
    Where Can I Watch Kings Of Pain: Season 2 (2022)?

    The American television series Kings of Pain airs on History. Rob “Caveman” Alleva, an animal handler and Adam Thorn, a wildlife biologist, star in the episode. In the episode, they seek to be stung and bitten by animals and insects from throughout the world in order to determine how much pain each bite or sting causes them. It will end in October of 2020.

    The show was scheduled for renewal for a second season on May 26, 2022, after much speculation.

    Handler Rob “Caveman” Alleva and Biologist Adam Thorn use a new 30-point scale inspired by the Schmidt Pain Index to evaluate animal bites and stings in three categories: intensity of acute physical pain, length of pain, and after-effects or “damage.” The three scores are ranked from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst, and then put together and averaged.

    The animal is then placed on a scale, with the honeybee sting serving as the baseline. Animals from different categories, such as reptiles and marine animals, are assessed alongside organisms from the Schmidt Pain Index. In addition to testing animal bites and stings, Thorn and Alleva have created a new pain index called “nature hurts,” which is designed to assess the agony caused by hot peppers.

    ‘Kings of Pain’ is a wildlife documentary with an absurdly odd and bizarre premise. Nature films have shown us, researchers, filming deadly animals in the Amazon, experts navigating uncharted territory in quest of the world’s largest anaconda, and scientists studying the behavior of various living beings.

    However, in this History Channel documentary, we meet Rob Alleva and Adam Thron, two daring individuals who allow themselves to get bitten and stung by some of the world’s most frightening animals and insects. They are not accidentally attacked. They engage in these behaviors on purpose. Why? To determine the human pain threshold in order to construct a comprehensive and detailed pain index that could one day save lives.

    The presentation is based on the work of entomologist Justin O. Schmidt, who conducted a similar experiment in 1983 in order to develop a pain scale for insect bites. However, the featured team in this series takes it a step further and seeks to create a 30-point scale.

    “While most people would flee,” said Lehrer, EVP and GM of History, “Adam and Rob go to tremendous measures securely combing isolated forests and quiet beaches to test their pain limits in the name of science.” We hope that every scream, groan, and puncture wound that brings our troops closer to updating history’s ultimate pain index will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.”

    The show was well-received by fans after its debut, because to its intriguing premise. The obvious question now is whether or not there will be a second season of “Kings of Pain.” So, let’s get right to work.

    Who are the Kings of Pain’s Hosts?

    Rob “Caveman” Alleva is a self-taught animal handler who is continuously looking for new information. He has handled a variety of dangerous animals and has traversed the world to study unusual animals. He feels that because dealing with animals is a lifelong process, it could take a lifetime to master. Rob had previously survived a near-death encounter after being bitten by a rattlesnake. As a result, he made it his goal to teach others how to defend themselves against such terrible beasts.

    Adam Thorn, an Australian native and wildlife biologist, has been fascinated by animals since he was four years old. He researches, traps, and relocates species to safe sites as a field biologist. Adam is also a qualified snake handler, instructor, and venom expert, so he’s no stranger to dealing with deadly animals. For him, brushing up against death is like a cup of tea. Elephants have chased him, lions have attacked him, he has been bitten and stung numerous times, and a reticulated python has nearly crushed him.

    As a result, he’s become practically impervious to pain and fear. Adam’s ultimate goal is to create a scientific pain index that is not based solely on anecdotal information. He intends to make a meaningful contribution to science and mankind since he believes that we have lost our pain tolerance limitations as humans. As a result, we require accurate data in order to confront nature in all of its wraths.

    Rob and Adam will return in season 2 to reprise their original roles.

    ‘Kings of Pain’ follows biologist Adam Thorn and professional animal handler Rob Alleva on a series of adventures in which they purposefully allow themselves to get bitten and stung by dangerous, venomous critters ranging from a reticulated python to a rove beetle. They intend to develop a complete pain index, which would be crucial in saving human lives.

    Dr. Justin O. Schmidt, an entomologist, first proposed this concept in 1983, when he began ranking poisonous, stinging insects on a scale of 1-4. To accomplish this, he purposefully caused agony by being stung by insects. He even published a book about it, called The Sting of The Wild.

    Thorn and Alleva are now working on a 30-point scale based on Schmidt’s pain index hypothesis, after adding new categories like severity, duration, and damage. The two aspire to develop the perfect pain measurement guide. During this struggle, Thorn and Alleva seek Schmidt’s advice on which species to avoid and what steps to take if they find themselves in a fatal scenario.

    Each episode follows the duo as they go into the natural habitat of the featured animal, capture it without harming it, and then perform the biting or stinging act. The animal is then ranked depending on the pain results. A medic is also on hand in case the experts require a quick assistance. We also chronicle the history of these animals along the way.

    The Nile monitor lizard, tarantula hawk, executioner wasp, fire urchin, rove beetle, lionfish, scorpionfish, bullet ant, piranha, big Asian centipede, and reticulated python are among the creatures seen in the episodes. Viewers will travel from Bolivia’s woods to the Amazon, Indonesia, Bali, South Africa, Mexico, and Baja California in pursuit of the animals.

    Season 2 will follow this courageous couple on their quest for different other creatures in order to deepen their research into human pain-bearing capacity, as and when it occurs.

    Season 1 of ‘Kings of Pain’ premiered on History Channel on November 12, 2019, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. It ran for nine episodes in the first season, with each episode lasting 60 minutes. On January 14, 2020, the series came to an end with its conclusion.

    History has yet to make an official statement about the next season. However, because the notion is still being researched, it is expected to resurface soon. If all goes according to plan, season 2 of ‘Kings of Pain’ will launch in November 2020.

    Is Kings of Pain: Season 2 available on Amazon Prime?

    Amazon prime will not be streaming Kings of Pain: Season 2. Additionally, several other films are streaming on Prime. Our recommendations are The Voyagers, It’s a Wonderful Life, Notting Hill, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    Is Kings of Pain: Season 2 available on HBO Max?

    HBO Max will not be streaming Kings of Pain: Season 2. However, HBO’s subscribers can enjoy its other popular streams like Euphoria, When Harry Met Sally, and Promising Young Woman.

    Is Kings of Pain: Season 2 available on Hulu?

    Kings of Pain: Season 2 is not available on Hulu. The new release line-up additionally includes Pam and Tommy, How I Met Your Father, Abbott Elementary, and Vikings.

    Is Kings of Pain: Season 2 available on Netflix?

    Kings of Pain: Season 2 will not be available to stream on Netflix. However, other brilliant shows like The Power of The Dog, The Social Network, Tick, Tick, Boom, and much more are available.

    Where to Watch Kings of Pain: Season 2?

    Where to Watch Kings of Pain Season 2

    Kings of Pain: Season 2 will be premiering on History Channel on May 26, 2022. We do not recommend illegal streaming and always suggest paying for the content you like to watch.

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