The comedy show ‘My Pet Monster’ had a run-time of just one season in 1986, but it surely became a beloved series. The toy’s character was designed first by American Greetings, and it has blue fur, a smile showing off fangs and horns on its head. It also wore plastic handcuffs that could easily be broken away.
Does the figure do justice to the live-action film?
‘My Pet Monster’ even had a live-action film that did not have much to do with the cartoon series except for the blue-fur monster. It tells the story of Max, who is transformed into a monster after being exposed to a Babylon artefact. Now, to pay tribute to the fan favourite, Super7, a design house, has released a ‘My Pet Monster’ figure based on that from the live action. Made of flocked fur, this figure is 3.75 inches tall and can be bought at the price of $24 from their website.
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What is Super7?
Super7 is a design house that is focused on pop-culture. It is known for bringing monsters, science fiction and robots from comics, TV and films to life. It is led by Brian Flynn who has taken his love for comic books and given it a unique business idea. Other figures sold by them include The Transformers, Papa Emiritus, Conan the Barbarian and many more.