There is a lot about emotional tension and teen yearning and the semi-official sexiness of swimming costumes in this confident directorial debut from Croatian film-maker Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, though I wondered about some beautifully shot visual cliches.
Julija (Gracija Filipovic) is the teenage daughter of Ante (Leon Lucev), an aggressively insecure man whom she has to help, diving underwater with him while he makes a living on the rocky Adriatic coastline spear-fishing moray eels (the “murina” of the title). She is reasonably close to her mum Nela (Danica Curcic) but otherwise unhappily proud and self-contained.
Her father is jittery with excitement because his old friend Javi (Cliff Curtis) is coming to visit: a super-rich alpha male who may be interested in buying some of Ante’s land to turn into a holiday resort. It is something of an open secret that Javi was once in love with Nela and may be still, and he is also much taken with Julija’s young beauty.
Her father is giddy with anticipation because Javi, an extremely wealthy alpha male who could be interested in purchasing part of Ante’s land to transform into a vacation destination, is coming to visit. Javi is played by Cliff Curtis. Javi’s past love for Nela and potential current infatuation with her as well as his admiration for Julija’s young attractiveness are both somewhat well-kept secrets.
At some subconscious level, Ante understands that skillfully preserving those sentiments would help him seal the sale, but it’s a risky game because his own frail patriarchal manhood is on the line.
Does Javi really understand that the property Ante is attempting to sell him is on the island of Kornat, which the community views negatively due to the actual tragedy that occurred there in 2007 when 12 firemen lost their lives while attempting to put out a fire?
Although it’s easy to ask if anything unexpected will happen in the third act or if we can approximately predict where it’s all going, all of this is done with simmering passion and realism, notably by Filipovic. Additionally, dreamy, hallucinogenic aquatic scenes in movies are getting old. In any case, Hélène Louvart’s beautiful cinematography and some very strong acting are included.
Beginning on April 8, Murina it was available in theatres.
Is “Murina” on Hulu?
“Murina” will not be seen on Hulu. Best alternatives: Poseidon, Radio.
Is “Murina” on HBO Max?
“Murina” won’t be coming on HBO Max. Best choices: Godzilla, Walker.
Is “Murina” on Prime Video?
“Murina” will not be available on Prime Video. It’s time to pack your bags for vacation and find a summer fling now that school has let out for the summer. Or perhaps it’s simply time to binge watch some summertime TV. With Jenny Han’s new series, To All The Boys, you may, fortunately, have your own summer binge about a summer romance this week. With a young woman coming of age, floppy-haired hotties in love triangles, and the perplexing post-pubescent periods that we’re not quite emotionally prepared to face, The Summer I Turned Pretty, which debuts on Friday, June 17, has all the characteristics of a Han film.
Is “Murina” on Netflix?
“Murina” won’t be hosted by the streaming platform Netflix. Best options: The Future Diary, Sharkdog.
Where to watch this movie?
Beginning on April 8, Murina it was available in theatres.