Created originally by Eddie Murphy, Coming to America first hit the big screen all the way back in 1988. This romantic comedy was directed by John Landis and its sequel was released this year on March 4th. The original film told the story of a wealthy Prince Akeem who escapes to America in order to get away from his arranged marriage. Here, he meets the girl he falls in love with and must then figure out a way to tell his father about her and tell her about who he really is. In a recent interview, Live! With Kelly and Ryan, Murphy said that a third Coming to America film is already in development.
We may have to wait a while before the third film releases.
Murphy said that he sort of has an idea about the next sequel, but he would have to be 75 years old to act in it. It may have sounded funny at the time, but we must not forget that it took more than 33 years after the 1988 film for the current sequel to happen, so it is very much possible that we would have to wait many more years to come. The recent sequel is being loved and appreciated by fans and critics alike as they did not aim to simply do justice to the original film but played the nostalgia card to cash in on the film’s popularity.
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About the latest film:
Coming to America II captures Prince Akeem once again returning to America, this time to find his son as the throne of Zamunda is in need of a male heir. He did not know about his son’s existence until much later after he returned from America in the first film. The film stars, alongside Murphy, Shari Headley (The Preacher’s Wife, 1996), James Earl Jones (Conan the Barbarian, 1982), Wesley Snipes (Blade, 1998), Arsenio Hall (Harlem Nights, 1989), Kiki Layne (The Old Guard, 2020), Leslie Jones (Ghostbusters, 2016) and John Amos (Roots, 1977).