Japanese video game director Keiichiro Toyama has recently released some new concept art for his upcoming games. Previously, he has worked on games like Silent Hill, Siren, Gravity Rush and Snatcher and almost all of his games have their own franchise. Toyoma has created a brand-new studio called Bokeh Game Studio, through which he posted an interview where he discusses his career as a video game designer.
What Toyama has planned for his next project
Toyama has said that for his new projects, he would wish to take a darker route and instead of simply introducing terrifying elements that would scare the players, he would want to create a gaming experience that would change the way they view life and shake up their idea of what is and is not threatening. Although not too many details, apart from the game being an action horror adventure, are available we do know that it is slated to release sometime in 2023.
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A little about his career as a game designer
After studying as an art student, Toyama joined Konami and worked on his famous Silent Hill franchise. Then, he left the same and joined Japan Studio with who he worked on his Gravity as well as Siren franchises. He left Japan Studio in 2020 right before creating his own Bokeh Game Studio.