
    Trailer For Japanese Horror Adventure Game, Last Light Is Out Now!

    Crest and developer Team Corn Field may have something for people looking for a more stylised, “cutesy” horror game. Last Light, a horror adventure game was announced recently and is coming to the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. While the PC version will be released on August 26, no date has been set for the Switch version.

    Lumi, a little girl, arrives at an abandoned hospital for a “scare party” according to Last Light’s storyline. She quickly discovers that she is the only one in the room. When Lumi enters the hospital, she quickly realises that she’ll have to find her other students and figure out what’s going on.

    The basic mechanic of the game entails gathering clues as to your classmates’ whereabouts while remaining in well-lit regions and avoiding notice by whatever lurks in the shadows. You’ve got your flashlight, but you can also use lockers and other items to fend off the demons pursuing you.

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    You’ll be collecting journal entries all the while to put together what happened in the hospital and its “tragic past.”

    The half a minute trailer shows black and white cartoonish animations of a little girl who is scared and running and finds herself at the door of a large, looming, ominous hospital.

    Best of all, the game’s description promises that the difficulty gradually increases as the story progresses.It also promises that every player will be confronted with an utterly depressing ending which is intriguing considering the animation is rather cute and non-scary as far as we can make out.

    On August 26th, Last Light will be released on Steam, featuring full audio in Japanese and subtitles in English, Chinese, and Korean.

    We will definitely keep our eyes out for the release and so should you!

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