Takashi Shimizu, best known for creating the Japanese Ju-on series and The Grudge franchise, returns this year with Howling Village, a film based on a Japanese urban legend. Shimizu is one of a new breed of Japanese horror directors who seeks to suggest rather than outright convey menace and brutality. So, this will definitely make for an interesting watch.
The film stars Ayaka Miyoshi, Ryota Bando, Megumi Okina, and Renji Ishibashi, and the story was written by Takashi Shimizu and Daisuke Hosaka.
The plot of the film revolves around family and ancestral evil. After her brother goes missing, Kanade, a young psychologist, investigates his disappearance at Howling Village, an infamous haunted and cursed region after which the movie is named. Her study reveals that the village’s riddles are linked to her family, and she sets out to learn more about her ancestors’ dark past.
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Take a look at the trailer below, which reminds us strongly about Ju-on with regards to the feel of the movie.
Dread will release the picture in select theatres on August 13th, followed by an On Demand release on August 17th, and a Blu-Ray release on September 14th, according to our sources.
Takashi Shimizu wrote and directed Ju-On: The Grudge, a Japanese horror film released in 2002. The film is the third in the Ju-On series and the first to be released in theatres (the first two being direct-to-video productions). Megumi Okina, Misaki Ito, Takashi Matsuyama, and Yui Ichikawa feature in the film.
The trailer is scary, creepy and the sort of horror that sends chills down your spine. Starting from the ominous dread that envelopes you once you see Howling Village and the aftermath of what happens. With a whole host of ghosts and otherworldly creatures, we’re in for a scare. Don’t miss out on this one!