On 6thJuly, the spine-frightening paranormal horror thriller Dark Spell, directed by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky (Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest and Mermaid: The Lake of the Dead) will debut on major digital platforms and VOD and Blu-ray and DVD from Scream Factory and Shout! Studios. The Blu-ray and DVD will comprise both an English-dubbed selection and the original Russian language audio track. Pre-order for the physical releases are accessible now at ShoutFactory.com and other fine home-based entertainment sellers. Dark Spell stars Konstantin Beloshapka, Yana Yenzhayeva, and IlyaYermolov.
Zhenya is a young wife and mother. She is broken-hearted after her husband leaves her. Anxious, she interferes with the services of reality by retaining menacing mystic — in the method of a spell called “Black Wedding” to take him back into her arms. Certain enough, her husband comes back to her but his transformed love for Zhenya has become perverse into somewhat far more compulsive and scary. Now Zhenya has no other option but to discover a mode to converse an irreparable spell, but she soon acquires that not even demise will part those who have been combined by the Black Wedding.