Reports from Japan have the worst for Berserk admirers as the manga makerKentaro Miura is no more. The artist is said to die on 6thMay after suffering from a cardiac. The news was made communal after the family said their farewells to Miura, and Berserk’s official Twitter page communal the loss with admirers. As people can visualize, Berserk admirers are lamenting the disastrous death as Miura was a masterful artist with indescribable latent at his fingertips. It is problematic to exaggerate how powerful Miura was in all areas of pop culture, and his death considers heavily with netizens the world around.
The Twitter
Hakusensha Co., Ltd. Young Animal Editorial Department’s Twitter account said that Dr.Kentaro Miura, the writer of “Berserk”, died on 6thMay 2021 due to severe aortic partition. They expressed their greatest admiration and appreciation for Dr. Miura’s painting work and request for his soul.
【三浦建太郎先生 ご逝去の報】
2021年5月20日 株式会社白泉社 ヤングアニマル編集部— ベルセルク公式ツイッター (@berserk_project) May 20, 2021
What a damn shame. Losing a talented & creative mind like this is always tragic.
Got introduced to the Berserk manga not long out of highschool & watched the anime countless times.
Kentaro Miura's legacy will live on as his works continues to influence & entertain the world over.— AlphaOmegaSin (@AlphaOmegaSin) May 20, 2021
Berserk was the first anime I truly fell in love with. Still to this day it’s one of my favorite series and it had an enormous impact on my life. A masterpiece… that still isn’t finished.
This is heartbreaking.
— Panda | Dr Alan (@DrAlanB) May 20, 2021
I'm in shock. Absolutely tragic news.
— Better Call Sha | Thank You, Miura. (@ShaKing807) May 20, 2021
I'm in shock. Absolutely tragic news.
— Better Call Sha | Thank You, Miura. (@ShaKing807) May 20, 2021
crazy. rest in peace an amazing artist and storyteller. time for a reread…
— yue (@yueko__) May 20, 2021
If you are, like me, devastated by the news that Miura-san has passed:
Let's not let it be lost on us that his work was about characters that, despite a ruthless and terrible world, chose to fight on.— Dan Xinemesis (@the_ximenes) May 20, 2021
I may not know much or is a fan of Berserk, but I can't deny it had such a huge impact in the anime and manga community.
I hope this talented gineus rest in peace. We all will miss you, Miura-San. You had inspired 40 years of people to create amazing things.
— Professional Blair Simp (@KodenX993) May 20, 2021
RIP Kentaro Miura. Author of one of the best manga that have ever existed.
— Pascal Blanché (@pascalblanche) May 20, 2021