanded by the former team leader Havok. He took this decision out of his distrust of Havok. Although this new phase of X-Factor was soon dissolved.
Forge eventually became involved with Xavier’s Underground movement. In Genosha, he teamed up with Multiple Man, a former X-Factor member. After that, Forge rejoined the X-Men and served as a tutor to Danielle Moonstar for a short time. Charles Xavier also requested Forge to assist him in finding Mystique, whom he needed for a covert operation.
Forge also assisted Cannonball and Siryn in their search for Cable with the help of Deadpool and managed to create a pair of special gauntlets for the New X-Men team member Surge. After that, he decided to return to his lab to begin building a Nimrod unit mostly with the main goal of protecting mutants and also with the secondary goal of protecting humans.
The most exciting thing is now about to happen. Forge soon met a time-traveling Nimrod who was severely damaged and ordered Forge to repair him. This version of Nimrod came from the future of an alternate reality where he had forced an alternate version of Forge -who, by the way, is married to Storm, with 2 kids- to create a device that would permit him to go back into the past.
The alternate Forge had apparently agreed, but not exactly to the Nimrod’s demands. What he actually did was develop a device that would take Nimrod not just back further in time, but rather to the past of another timeline, where he would be disabled. Nimrod then threatened to kill the Storm of this reality. But Forge is no less, he, in turn, offered to put Nimrod into his own new version of the Sentinel, which seemed like a good idea to Nimrod.
Surge and the rest of the New X-Men quickly arrive at the location, after getting a distress call from Forge through Surge’s own gauntlets. In the fight that followed this situation, Forge and the new X-Men were able to destroy the Nimrod. Now, in the Messiah Complex, after sending Madrox and Layla to the future, Forge embarks on a mission at Cyclops’ request to meet up with the other X-Men on their way to battle Sinister’s forces. An obviously traitorous Bishop shoots Forge. He is later shown in the hospital recovery area with other wounded X-Men.
After Bishop wounded Forge during his irrational desire to kill the first mutant child after M-Day, Forge’s mind seems to have been changed. He suffered a great injury in a number of ways, particularly major head trauma. Bishop also took a whole bunch of time travel equipment that Forge was working on. Forge has lately been consumed with reconstructing his notes and studies on all of that equipment during his recovery.
He has been obsessed with this project to an extreme degree and chose to isolate himself in his Eagle Plaza house to dedicate all of his attention and energy to his work. He also decides to strengthen the defense systems in his house to make sure that he is never the victim of another assault like that. A smart move indeed.
What makes Forge so powerful?
Forge’s mutant ability works kind of like a vision since he has the capability to visually sense “mechanical energy” in action. It is the kinetic and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems. This ability enables Forge to impulsively understand and know the significant power and functional operations of any machine or technological device within his line of sight.
The mastery of his skill is that, when it is merged with his intellectual ability, it enables him to envision, design, and create mechanical equipment, as well as operate, alter, and dismantle existing technology or construct preventive measures for it.
Now, despite his superhuman talent for invention, it does not make him a superior inventor as compared to geniuses such as Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, or Anthony Stark. The obvious difference is that these people do not owe their powers of invention to mutation. Even a genius at creation must, for the most part, figure out all the theories and concepts involving the invention and then create the design for the device through a series of specific procedures.
So, in Forge’s case, most of these logical stages, though, would have been sorted out by his subconscious mind. As a result, Forge himself may be completely unaware of how he came up with the idea for his invention. He has successfully invented spectacular future technology such as cybernetic systems, which he used to replace his lost hand and leg, sophisticated and advanced holograms, and the sophisticated computer and fibreoptic systems.
He also possesses a higher mystical aptitude and has concocted a number of magical spells, such as “spirit sight,” the power to open portals to other dimensions, and the ability to take and absorb the souls of others in order to strengthen his mystical spells. Although he has not used these powers in years, as a result, he might be out of practice with them.
If his weapons have taught us one thing, it is definitely the fact that Forge is not a mutant to mess with. There might be other mutants who are more physically powerful than him, but no one can match his intellect and mastery of weapons. That is the deadliest combination.
Now with that, guys, we have come to the end of another origin video with Marvelous Videos. We hope you enjoyed watching it, as much as we enjoyed making it for you. Make sure to drop a like and hit that subscribe button on your way out. Also, comment down below and tell us what you like most about this story. Until then everyone, stay safe, take care, and see you in the next video. Hope you have a fantastic day!