
    Ghosts Of Mars Was Formerly A Snake Plissken Follow-Up; Rumor Clarified

    Ghosts of Mars were portion of a trio of big-budget films to discover the red planet about the start of the era. The other two were the Val Kilmer fronted dud Red Planet and Brian De Palma’s Mission To Mars. Though Ghosts of Mars is the utmost virtuously pleasant of the bunch. Ghosts of Mars reached in theatres in 2001 and saw a set of cops teaming up with Ice Cube’s illegal on a terraformed Mars to fight mineworkers obsessed by Martians spirits. The film was roughly of a movielike mix tape of Carpenter’s past work. In spite of some good appraisals, including one from the late, great Roger Ebert, the movie received a typically half-hearted reaction and underachieved. Star Ice Cube was so dissatisfied by the movie he declined to endorse it and has since mentioned it as his worst film. One he only acquired for the chance to work with John Carpenter.

    About Ghost of Mars

    Ghosts of Mars are certainly a movie with its allures, however, including being Jason Statham’s act debut and an astounding music notch. Since the film’s release, rumors have specified it started life as Escape From Mars, which would have performed Kurt Russell’s Snake Plissken in abode of Cube’s Desolation Williams. It’s positively cool to see the acquaintances between the two. They both wear black sleeveless t-shirts and themed facade pants and the rumor goes more, signifying the disappointment of 1996’s Escape From L.A. led Carpenter to revise the writing into an innovative notion.

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    The rumour

    Ghosts of Mars rumor has developed somewhat of a detail among supporters of Carpenter, though there’s no definite estimate from the director or anyone else tangled with the film uttering this was the circumstance. It seems some are unclear the planned third Snake Plissken film Escape From Earth, which didn’t eventually occur, with Escape From Mars. Again, it’s informal to see the resemblances between Desolation and Snake.

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